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WW2 Europe + North America Scenario


Feb 15, 2002
I finally found a place to host this scenario that I've been working on
for sometime now and it's ready for download.

Yeah, it's a WW2 scenario and there are lots of those around but this one includes America as a playable nation. It is heavily based on
Aeldrik's scenario here which can be downloaded here
and Phoenix's scenario here http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=33412
but has a lot of other ideas.

Some features in brief:

1) The options in the editor are 80% the ones needed for the scenario. That means units like spearmen, warriors, etc are edited from the game to make loading times faster.

2) To make loading times even faster, the trade network improvements have been decoupled from their other functions so that there is no need to have a ton of harbors and airports. This reduces the size of the data structures needed to store the graph (edges and vertices, etc algorithm folks know what i mean) of the connectedness of the map and speeds up the depth searching as well.

3) It is geographically detailed without the extra complexity. Norway and Denmark; Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria and part of Switzerland; Bulgaria and Romania; and Spain and Portugal are all merged respectively while not taking away their cities. In most cases each separate nation has been given a forbidden palace to restore a sense of autonomy.

4) America is a playable nation AND there is a lendlease implementation for countries like France, Russia and Britain.

5) Buildings that produce units automatically in order to force the AI to use the uni have been given a high maintenance cost so that

6) No alliances or trade embargoes allowed - only mutual protection pacts and RoPs. This is to streamline the play and to make neutral nations really neutral.

Those are just some of the ideas included and without further ado, here it is:


As the main site http://home.comcast.net/~captainblak/
indicates, you will also need units from PTW which can be downloaded here

Installation instructions are in the README.txt

For a good experience of the bloody mess that is the business of war, the suggested difficulty is Emperor.


PS - This scenario requires C3C patch 1.22
Some screenshots to whet your appetite. These are all from a current game I am playing as the Germans....

This a close-up on just one transport convoy the Americans are sending my way. The other convoy contains approximately the same type and number of troops....


  • D Day.JPG
    D Day.JPG
    98.8 KB · Views: 7,153
and surprisingly, they are accompanying their troops with two carriers....the two groups of ships each have a carrier carrying 15 bombers


  • american carrier group.JPG
    american carrier group.JPG
    102.6 KB · Views: 7,048
Looks great!

Can you be at war with someone with out any Military Alliances?
And the transport capacity on the transport seems a bit too high, maybe a transport capacity at 10-16 would be a bit more normal.

But this is just what I mean.I think this will be nice to play.:)
the military alliances allowed are the pre-set locked alliances. during the game, you cannot make military alliances or trade embargoes.
however, you can make very costly mutual protection pacts and right of passage agreements.
the motivation for removing military alliances and trade embargoes came from seeing the AIs constantly signing military alliances and trade embargoes randomly and without consideration of HOW MUCH they would be losing.

the following screenshot will illustrate why the transport capacity of transports and carriers is so high.
this is at the beginning of my invasion of russia...
they have 332 infantry and yet i am rated as having a stronger military than them. there are massive amounts of military units in this game and they need bigger transports....


  • red army.JPG
    red army.JPG
    91 KB · Views: 6,775
Interesting and promising scenario - I´d try it, but the link doesnt work - file not found...
zeekater - i really can't say i know technically why.
but i have been fine tuning the rules for quite sometime now to get that effect.
1) all the nations that should build naval units are marked to build naval units
2) the naval units have bigger capacity.
3) the conquering nations all have "growth" as something to build.
i had casually noticed that if i removed growth from the "build
often" list, the country wouldn't try to expand by conquering cities.
america would gladly sit on its shores and germany would just raze cities around it.
4) only victory type is domination
5) since this is wartime ALL nations build at least one type of land unit so that
after awhile every nation has a lot of units lying around...and the major powers start with a lot of units and build lots of units very fast (the human player included).
I'm a big fan of alderik's scenario, and i see you have used the same map etc :goodjob: I am going away for a month on the 6th, so i'll have to wait till I get back to try it.

I noticed that you have set the victort conditions to just domination. Have you thought about victory points? That way you can make lots of victory locations in places to try and stimulate the AI into acting historically correct. I would suggest several in africa, france, poland, russia etc. Places like Stalingrad and Tobruk. I tried moding alderik's scenarion like this, and it works ok, but I need to add more locations and change how much theya re worth etc.
Hmm the only problem i'm having is "allied Carrier" isn't being loaded, i looked in the PTW part, its not there......as well in scenarion zip

NVM redid the installation instructions.......got it
comradedavo - i used to have victory points in an earlier
evolution of the game. it worked fine for the most part
in europe (no city razing) but then i had an accident where
america invaded canada. it razed all the cities there.

america starts off with a lot of advantages and has no incentive
whatsoever to keep conquered cities.
when they give the "no raze option" i will think once more
abt victory points.

talking abt game limitations, the bug that forces the player
into war if u bump into a submarine made me disallow submarines
for all except the Axis. when they patch this problem, i will re-introduce submarines for all.
i have updated my site with save files and screenshots from my current game.

here's one of the screenshots. it shows americans and british doing
an AI version of D-Day in France (with matching geographical accuracy without my intervention). the british stack is smaller
and hidden from this view.


