WOTM 73 -- First Spoiler to ! 1000AD !


Jag är Viking!½
GOTM Staff
Jun 21, 2007
Stockholm's B.F.C.

WOTM 73 - Zombie Apocalypse - First Spoiler to 1000 AD

-Watch the date- Medieval Start -

Use this thread to tell us what happened in your game, up to 1000AD!
How did it go?
Did you get bit?

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  • You have reached at least 1000 AD in your game, OR
  • You have submitted your entry

Posting Restrictions

  • Please do not disclose ANY events or information gained post 1000 AD.
  • Please do not reveal your final result if that happened after 1000 AD.
  • Please do not discuss the location of resources that may not show up before 1000 AD. (Use own judgement)
  • Do not post any savegame file from the game. Discussions and screenshots are fine but not actual games
I don't have a save near 1000 AD so I'm guessing I had around 26 pop. 5 cities, last place, met 5 of the 6. SIP, #2 went way down south by Daryl = 3N of St Pete (NE of sheep). Our land is crapola (by design or chance, kcd? ;)) and I figured I better stake out anything that was decent, hence the bold (foolhardy?) southern settling. #3 went 4E of the capital to build a lighthouse and boost the lake a bit and also has the Cu. #4 went north of there to get the 2 Au, also with a couple lake tiles. #5 filled in between #1 and #2 with corn and stone (and sharing pigs with #1 and Cu with #2). I had my eye on a couple other coastal sites with resources but Negan and Daryl beat me to them. They have 9 and 8 cities respectively. Caryl is in first with the GLib (900) and AW (980), closely followed by Michonne, then Merle, Negan, and Daryl. UnmetCiv built the HG (225).

I gambled, probably stupidly, and went for Music first, but lost the race. (Had dreams of culture bombing somebody to flip a city and hem them in, and Music is often good trade bait.) Music 475, Machinery 760, Philosophy 840, traded that for Optics and Feud 880, currently working on Astro. I'm hoping overseas trade routes will help my pathetic situation, and will eventually trade Astro for techs (I hope). I'm going to have to attack Negan or Daryl at some point to have any hope--probably Daryl since I can hit St Pete pretty easily.
The land on this map is decidedly poor; this fact led me to just decide to settle in place and then wander with our second Settler for roughly 15 turns before settling.

I wanted to choke the closest neighbours from getting access to Iron, so I declared war early against two AIs, managing to Pillage Iron for one neighbour and managing to lose the Pillager + the captured Worker at the other neighbour. Oops! Oh, what a mess!

I have less Cities than Xcalibrator did, but so do the AIs on whom I declared war. I'm not sure if the AIs having less Cities is a good thing or not, as then other AIs might settle that land and if I can ever get into a winning position into these poorly-thought-out wars, I might end up with less Cities to capture.

The trick to warring will be not to get greedy--patience is the name of the game and waiting to capture Cities until having overwhelming forces will win wars.

I saw Stone and thought that it might be a good Resource for building The Hanging Gardens. Ha! That Wonder went so early on that it wouldn't have been worth building for the number of Cities' count. That said, for once, Health was an issue, so having +1 Health in my Cities would have made an impact.

Judaism was founded in my capital. I'm not sure whether it's wise to spread it or to wait for an AI-founded Religion to spread to one of my Cities, but having already declared war on the two closest neighbours, I didn't leave myself a choice (a Religion won't automatically spread to you from a Civ who owns the Holy City if you are at war with that Civ). Call it another cost of my foolhardy war declarations. On the plus side, I really do feel as though my Civ fits the picture in the first message of this thread... out-numbered, fighting on all sides, backed into a corner, and using knives and plastic-looking guns (bad stage props?) to fight off the hordes.
AT 1000ad I have 4 cities, but I do have a stack of 8 cats, 2 maces, 2 phalanxes and an x-bow about to attack Daryl this turn, with my main 2 cities still building more cats.

My second city grabbed Copper/Corn, third got Fish/Gold on west coast, fourth Horses.

I went for CS first, and am 1t from finishing Optics. I plan to bulb Philo with my second GS (first went into an Academy). I too am hoping dearly that Astro gives me some income from selling resources and O/S trades routes. Trading will be absolutely key, I traded CS to Daryl to get Machinery so I could build Maces & X-bows, this may be a mistake as I am about to attack him but I had no stack defenders against his X-bows and no other trade opportunities.

If we can survive long enough, I think long term we should be OK as we have the only green land.
Be careful, Daryl is an ace with that crossbow of his.:)
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