Would you consider running/have you run for/Do you currently occupy Political Office?

Would you run for/have you run for/do you currently occupy Political Office?

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Jul 13, 2003
As per title.

Would you run for political office?

Have you run for political office? What was the outcome?

Do you currently occupy a political office? What the hell are you doing in CFC?
I would be terrible at asking people for their vote, so no.
No. I'm a horrible leader and communicator.
I'd consider it. I doubt I would do it though. I'm not great with people so even if I did decide to run I'd probably lose.
no. stuff I would not like to be public would become so :>
I don't run for political office. I initiate coups and seize it for myself.
No. I'd really like to, but very few people would vote for me because I'd bankrupt our economy. Not because I suck, but because I'd take an EXTREMELY hardline stance against things like corporations screwing over Canadian workers to send jobs overseas to get cheap slave labour, and make executives have to take personal responsibility for the actions of their companies. So all the big companies and rich people would move away and we'd end up totally screwed economically (but Righteous!).
I would hate to run for political office. I like being able to say what I want even if it is unusual, offensive, or controversial.
Does being student council president count? :p
Probably not.. mainly because I like my privacy and honestly couldn't care less if people like me. Practically speaking, a state-wide or national office is just impossible. The farthest I could ever hope to go is a regional position (ie, state legislature) or maybe the House. Some sort of assembly. People would not want me to be 'the guy', but I think I could conceivably get elected on a sort of 'We need a guy like X in there' platform, primarily with respect to science, education, and technology.

It kind of depends on where I end up living though.
even if my political stance would be mainstream enough: no, after what ridiculous activities i have seen my father having to go through.
No. I'm not worthy to be a public servant. I've made mistakes in my past (not illegal mind you, but mistakes nonetheless) that I'd say disqualify me as being a public servant.

Besides, I've had people on here tell me they hope I never try to get a public office. ;)
Huhuhu. I'd want to run for political office, yes.

And you don't necessarily need to be good, people voted for Bush, after all, so apparently the common voter isn't overly tight-assed.
there are many things in British law at the moment that infuriate me, and i would like to see them changed. since it seems that no one else wants to, i think i might have to...
Sure, but up to a certain point (e.g. Member of Parliament).

Don't expect me to feign interest at local events and kiss babies though.

I'd join the senate. Would not RUN for office though.
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