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WW2 Mod, Including Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, new Units etc...

Originally posted by titansfan216
tried it again. same exact thing! have no idea what caused this. maybe its because the actual scenario file is still named "naziMod V.1.51"?:confused:

Download again, the file should be called naziMod 1.75.bic
Here is the BETA of version 2.0.

This file does not work as it should on my computer.

As it might just be a local problem, I'll post the file here.

The game crashes when I build a town.

Try it out and tell me if it crashes for you to...


Originally posted by titansfan216
the file that i download is called 'naziMod V.1.75' but the actual .bic file that i put into my scenarios folder is still v.1.51

I have downloaded the file to, and it says 1.75 for me...

Try to restart your browser or clear your offline files or something.
Originally posted by titansfan216
yes it crashed when i built the town and the file name is right now. hopefully we're making some progress;)

I hope you mean it crashes in version 2?

And I hope version 1.75 works just fine?
great news! finally got to 3950 BC w/o a crash!:lol: thanks for making the mod! ill be sure to tell you how it goes or if i have anymore problems.
Originally posted by roalan
Sweden was NOT nuetral they supplied Germany with ore.

if u say that then united states of american wasnt neutral in the first two years of the war, because they were supplying the british and the swiss were trading with the germans, so that means that the swiss and the united states were never neutral?
Version 2 of the WW2-MOD is Now released!

Changes in Version 2 (I know these don't say that much...)
- Alot of changes have been made.
- The tech tree is totally remade. Now the game starts in the late Middle Ages. Early Industry Age.

Check out the first post to download version 2.0!
Originally posted by Grey Fox
Chezcoslovakia (Replaces Egypt)

Color: Grey Purple
Leader: (No name yet, need help here...)
Unique Unit: Chezc Cavalry (6-4-3)
Culture Group: European

Traits: Indoustrious and Religious
AI Aggresion Level: 2 (1-5)

Why Chezcoslovakia? They were annexed by Germany at the very beginning. Why not put in a South Amertican country (Brazil?) or an African one (Ethiopia?).


Color: Light Green
Leader: (No name yet, need help here...)
Unique Unit: Ironboat (6(4)-4-5)
Culture Group: European

Traits: Scientific and Commersial
AI Aggresion Level: 3 (1-5)

Ironboat? What is that? Instead, I would suggest Mountain Infantry. Maybe 4-8-1, treat all terrain as roads.

Soviet Union (Replaces Russia)

Color: Dark Red
Leader: Stalin
Unique Unit: Soviet-Tank (14-8-3) it costs 80 instead of 100
Culture Group: European

Traits: Militaristic and Expansionist
AI Aggresion Level: 5 (1-5)

One word: artillery! Put in some Katyusjha rocket artillery, perhaps an artillery with 2 move. The problem is of course that arty units can´t start golden ages (or can they?). Maybe this could be a second UU?

U.S.A. (Replaces America)

Color: Dark Blue
Leader: Roosevelt
Unique Unit: Navy Seal (10-6-1) Replaces Marine
Culture Group: European

Traits: Industrious and Expansionist
AI Aggresion Level: 3 (1-5)

The same goes for the Americans as for the Soviets: put in some Flying Fortresses, a bomber with high bombard, long range and high defence.

Austria (Replaces India)

Color: Very Light Grey-Green
Leader: Kurt Schushnigg
Unique Unit: Austrian Infantry (6-11-1)
Culture Group: European

Traits: Scientific and Commersial
AI Aggresion Level: 2 (1-5)

Austria were even more non-independent than Chezcoslovakia in WW2. Hungary would be a better bet.

And for the Italians, maybe make the Tank a "Light tank" - not so strong but cheap to build.
Originally posted by Hurricane

Why Chezcoslovakia? They were annexed by Germany at the very beginning. Why not put in a South Amertican country (Brazil?) or an African one (Ethiopia?).

I know, I just put them in in the beginning as I did not know what civ to put in...

Ironboat? What is that? Instead, I would suggest Mountain Infantry. Maybe 4-8-1, treat all terrain as roads.

I did not know what to put in so I just added something hoping for some response...

One word: artillery! Put in some Katyusjha rocket artillery, perhaps an artillery with 2 move. The problem is of course that arty units can´t start golden ages (or can they?). Maybe this could be a second UU?

I am about to add a lot of more UU's for every civ.

The same goes for the Americans as for the Soviets: put in some Flying Fortresses, a bomber with high bombard, long range and high defence.

I know.

Austria were even more non-independent than Chezcoslovakia in WW2. Hungary would be a better bet.

I know

And for the Italians, maybe make the Tank a "Light tank" - not so strong but cheap to build.

I know that to...
Czechoslovakian president and during war exile president was Edvard Benes. I believe, that that is the name you are looking for. Im from Czech rep, so i know what im talking about. Dont put czechs from this mod please, our soldiers were betrayed by west europian countries (England and France) in 1938 in Munchen agreement, so dont betray us now, we would like to destroy nazi germans :-))))
You are correct America was not neutral. Aid is not the same as Trade. Sweden and the US sent Aid. The swiss Traded not aided.
Spain Aided the Axis.
Can these different versions of WW2 be used with the 1.16 patch?
1.17 is a bad patch and I will not use it.
The Russian T62 tank was probably the best tank of the war.

In my opinion better than the Tiger.

It was more reliable.
Had better range.
A diesel engine....less prone to fire and would start in adverse conditions.
Lighter, meaning it could cross European bridges.
It was immune to German antitank guns, apart from the 88.
It was cheap.
Easy to maintain and operate.
Originally posted by Esca
The Russian T62 tank was probably the best tank of the war.

In my opinion better than the Tiger.

It was more reliable.
Had better range.
A diesel engine....less prone to fire and would start in adverse conditions.
Lighter, meaning it could cross European bridges.
It was immune to German antitank guns, apart from the 88.
It was cheap.
Easy to maintain and operate.

u mean the "JOSEPH STALIN III" tank? yea that was the best tank in ww2 but it saw action too late, just the last month of the war in europe i think.
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