If possible, I would like to hear something about it, ...
All I can tell you currently that there is no planned / systematic development at the moment ... fixes, improvements however still happen randomly here and there.
Once there are modders joining forces and coming up with a vision for the future of the project, we might talk about "ideas", "plans" and "tasks" again.

Everything is possible if "somebody" is motivated to do it ... but I simply do not know who that "somebody" is at the moment ... thus I can not promise you anything.
Nothing is currently predictable considering WTP ... other than bugfixes and minor contributions from team and community still going on.

So please understand that there is simply nobody at the moment who can tell what will happen in the near future with WTP ... we simply do not know ...
A lot of important team members currently take it really slow or take a break ... if they decide to become active again ... things might look different.

On the positive side ... several of the "old guys" are still around at WTP .. and we also still talk.
There is still a feeling of nostalgia and also pride in our old project ... but if it is enough to revive full scale mod development ... I do not know.

So let us see ... :thumbsup:
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Hello, thank you very much for the information, Ray.

It's really cool to see that the people who made this great MOD still communicate with each other. After a while, things always seem to get sorted out. I have high hopes for the future. It's good to see you on the site. The part of modding a game is very enjoyable and rewarding, but dealing with the public is always difficult. After a while, it's always good to "disappear" for a while and rest.

I'm going to look at the guide and then get this version with the bugfixes. I was even more surprised to see that there are more edits and errors. I'm going to follow these steps and try to run the compilation.

PS: Is the discord site like this civfanatics site here? With discussions and it's open to the public, at least to see the things discussed. If not, it's fine. What's the link for that? I've never used discord.
Discord is the #1 gaming discussion plattform world wide.
It is where the "young people" go to these days to discuss gaming ... it is mostly self explanatory once you see it.

It basically allows everybody to host a community server (for free) and create channels for discussion.
We went there, beause we could administer all our channels in the way we liked ourselves.

50% of our discord is public channels for community that everybody sees. (General gameplay, feedback, smalltalk, modmodding ...)
50% of our discord is private channels for WTP team members and contributors. (There the actual modding and technical talk happens for WTP core mod.)

We migrated to discord about 3 years ago ... most of the development for WTP 4.0 happened there.
(Before that we were having a modding community in Slack as well for the internal team discussions.)

Now our "public forum" and our "internal working area" are in the same place.
So it is also a lot more convenient for the modders.

The invitation you can find here.
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It is where the "young people" go to these days to discuss gaming ... it is mostly self explanatory once you see it.
Ya know, I take umbrage at this. Some of us "geriatrics" actually understand how to do that "new fangled stuff" online. :mischief: :lol: :smoke:
Portugal's +50% seasoned scouts' strenght no matter what profession is working as intended right?
So we can just have Portugese seasoned scouts work in any military profession and be downright better than those veterans?
Portugal's +50% seasoned scouts' strenght no matter what profession is working as intended right?
So we can just have Portugese seasoned scouts work in any military profession and be downright better than those veterans?
Well spotted. Seems like the issue is that traits can't give a strength bonus to a UnitClass when using it for a specific profession, only for all professions. I wrote an issue about it here and we will take a look once the game actually has memory set for this purpose. It will take a bit of work to get working properly, but it would be good to support this concept in general. It might be used for other units as well.

No ETA as all programmers are currently busy with other tasks and my current task is actually related to storing xml data, so it would be beneficial to finish that one first anyway.

EDIT: upon further investigation, it looks more like it will give a flat +0.5 strength to season scouts. However it doesn't add to the base, which is used for promotions, professions etc to get extra percentage from. In other words yes you can use them as soldiers and you will have a constant 0.5 higher than if you used free colonists. It doesn't really seem to be an issue after all. It's just a bonus from a leader trait like other leaders can give bonuses to movement or similar. It's not like it will be the determining factor on the battlefield. In fact it's plausible that the 0.5 can get lost in some cases due to rounding issues (known issue in general).
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^So it's not overpowered as it seems, the text was just misleading.
Thnx for the reply.
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Maybe someone has some handmaded maps? I prefer large-huge maps, but generated one not so good
It's probably never going to happen but I will ask anyway.
Is there a way to play this game in hotseat?
Click multiplayer and then hotseat when choosing which type of multiplayer you want. This is a vanilla feature and we didn't add or remove anything to it. It should work just fine, through admittedly to my knowledge no modder ever actually used it.
^Thnx I didn't know it was already build in. Will try right away.

edit: I perfectly understand why almost no one ever use it, it's an ancient feature afterall.
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