Some techs seem not worth getting because they don't lead to anything and they are not required for anything, like divine right (if not able to get Islam). So I can just skip these techs?
How do I get more than 1 great person born on the same turn. I try to adjust great people points with specialist management but it still doesn't work when it appears that they will be born on the same turn. I am sure I have seen the AI have two great people born on the same turn.
I know I have seen it before but I forget where but can someone give me the link to the Abbreviations Guide I need to do some studying.
What techs you can skip will depend upon what victory you're shooting for and your opponents.
For example, if you're going for cultural you want as many religions as possible, so founding a religion is one way of doing that. Also if you, for whatever reason, have an excess of great prophets, the shrine for even a late religion can quickly outshine a great prophet specialist. Great prophets are also a common incentive to finish researching divine right after you bulb part of it.
If you have stone and/or are industrious, the spiral minaret is a good building, particularly if you're spiritual, have university of sankore, have the sistine chapel, or your religion built the AP. If you're going for a cultural victory it can allow you to run at 100% culture, as your temples, monasteries and cathedrals will be netting you 4-6 extra gold per city.
I very rarely build Versailles. It's insanely expensive when you don't usually need a second forbidden palace. I usually target the civilization and city that builds it because they built it.
Divine right leads to, but is not required for, nationalism. That means you get a 20% bonus towards science while researching nationalism if you have divine right, I think.
Divine right becomes useless after you've already researched nationalism and the wonders for it have been built. But the AI will bug me so much about trading divine right for electricity or whatever, that I end up trading it if I can get a lot of gold out of it and it's a relatively weak rival.
Other examples of techs you might not research:
Although computers lead to the tech to build laboratories, you can get there via another tech. If I have wonders that computers obsolete and have no serious military threat (computers required to get to robotics), I will skip computers in a space race victory.
Yeah it seems like computers should be required, and shouldn't be either neutral or penalizing to research. The space elevator would require you to go through computers, but it's not always worth it.
Military Tradition and Military Science are often unnecessary if you don't have to do a lot of fighting.
If you're doing a cultural victory, you're generally not going to research scientific method, and obviously anything that requires it.
If you're going for a religious victory, you're not going to research mass media.
Music is sometimes not necessary.
etc. etc.