World Trade Center Plane Crashes

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What we decided in Government class. (Proffessor Lowi, famous guy.)

Besides the fact it was a well organized attack:

1. Find out who did it. It will actually be rather easy, as only a few groups hate as this much, and would have the means to run such an operation. <br />2. Engage in diplomacy. Don't go off half-cocked like Clinton, but instead build a desert storm coalition. <br />3. Have Congress actually declare war.
Just heard a rumor on Radio-Canada (French CBC) about supposed explosion in Kabul Afghanistan... Dont know if its true, but their sources seemed to have been quite good all over the day... So we can expect that Bush government decided to have a quick revenge...

Edit : Images on CNN confirms airstikes on many Afghanistan's targets

Edit 2 : Sorry, no airstrikes... only "explosion"...

[ September 11, 2001: Message edited by: Unknown soldier ]

[ September 11, 2001: Message edited by: Unknown soldier ]</p>
Holy horsehockey this topic filled fast! <br />My biggist question is HOW did they hyjack those planes.<br />I was in school most of the time but it was the first thing I heard about when I woke up and the last thing I was hearing about when I left for school then I a heard about it all in school. most of my classes had discutions about it and watched the news. then the moment I got back in my door its all over the T.V. and radio.<br />I have to say I almost admire the person who was able pulled this off.
Yesterday the main opposition leader in Afghanistan was assassinated by a pair of suicide bombers...

Islamic terrorist based in Afghanistan seem to be launching a war and will tolerate no oppositon....I am sure that Afghanistan is where the west must look to crush...most of the rest of the world has something to lose by fighting...not Afghanistan or Palestine...and Islam considers life worthless so losing it is of no consequence.
Bleumonday ,i unerstand you're reaction ,but i hope that the Americain's will never find the one's responisble for this barbaric actions.Because the terrorist were probebly from a Middle-East (or just rouge-)country, and i fear that sort of reaction from the U.S. against them.

This world today is getting more unstabel.Economies are falling even deeper in ressesion ,although better times probebly will come, a lot of money has been burnt.And the suply-rate of certain goods can be very important.(be smart ,invest in oil)<br />More en more little country's led by ****ed-leaders are getting power of nuclear & biological<br />weapons.Most of the time's they have their own America-flag manufacturing plants, So that analfabetic 20year old's with ak7's can ritualy burn them.Promissing they will fight till the end.<br />And america is somewhat hurt.Not in strentgh ,It has still the strongest conventual army in the world. But it stands powerless agains un-conventual attack. The NMD program is just a hoax .There is just now way you can stop all terrorist attack's.The potential threat of the rougue nations is real ,they can hurt America ,maybe in time even stronger than today.

but would it be smart to use millitary agression against for ex. a country in the middle east region. (if that country would be responsible for the disaster)<br />the middle east is not a very stabel region, and american's don't have much friends their.<br />Except for ex. Israël, which is America's long lasting pall, but Israël doesn't have a lot of friends to.Agression in that region could easely change in to full out war with a lot of country's.<br />Then again ,they are the source of terrorism ,and with the possibilety of further advancements in nuclear and biological warfare ,they are a big thread.But then again ,do they need still a lot of resaerch? This was a powerfull attack today ,almost suicide if you think about the possible consequences.But what if they already could do more than they did today.then i would be scared to be an American.

Sorry that i'm so pessemistic ,but i have no good on this.I just wrote my way of thinking, and i guess it didn't sound good.Maybe terribly overexagurated but can realy anybody predict the consequences of all this?
So let me get this straigh DUCK, you think that the people responsible for this should get away with it becuase we have enemies in the middle east? WIGNAYFS (What in God's name are you ****ing smoking)? **** that! these turban wearing, fig eating, camel ****ers vicously murder 10,000 people and you're willing to let them get off without punishment. NO! They deserve the worst punishment there is: War Crime Hanging.

