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Aug 12, 2001
I recently noticed that the AI, is simply not a good historical player. I am wordering if someone would like to play as the Allies, with me as Soviet.

Allied player controls Greece, Great Britain, Iceland, Faroe Island (Torshavn), Egypt, Iraq, Gibralter, Malta, and one massively productive city representing the US and Canada.

Only reply if you would like to play somewhat historical in according to D-Day.
Playing a game of absolute historical accuracy, saying that the allies must invade the D-Day beaches in June 1944 is a problem,cause that can be countered easily.
Originally posted by SunTzu
Playing a game of absolute historical accuracy, saying that the allies must invade the D-Day beaches in June 1944 is a problem,cause that can be countered easily.

It is if you have a human playing Axis in the normal scenario, if AI plays Axis however, you should be in Berlin by that time.
It doesn't have to be completely accurate, its just nice to see a D-Day invasion. And the Axis would be comptuter controlled. Dumb as a doorknob to history.

And the Axis knew D-day was coming anyway. They had extremely good intelligence. They knew exactly what the allies were going to throw at them, but they picked the wrong place. They thought in would be near Lilles or Brittany because those were the closest points to Britain. Even the soldiers thouhgt they were going to Lilles. Only high ranking officialls and a few boat captains knew where they were going.
And the scenario (I dont know who created it, but its the one you can start at 30 points.) has such emphasis on air power and tanks that you can punch throuhg anything with only a moderatte amount of tanks and planes.
Actually the Nazi's thought the invasion would be at Calais a long way away from Normandy
...and the Germans thought that the Allies had something like 50 Divisions in Britain ready for the landings (the actual figure was less then 20)
Ok, but lets try to keep to the original question here.

I will be Soviet, The Germans will most likely be AI controlled. France is almost gone already, Yugoslavia will be desroyed either way, and the Spanish and Nuetrals suck.

Who want to be Allied, or even Soviet.
Sure, I'll do allied, just e-mail me and we'll set up a time. However, I'd suggest we find someone to play the axis, because with the AI playing against two humans our victory is inevitable, and I don't want to play for absolutely no purpose other than to mimic the real history.
I actually am considering it, but it kinda makes it a little hard to play historically. But if anyone replies and wants to be Axis thats fine with me. if anyone here also wants to play Soviet though, I'm changing my mind on who I really want to play, so just tell me if you want to be Russia.
As for historically accurate though, I don't mean exact times. Just put some troops in Normandy, North Africa, or drive for Belin and its good with me.
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