XX Century Mod 3


Russian Bear
Feb 1, 2006
St. Petersburg, Russia

XX Century Mod 3 :king:
Latest version - 3.0
Download v3.0 (15 Mb)
Download music for the mod (61 Mb) - national anthems of all civs + opening menu music

Requires: Civilization IV: Warlords, patch 2.08
Languages supported: English, German, Russian

XX Century is a global modification for Sid Meier's Civilization IV. Being a result of a long and hard work, it now presents you 47 new civs, 77 leaders and 41 units.

Installation and playing:
Extract the mod folder to: [Your Civilization Game Folder]/Warlords/Mods
Then download Warlords, select Advanced -> Load a mod -> XX Century Mod 3

To install music, unpack Assets folder to [Your Civilization Game Folder]/Warlords/Mods/XX Century Mod 3
New civs
Leader - Peron
UU - Super Etandard (Jet Fighter)

Leader - Hawke
UU - SASR (Marine)

Leader - Franz Joseph I
UU - Austrian-Hungarian Infantry (Infantry)

Leader - Vargas
UU - Cascavel (Tank)

Leader - Zhivkov
UU - None

Leader 1 - McKenzie King
Leader 2 - Trudeau
UU - Expeditionary Force (Infantry)

Leader - Pinochet
UU - None

Chinese PR
Leader 1 - Mao Zedong
Leader 2 - Deng Xiaoping
UU - Type 99 (Modern Armor)
UB - People's Court (Courthouse)

Chinese Empire
Leader - Cixi
UU - Fast Worker (Worker)

Leader - Pastrana
UU - None

Leader - Fidel Castro
UU - Marquinas (Tank)

Leader - Masaryk
UU - None

Leader - Nasser
UU - M1 Abrams (Modern Armor)

Leader 1 - Poincare
Leader 2 - De Gaulle
Leader 3 - Mitterrand
UU - Mirage (Jet Fighter)
UB - Boutique (Grocer)

German Empire
Leader - Wilhelm II
UU - Gotha G (Biplane)

Leader 1 - Kohl
Leader 2 - Schroeder
Leader 3 - Hitler
UU - Panzer (Tank)

Leader - Gandhi
UU - Fast Worker (Worker)

Leader - Khomeini
UU - Revolutionary (Marine)

Leader - Saddam Hussein
UU - None

Leader 1 - Sharon
Leader 2 - Rabin
UU - Merkava (Modern Armor)

Leader 1 - Victor Emmanuel III
Leader 2 - Mussolini
Leader 3 - Berlusconi
UU - Alpine Infantry (Infantry)
UB - OVRA (Jail)

Leader 1 - Hirohito
Leader 2 - Meiji
Leader 3 - Koizumi
UU - Zero (Fighter)
UB - Zaibatsu (Bank)

Leader - Fox
UU - Zapatista (Marine)

Leader - Wilhelmina
UU - None

North Korea
Leader - Kim Il Sung
UU - None

Leader - Ali Jinnah
UU - Fast Worker (Worker)

Leader - Arafat
UU - Guerilla (Marine)

Leader - Walesa
UU - 7TP (Tank)

Leader 1 - Mihai I
Leader 2 - Ceausesku
UU - IAR 14 (Fighter)

Russian Empire
Leader - Nicholas II
UU - Cossack (Cavalry)

Russian Federation
Leader - Putin
UU - Mi-24 (Gunship)

Saudi Arabia
Leader - Fahd
UU - F-15 (Jet Fighter)

South Africa
Leader - Mandela
UU - Royal Natal Carabineer (Rifleman)

South Korea
Leader - Park Chung Hee
UU - None

Leader 1 - Alfonso XIII
Leader 2 - Gonzalez
Leader 3 - Franco
UU - T-26 (Tank)

Leader - Erlander
UU - Bofors Anti-Aircraft (Anti-Aircraft Cannon)

Leader 1 - Mehmed VI
Leader 2 - Ataturk
UU - M113 (Mechanized Infantry)

Leader - Kravchuk
UU - None

Leader - Zayed
UU - None

United Kingdom
Leader 1 - Thatcher
Leader 2 - Churchill
Leader 3 - George V
Leader 4 - Chamberlain
UU - Churchill Tank (Tank)
UB - Stock Exchange (Bank)

Leader 1 - Roosevelt
Leader 2 - Wilson
Leader 3 - Nixon
Leader 4 - Reagan
Leader 5 - Clinton
Leader 6 - Bush Jr
Leader 7 - Kennedy
Leader 8 - Eisenhower
UU - Apache (Gunship)
UB - Mall (Supermarket)

Leader 1 - Lenin
Leader 2 - Stalin
Leader 3 - Gorbachev
Leader 4 - Brezhnev
Leader 5 - Khrushchev
UU - T-34 (Tank)
UB - Research Institute (Laboratory)

Leader - Ho Chi Minh
UU - Resistants (Spy)

West Germany
Leader 1 - Brandt
Leader 2 - Adenauer
UU - Panzer (Tank)

Leader 1 - Petar II
Leader 2 - Tito
UU - M87 LRSV (Artillery)

Leader - Mobutu
UU - None

Non-Unique Units:
Armored Car
Modern Infantry
Modern Grenadier
AEGIS Cruiser
Blue Helmets
Anti-Aircraft Cannon
Nuclear Submarine
UN Modern Armor

Non-Unique Buildings:

Automobile Factory
Food Factory

CN Tower
Sydney Opera
Christ Statue
World Trade Center

New traits:

New civics:
Multiparty System
Labor Duty
Hired Labor
Investments Abroad
State Ideology
Atheist State
Standard game will start in modern era, in 1900.

