WVO Warmongering at pleased


Oct 29, 2009
I just had WVO go from pleased to war in a single turn. No plotting, no apparent reason. I'm in his religion. We'd just started to trade my rice for his silk too. Any idea why?

He's a known backstabber :)
One of those who plot at pleased..not an aggressive AI overall, but every turn there's a small rng chance if borders overlap.

You cannot see if AIs plot in semi-isolation, cos you cannot ask them to declare war on somebody else.
Aka no "we have enough on our hands right now", which triggers the red fist warning in BUG.
So he prolly was plotting, rarely "daggers" are also possible (instant dow) but it's unlikely here.
He's a known backstabber :)
One of those who plot at pleased..not an aggressive AI overall, but every turn there's a small rng chance if borders overlap.

You cannot see if AIs plot in semi-isolation, cos you cannot ask them to declare war on somebody else.
Aka no "we have enough on our hands right now", which triggers the red fist warning in BUG.
So he prolly was plotting, rarely "daggers" are also possible (instant dow) but it's unlikely here.
Ta, I hadn't realised he could plot at pleased (I thought only AGG AIs did that) or that I wouldn't see it if he was. I'll watch out in future

Plotting at pleased and many other details can be found here, if you like.

Plotting at pleased and many other details can be found here, if you like.
Thanks, I had read that but as usual my eyes must have skipped the bit where it says he plots at pleased or I did and I've forgotten. No harm done really cos he lacks horses and phants and I have both and will tech CON shortly
Ta, I hadn't realised he could plot at pleased (I thought only AGG AIs did that) or that I wouldn't see it if he was. I'll watch out in future
Also note that BUG mod won't show you if he's plotting if you you only know him alone (red fist reads directly off the 'WHEOOHRN" in the diplo screen) since he has no other potential target from your perspective.

Not that it would be much help if he daggers you, but sometimes they plot for 1-2 turns before doing so.
If I am on a continent with only one neighbour that could attack, once I have open borders, I like to have one unit patrol their cities to see units building up near the borders.

It does mean paying an extra unit's supply cost, so only do so if needed.
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