Good News Everyone!

NOTE: This IS 1.61 compatible, from v5.6.1 upwards
From here on, the will be playable. I just uploaded it, it's 900kb. Still missing are the buildings & improvements on the map, but its playable now!
Download the No Swastikas add-on here, if you don't want swastikas, they'll be replaced by crosses:

I repeat, any version larger than Pre-Beta 2.28.2 is playable!
And any version larger than 3.14.1 has new python codes in.
And any version larger than 3.21.1 has a working winter.
Have fun

Instructions for install:
1) Extract the WWII Europe folder into either of your mod folders (...\Civ4\Mods).
2) Extract the contens of wwii_maps into either of your PublicMaps folder (...\Civ4\PublicMaps).
3) Load the mod & open the wwii scenario.
Hi it's me & my WWII scenario/mod again! Don't know it? Read on:
Short Story: Once upon a time I was searching for a WWII Europe scenario for Civ3: Conquests. I downloaded 3 or 4 different ones, only to find that a) they didn't work, b) they didn't have any rule changes, or c) the maps were too huge to be playable. So I made my own, which was much lighter and much more playable (after v2.0 that is

Long Story Here
Development Stage: XML/Map Creation/XML
/ , , , , , , , , , , \
| ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤------------ |
\ 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% /
Map: 90% (Humangeous thatnks to NKVD for placeing most of the stuff)
Generic Units: 100%
Nation-specific Units: 70%
Scripts: 80%
Buildings: 90%
Civs: 70%
Texts: 10%
Promotions: 90% (either python or SDK required for more work to be done)
Largest Question ATM: What will the victory type for neutrals be like?
I still haven't decided the name, will it be SF&B 2 or SF&B IV?
If you have a program called FreeMind (excellent mind-map program), you can view my current ideas here: (the number inside ()'s is the strength)
Here is the same file in .html. Just a long list compared to the clear mind-map I've done. I suggest every modder gets FreeMind, as it makes things a LOT easier to plan. <Ins> to add a new link, <F2> to edit, <L-Click> to open/close a node.
If you have an idea, please share it! This is not a closed discussion, nor is it a closed team. I guarantee that all ideas, however odd (except a "Hey, let's make the British & Germans in a locked Peace!" perhaps

If someone would like to either teach me or help me do the texturing for my 3d-models, please contact me ASAP.