The mod also includes three scenarios:

XX - World Huge
World map, huge size.
27 civs, 22 of them are playable.

Playable nations:
USSR (Stalin)
Brazil (Vargas)
Germany (Kohl)
Egypt (Nasser)
India (Gandhi)
Saudi Arabia (Fahd)
Canada (Trudeau)
United Kingdom (Churchill)
Turkey (Ataturk)
Spain (Franco)
France (De Gaulle)
Japan (Hirohito)
Italy (Mussolini)
South Africa (Mandela)
Argentina (Peron)
USA (Roosevelt)
China (Mao Zedong)
Australia (Hawke)
Mexico (Fox)
Colombia (Pastrana)
Iran (Khomeini)
Chile (Pinochet)

Pakistan (Ali Jinnah)
Sweden (Erlander)
Cuba (Fidel Castro)
South Korea (Park Chong Hee)
Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh)

XX - World Tiny
World map, tiny size
18 civs, all are playable

USSR (Gorbachev)
USA (Reagan)
Canada (Trudeau)
Brazil (Vargas)
Argentina (Peron)
Germany (Hitler)
South Africa (Mandela)
India (Gandhi)
Australia (Hawke)
Japan (Koizumi)
Saudi Arabia (Fahd)
Iran (Khomeini)
Zaire (Mobutu)
China (Mao Zedong)
United Kingdom (Thatcher)
Egypt (Nasser)
Spain (Gonzalez)
Mexico (Fox)

XX - Middle East
Middle East & Southeast Europe map, large size
13 civs, all of them are playable

Saudi Arabia (Fahd)
UAE (Zayed)
Egypt (Nasser)
Israel (Rabin)
Palestine (Arafat)
Turkey (Ataturk)
Iran (Khomeini)
Iraq (Saddam Hussein)
USSR (Brezhnev)
Bulgaria (Zhivkov)
Romania (Ceausesku)
Pakistan (Ali Jinnah)
USA (Nixon)

Gameplay screens:
1. A capital
2. Trading with kaiser Wilhelm II


  • su.JPG
    129.2 KB · Views: 2,113
    115.7 KB · Views: 1,681
1. Select a civ screen
2. Civics
3. Dawn of Man
4. Hirohito
5. Main Menu


  • select_civ.JPG
    129.5 KB · Views: 1,691
  • civics.JPG
    124.1 KB · Views: 1,805
  • DoM.JPG
    78.1 KB · Views: 1,219
  • Hirohito.JPG
    90.5 KB · Views: 1,466
  • mainmenu.JPG
    166 KB · Views: 1,339
Head creator, XML coder, designer - Andrey "AndyTerry" Kartashov
DLL Coder - Blacksun
Pre-made map makers - smellymummy, Iuvavus, Syntherio
German version - memdee
Russian version - AndyTerry

Building Makers:
Rabbit, White

Unit makers:
Sir Aragorn
Robo Magic Man
Rabbit, White
Von Zeppelin

Test by NeverMind, ibcoltscrew, Wei-Yan, Schumiker, Blake4000, Kaiser Franz
Units research by AlCosta15
Images, information, music and text research by AndyTerry

Author specially thanks:
Hunter - for help with compating mod with 1.61 patch
C44 - for assistance with XML
NeverMind - for advices about creating mod
ibcoltscrew and Wei-Yan - for fair critics
Гость - for giving a file hosting place

Version history

v 3.0 (19 Jan 2007)
- Added 14 civs
- Added 27 leaders
- Added 3 units
- Added 8 buildings
- Added 4 wonders
- Added 4 traits
- Added 10 civics
- Added 2 scenarios
- Added new cities
- Added diplomacy texts
- Added new soundtrack (avaliable with addon only)
- Added names of historians
- Added graphics for intro and loading screens
- Mod is made Warlords-compatible
- Added Russian version
- Added German version
- City names are translated
- Scenarios are translated
- Leaders' trait combinations are changed
- Added possibility of playing with 24 civs on a map
- New Dawn of a Man text
- XX - World Huge scenario is reworked
- Corrected mistakes in text
- New skins for two units
- Ramallah replaced Jerusalem as a capital of Palestine
- Barbarians are renamed Terrorists
- Great Britain is renamed United Kingdom

v 2.11 (16 Apr 2006)
- Fixed Italian version
- Corrected tech costs
- Fixed bug with desription of CEP