I have nothing against the innocents in those countries, but camel-****ers like this shouldn't be allowed to go around murdering tens of thousands of people. I don't expect you to understand. You don't live here in America, but me...this is where I live, and if some camel ****er wants to murder tens of thousands of my people that camel humping, fig eater is going to take a bullet. And if hippy, love-conquers-all peace nicks get in my way...
I just came home from 6 hours of school, 5 of which were spent on this bulls***. I think there needs to be some serious 'authority' exerted by the States as soon as possible. Not all out war, but let those damn radicals know who they're f***ing with. If Afghanistan doesn't give up Laden, take him.

And our prayers to all our NYC based Fanatics <img src="frown.gif" border="0"> Hope you're all OK.
Originally posted by BlueMonday:<br /><strong>So let me get this straigh DUCK, you think that the people responsible for this should get away with it becuase we have enemies in the middle east? WIGNAYFS (What in God's name are you ****ing smoking)? **** that! these turban wearing, fig eating, camel ****ers vicously murder 10,000 people and you're willing to let them get off without punishment. NO! They deserve the worst punishment there is: War Crime Hanging. </strong><hr></blockquote>

The "camel****ers" can't be allowed to hide behind "innocent" civilians that support their misgiuded causes. If collateral damage happens, maybe it will be a reminder to others not to let people plot terrorist attacks in their countries.
Sorry Bluemonday

Youre right ,i don't live in New york ,and i probably don't understand the agonie.

War crime hangings won't help ,they change nothing to the source of the problem.Although i agree justise must come.(as symbol)

Retaliation is sweet ,but it won't have possitive effects.It only cry's for more violence.This event was a result of a lot more bloodshed.And it wil lead to more bloodshed ,that will leed to more... .

America has sufered a lot of terroristic attack's in history.Maybe that has a certain reason.

I hate violence ,i hate what happend today and i wouldn't like a further going spiral of violence.

sorry man ,nothing personal
I'm a little puzzled how everyone wants to know who did it, instead of thinking why he did it.

Nevertheless they are debating all kinds of actions they should take on this violence, from Military to diplomatic with allies.

Maybe, in the best scenario, you find those who did this and punish them (unlikely, but possible), that will only escalate the reasons behind the terrorism, because violence leads to violence.

So what I ask is, WHY did this happen?
200 Firefighters presumed dead in NYC. 78 Police officers missing presumed dead. All accordding to CNN. The casulties continue to mount...
Originally posted by Kefka:<br />My biggist question is HOW did they hyjack those planes.<hr></blockquote>

It is lamentably easy to hijack a plane, especially on an internal flight in the US. Security is VERY lax on civilian flights compared to those in Europe (where it's still astonishing poor). Scanning through all the news sites, I'm glad to see that at last this fact is being widely admitted. And it needs to be admitted if things are ever going to change.

One thing is for certain: the pilots would have been dead before they hit the towers. A live pilot would have crashed the plane in the sea. He would have been instructed to fly to south Manhattan on autopilot at 800 feet, killed a minute or so from arrival and the terrorist would have clicked off the autopilot in the last ten seconds, perhaps leaving the autothrottle on. It would then have been very easy for an untutored idiot to fly the plane for those last few seconds. (I say this from 4 years flying full commercial airline simulators where ironically I used to do demos for VIP guests flying 737s at 90° bank between the twin WTC towers.) For the less taxing parts of a flight, most people could point the thing in the right direction and have the illusion of flying.
I must admit that I agree with TheDuckOfFlanders.<br />I fear for the destiny of ALL THE WORLD, if violence is going to increase with a strong american reaction. Bombing Afghanistan would cause the "jihad", and NATO would be involved in a difficult large scale war.<br />I understand all you american people, seeing for the first time the WAR in their land; I understand your willing of revenge...but you should try to be more far-sighted, thinking over WHY all this happened.
I don't think that more than 1000 people died(still 1000 too many) here si what I base that on

<br />a total of 266 people died in all four planes<br />approximately 100 people were killed or injured in the Pentaogn<br />The WTC opens at 9:00 the first plane hit the WTC at 8:50(approximately) there couldn't have been thousand sof people in their.