  • anglo-american landing near calais.JPG
    anglo-american landing near calais.JPG
    133.9 KB · Views: 6,289
i realize that most will not be expecting that sort of thing so here are some tips to make it less of a headache than it is (it is a slight headache for me only because they landed so close to British spitfires).

**All campaigns should be planned to include some artillery/naval/aerial
bombard units because most cities are very well defended... I advise
developing and nurturing your airforce because bombers are a lot more powerful
here than in the regular game - put another way, if you don't build enough
bombers your campaigns will quickly grind to a halt or worse, you will be overwhelmed
by the newly found naval capabilities of the AI.
**More important than bombers are fighters. If you don't build fighters the AI will
target your bombers and high troop concentrations.
**Whenever there are hostile bombers within reach, move Flak and fighters
into the city first (preferably in that order), put them on air superiority and then
move your bombers in. If you don't do it that way, you won't have an airforce in a
very short while.
**Number of city requirements for Armies has been drastically lowered.
Use them.

**There are some nice production boosting improvements available.
Factory, coalplant/hydroplant are standard fair.

In addition, there is a govt specific improvement modelled on the Manufacturing

Representative and Imperialist nations
-Manufacturing Plant - gives 175% production boost, 50% tax/research output

-Soviet Commune - gives 150% production boost, 50% tax/research output, resistance to
propaganda and 2 happy citizens

-State Labor Camp - gives 200% production boost, 50% tax/research output, resistance to
propaganda, reduction in corruption BUT 3 unhappy citizens.

All these buildings are cultural so cannot be captured by enemies.
In a newer version I have removed the 50% tax output for a Soviet Commune
and given it 200% production. The Soviet economy needs more shields and less gold.
Wow, I d/l the scenario and had a go today before I go away tommorow, and it was amazing! :goodjob: I am very impressed :) Best scenario I have played so far :) I am wowed by the loading times!

I would say that I have added a victory point condition to it (this is playing as the Germans) and I put coalition victory on (so hopefully the AI will co-operate with it's allies). I added it because i'm not a big fan of the domination victory type. Of course, I dunno how this would work playing as an allied country because in that case america wouldn't already be allied etc. Anyways, I'll see how this affects american behavoir. I would think that, as victory locations are on, that this hopefully will engourage America to keep cities it captures, as it gives them bases in which to try and capture those with vp locations. I made sure to save this as a different version as the original, so I can always restart if it doesn't work :)

On a different matter, how has the AI behaved during your games?

Anyways, I got to be off now, i'm travelling for a month, so I look forward to playing the scenario when I get back :)
I must also say that the scenario is great, but it's some things that I mean missing.It should be more railroads and VP locations to increase the movement of the units and to get the AI to attack several important places.

Like ComradeDavo, I'm experimenting on how america reacts.I'm also working on my own WWII scenario and to make that so realistic as possible I must get America to go to war later in the game and to be neutral in the beginning.

But anyway this a very good WWII scenario.:)
comradedavo - when the country has "all" it needs, it doesnt hold cities when there are victory points. it's much easier to raze the city and put several units on the vp location..and that's what america does. i really hope they have a "no raze" option soon.

-i intentionally excluded railroads because i don't want the effect of making it one continuous front. with a movement rate of 10 tiles, units can cross small countries really fast. but i really hate it when a unit moves from the urals to france and attacks on the same turn. in my current game i always have to maintain enough troops in the western front in case the americans and british land there - with railroads around, i wouldn't need to do that.

you could of course put some railroads in key places but then make them unbuildable during the game. there is no danger of being pillaged because only a few units have pillaging ability.

-about america: the lack of military alliances in the game can keep america out of the war for a pretty long time. the mutual protection pacts allowed cost a hefty sum and i doubt the Axis can spare that much gold in the thick of the war.
if u are not playing as america but one of the other Allied countries, delete the german subs close to american shores because the submarine bug forces america into war too soon.
more on american behavior -

i wish there was a way to control the overall strategy of the AI.
for someone not expecting it, the naval landings by both America and Britain will overwhelm them. but throughout the game the british keep landing in MY territory and pretty much ignore the weakly armed italians and romanians.
when the americans made a small effort, they captured sicilly and sardinia in a couple turns. they have the units to take over italy anytime they decide to but they won't and therefore they keep throwing everything at me in a suicidial manner at this point.
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