Worst Movies Ever

Youth in Revolt. I've never felt so embarrassed and stupid watching a film before in my life.

It wasn't one of the worst movies I've ever seen, but I hated this film as well. I felt like they tried too hard to be obscure and weird but they thought they could get away with it by sort of also saying "that's the point". It wasn't tongue-in-cheek enough for that to be successful.
I have seen Battlefield Earth, Alone in the Dark, and Catwoman. They are epic masterpieces compared to the AvP movies and Revenge of the Fallen.
Revenge of the Fallen was awful. Just awful. I'm a little tired of directors pandering to 12-year-old boys.
The third of the epic Transformers series was almost as good as the second one! It would probably be an early contender for the 2010-2020 list.
Of these, the only one I didnt derive some guilty pleasure out of was Highlander II. They took the great story premise of Highlander and totally destroyed it, and then made it worse in filming that disaster. Ugh.
Gotta agree with this.

You get special points when you make a sequel to a film that on it's own, was quite a well-made film with interesting ideas, high entertainment value and a kick-ass Queen score - and make the sequel so laughable bad and inept that not only is that film in itself completely destroyed, but the original Highlander gets tainted as well whenever I re-visit it by the pure existence of the pathetic sequel.

Batman & Robin falls somewhat in the same categori, but at least it has a miniscule amount of entertainment value in simply how bad it is.
Highlander: the Source was infinitely worse than Highlander 2. As a movie of its own, it should've been so-bad-it's-hysterical, but its terribleness isn't comedic at all; just dreadful in the damage it does to the Highlander franchise.
Highlander: the Source was infinitely worse than Highlander 2. As a movie of its own, it should've been so-bad-it's-hysterical, but its terribleness isn't comedic at all; just dreadful in the damage it does to the Highlander franchise.
Haven't seen any of the other Highlanders (watching #2 sort of killed the urge in me), but judging from the trailer of the film you mention, it might be much worse then The Quickening.

By accident, I catched a glimse of a dtv 'sci-fi horror' called Star Runners on tv the other night. What I saw, clearly tried to mimick Alien with a group of people running around in corridors and some monster in the mix. But everything on the screen looked so hopelessly inept and devoid of talent. To add, for no apperant reason one of them were a scantly clad women in what looked like a tiny piece of lingerie. On a spaceship or something. Battling a space monster. In lingerie... :lol:

How can there be a branch of the film business in Hollywood investing millions of $ in such garbage and how can there be anyone interested in watching it? I'll never understand it...
Because it has women in lingerie.
Well, they could have had Megan Fox or Christina Hendricks :mischief: running around in lingerie and everything would still be hopelessly inept.

I cannot understand why a film crew, actors, post-production etc. put in a hard day of work, every day for a stretch of time, knowing all the time that the result is a trainwreck that will never see critical acclaim or any serious profits to speak off. What motivates these people?

Sorry for the rant :)
On that theme. I just watched a terrible movie that was supposed to be comedy, it was a "parody" on the porn industry. It was called "Deep in the Valley". It was laughable, but not in the good kind. The only good thing about the movie was how hot the women were in the movie, otherwise it was not worth watch. I only watched since not much else was on and to see if it was actually a comedy, but it wasn't.
I absolutely hated The Last Airbender. It's probably my least favorite movie as of today.
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