Worker turns - what am I missing?


Nov 28, 2006
Is there a bug in worker turns or am I missing something?

Chopping a forest takes 3 turns.
Building a mine takes 6 turns.

So why does the combo activity to chop+mine take 10?

All of the other chop/drain cases are like this with an extra turn penalty.

Aren't I always better off clicking 2 actions and saving a turn? The most useful thing I could possibly think of was delaying a chop those extra 7 turns and that's pretty situational. This seems the total reversal of the general trend to simplify and reduce micro.
Try this - set 2 workers nearby on equal terrain and try both approaches. I have a feeling what they'll finish the work at the same time since the worker with separate worker will have "idle" turn in between.

Just a guess. Don't have the game yet.
Haven't had much time to play yet, can test this when I get home from work.

But surely one of the many micro heavy players by now would have noticed this? It's either a display issue, showing 3, then 6, but somehow forcing an idle turn inbetween and both methods taking 10 turns, or it's a deliberate penalty to using the 1 click option.

I assume it's deliberate because it's fairly obvious and stated in many places in the manual under the worker turn section. There's no way a proof reader or micro tester could have missed it.
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