v 2.1 (15 Apr 2006)
- Mod is made compatible with 1.61 patch
- Fixed bug with unit graphics
- Added 1 civilization
- 1 civilization added to the world map
- Added 1 leader
- Added 2 units
- 1 UU is replaced with other
- Added Italian translation
- Corrected tech costs
- Corrected mistakes with map
- New images for two leaders

v 2.06 (9 Apr 2006)
- Corrected mistakes with map
- Corrected French texts

v 2.05 (8 Apr 2006)
- Added 1 civilization
- Added 4 leaders
- Added 1 unit
- Scenario map is remade
- Static images for previously animated leaders
- Fixed "Red Ball" bug
- Naval Mine unit is removed
- New end-of-the-game leaders' list
- Technologies cost is enlarged
- Custom map playing calendar reformed
- Corrected 3 misspellings in English

v 2.0 (11 Mar 2006)
- Added 12 civilizations
- Added 18 leaders
- Added 28 units
- 1 unit is reskinned
- Added scenario map
- Added Great People list
- New images for some leaders

v 1.0.2 (25 Feb 2006)
- Fixed Resistant unit bug
- Fixed bug with invisiblity of Russian cities' population

v 1.0.1 (25 Feb 2006)
- Removed not working scenarios
- Made changes in colour of Canada
- Costs of technologies reduced for playing with default calendar
- Fixed white flags bug

v 1.0 (24 Feb 2006)

- Initial release: 19 civilizations, 25 leaders, 18 units, 12 techs are added to a game
Nice. List of nations?
OK. Thanks
I am downloading ^^ But one question:

Civs without UB are in disadvantage with the others, right? :confused:

Do you plan to make new UBs in later versions?

Keep up the good job! :goodjob:
I am downloading ^^ But one question:

Civs without UB are in disadvantage with the others, right? :confused:

Do you plan to make new UBs in later versions?

Keep up the good job! :goodjob:
In some way, yes.

I think that there won't be any later version, it's the final one. Maybe inly fixes and small additions.
AndyTerry, The "Freemarket" Civic is obsolite by Investments aboard. makes it pointless to have freemarket civic in there.
AndyTerry, The "Freemarket" Civic is obsolite by Investments aboard. makes it pointless to have freemarket civic in there.
ok, will fix.
Please, report bugs and your suggestions here.
Looks like a great mod but everytime I try to play the Tiny World Scenario it auto-selects me as India (doesn't even go through selection screen) and when I try to play the Huge World Scenario it only lets me choose between India, England, and America. It may be a problem with the download because when I extracted the .rar had a "unexpected end of archive" message. I've downloaded it a number of times and it is still having the same problem :-(
Looks like a great mod but everytime I try to play the Tiny World Scenario it auto-selects me as India (doesn't even go through selection screen) and when I try to play the Huge World Scenario it only lets me choose between India, England, and America. It may be a problem with the download because when I extracted the .rar had a "unexpected end of archive" message. I've downloaded it a number of times and it is still having the same problem :-(

Do you load the mod?
Looks like a great mod but everytime I try to play the Tiny World Scenario it auto-selects me as India (doesn't even go through selection screen) and when I try to play the Huge World Scenario it only lets me choose between India, England, and America. It may be a problem with the download because when I extracted the .rar had a "unexpected end of archive" message. I've downloaded it a number of times and it is still having the same problem :-(

im having the same probelms. when i download i get the "unexpected end of archive" message. and then after extracting i recieve the same message,plus a file is corrupt message. and to the above poster did load the mod,as is likely for greenflea. also with the middle east,most normal warlords civs are shown in the selection screen. and the title menu remains the same with text letters XX3MOD in the corner.
Hey its working now, I must have not downloaded it correctly. It looks great! Ferrum Rex: You should try downloading it again and make sure the folder is 15MB BEFORE its expanded.
Wow, I remember this mod. I'll have to try it out later. Good to see you back AndyTerry!
Nice mod!

i may have spotted one mistake. in the large world scenario is the city 'juande' supposed to be german because it has a french soldier fortified in it which is a bit confusing?

also may i suggest giving the germans control of the Marshal Islands because at around this time period they had a base there?
Looks like a great mod but everytime I try to play the Tiny World Scenario it auto-selects me as India (doesn't even go through selection screen) and when I try to play the Huge World Scenario it only lets me choose between India, England, and America. It may be a problem with the download because when I extracted the .rar had a "unexpected end of archive" message. I've downloaded it a number of times and it is still having the same problem :-(
Do you use vanilla Civ?
Wow, I remember this mod. I'll have to try it out later. Good to see you back AndyTerry!
Hello bro! :) You're even credited in the mod as units researcher, remember?
Nice mod!

i may have spotted one mistake. in the large world scenario is the city 'juande' supposed to be german because it has a french soldier fortified in it which is a bit confusing?

also may i suggest giving the germans control of the Marshal Islands because at around this time period they had a base there?
Thanks for your report, it's my mistake.
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