World Congress AI


Dec 17, 2019
This is the official thread to post about how great the new World Congress AI is!

But seriously I'd expect there to be some issues/weirdness (thanks to @looorg for finding quite a few already) so let me know if you encounter any issues with:

- Voting (against own interests or overcommitting on something irrelevant)
- Proposal choices
- Vote Trading values
- Diplomatic Victory
- Crashes or long wait times on Voting or Proposal selection turns or when opening the Congress menu

Also here is a quick overview of the new logic:
- Civs will evaluate a proposal based on how much it affects them individually. Eg. Cultural Heritage sites is a positive for anyone who has Wonders/Great Works but is more positive depending on how many you have.
- Then a civ will loop through every other Civ, decide how much they want to help/hurt them (based on relationship and competition levels) and then combine that with that civ's individual score for the proposal.

Just a small point that the 'We Liked Their Proposal' Diplo modifier is based off of only individual scores so they may well vote against proposals they 'liked'. I'm thinking of reworking that a bit though.

Suggestions welcome also:)
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