I hope and pray that AoA and family and all other civfanatics in the attacked areas are ok.<br />This is terrible, and there will be a mighty search for those responsible, and a devastating response.<br />Israel will hit the Palestinians hard, whether they did it or not. Say goodbye to any hope of peace in Middle East, as all territoires will be reoccupied, and PA shut down. <br />CONUS on Threatcon Delta, and forces on Defcon 3.<br />There will be punitive strikes.<br />If the finger points to Bin Laden, then Afghanistan is going to turn into a nuclear wasteland. The Russians are moblized on the Tajik border.
This is a massive tragedy. Thousands dead, unprecendented in the despicable annals of terrorism. Bush will probably be in safety over atlantic in kneecap (nacap).
This could just be the beginning, and I don't want to be a panic monger, but there could be bio or chem attacks taking advantage of large amounts of grounded people at airports. I hope not.
Whoever did this must die. This is war against the whole of the civilized world. Everyone is in shock, even down here. God knows what it is like for everyone in NY and DC.
These were coordinated attacks using hijacks on commercial, military and political targets. Only a few groups have the capacity to do this, and all are gonna be hit hard by the US and the world.<br />The nearest precedent was in 1972 when almost 30 bombs went off in Belfast in an hour, but this is an apocalypse.
There will be definite bank holidays, and the economy will be shut down, affecting the world. There will probably be a backlash against Arabic communities in the US, and the West, including attacks on civilians.<br />National Guard will be called out in those two states, and maybe even military used in law enforcement/search role. Bases will be sealed tight. Loony right groups will be monitored and shut down even (eg militias)
THIS IS SO LIKE THE ****ING TURNER DIARIES!!!!<br /> Also similar to Debt of Honor (Clancy) and Under Siege (Coonts)
But these bastards will not win, and will be smashed by the people of the world.<br />I consider myself a sort of growing expert in terrorism, as it is my thesis subject, but this suprised me and makes me physically sick. It is the first attack on CONUS since 1812, I think, and really makes me want to both learn as much as I can and crush the tangos, but also to quit the whole subject.
There were rumours in the past few months that Bin Laden was preparing something, and he has the funds to do something like this. Also anti-Taliban leader killed the other day.
No one can conclusively say what happened. This is an unprecendented tragedy, and I pray for the victims, and their families, and especially for all those still uncertain as to the safety of their loved ones. May God help us all.