A total of four, not 5/6 planes were hijacked as you all know two hit the WTC one hit teh Pentagon and one crashed 80 miles southeast of Pittsburg

All flights in the US, adn later Canada were cancelled

All international flights which were in mid-air at that point were re-routed to Canado

The US-Canada and US-Mexico borders were closed

all domestic flights were re-reouted to many different airports, one of them included DIA

All tall buildings or Federal buildings in all states were closed including Alaska, but I am not sure whether or not it included Hawaii

This is the info that I can currently get out of my head, I probably know nore than I posted,(because I have been watching just about every news station since I got home, until I got on the computer when I started listening to the radio, and I stopped looking for news after government class today and waited unitl I got home to look for more)
A day that will live in infamy.<br />September 11, 2001.<br />I have a strong feeling that Osama Bin Ladin is behind this with PLO backing. I mean they showed video of palestinians dancing in the streets when they heard of the attack on the Pentagon and the WTC! I've already gone and given blood.<br />I feel sorry for whoever is going to feel the power of our armed forces. Cause they will! <img src="graemlins/reddevil.gif" border="0" alt="[Red Devil]" /> <br /> <img src="graemlins/snipersmilie.gif" border="0" alt="[Sniper]" /> Terrorists<br />Oh and Juize, you can go to ****ing hell you ****ing *****. This isn't something to joke about you sick mother ****er.

[ September 11, 2001: Message edited by: SunTzu ]</p>
Originally posted by Warlord56:<br /><strong>I don't think that more than 1000 people died(still 1000 too many) here si what I base that on...</strong><hr></blockquote>

By midday, there would have been fifty thousand people in the World Trade Center. At the time of the incidient there were approximately 25,000 people in the buildings. Earlier estimates said something to the effect of 10,000 people dead, but I just heard one on KBER stating a new estimate of 13,000 people dead.

There were many many more than a mere thousand.

*In response to the violence begets more violence arguement: I do not deny that fighting back will alienate even more people to the Jihad movement, but I contend that doing nothing would be an even larger blunder. By doing nothing we sit here and say, "hit me with everything you've got and we won't do anything." If we adopt a do-nothing policy, we'll end up allowing these camel-****ers to kill tens of thousands of more innocent Americans and other Westerners.

Violence is cyclic, but turning the other cheek is absolutley not an option. We must strike at those responsible and any country which harbors these animals.
Having witnessed today's events from the Jersey side of the river I can tell you that I, for one, will never be the same. Our company may have lost as many as a dozen people who are currently missing and haven't been heard from as of 1800 eastern time. God willing , this could be due to the fact that the WTC had numerous cell-phone towers on it, and the fact that all bridges and tunnels in and out of the city have been closed all day. Our prayers are with them.<br />That being said, these acts reminds me of when I was in the Army stationed in Germany in the early 80's. There were numerous terrorist attacks aimed at US Servicemembers culminating in the bombing of Pan-Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland. Unless it has directly affected you, you cannot imagine the shock and disbelief that goes through your mind.

I am looking out my window now and I can see the glow of the fires still burning in Lower Manhattan.

I am not ready for retribution yet....but that will change tomorrow....

Christ, its funny how people change once its them getting blown up. I seem to remember a discussion about capital punishment a while back, quite a few people opposed capital punishment, it doesn't seem that way now.<br />I know what your going to say, "war crimes!!!", whats the difference between killing 10people in a mass murder and a few people killing 10000, are you saying there is a price to life?

K, one thing that is really pissing me off, you know how the palistaniens are celebrating? and you guys think that they are evil sick bastards for it?<br />Look, im not no rocket scientist, but i figure their situiation is a bit like the germans in WWII..., what the germans did was sick, but the germans still went along with it, because they thought what they were doing was right. I figure that the palistiens have been brought up that the americans are evil people brought from satan.

how can people say that this is the worst thing since diana? the diana thing 4 ppl, (i think) died, there has been way worse, 100people die a day on US roads, there was those school shootings....

I know my attitude sounds like i liked the fact that thousands of people have died, but im not.<br />what im trying to say, is that once something happens on american soil, it becomes real big, if it wasn't a landmark, and it was is say palastan, i don't think this would be huge news...

<br /> <img src="graemlins/king.gif" border="0" alt="[King]" />
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