Head creator, XML coder, designer - Andrey "AndyTerry" Kartashov
DLL Coder - Blacksun
Pre-made map makers - smellymummy, Iuvavus, Syntherio
German version - memdee
Russian version - AndyTerry
Building Makers:
Rabbit, White
Unit makers:
Sir Aragorn
Robo Magic Man
Rabbit, White
Von Zeppelin
Test by NeverMind, ibcoltscrew, Wei-Yan, Schumiker, Blake4000, Kaiser Franz
Units research by AlCosta15
Images, information, music and text research by AndyTerry
Author specially thanks:
Hunter - for help with compating mod with 1.61 patch
C44 - for assistance with XML
NeverMind - for advices about creating mod
ibcoltscrew and Wei-Yan - for fair critics
Гость - for giving a file hosting place
Version history
v 3.0 (19 Jan 2007)
- Added 14 civs
- Added 27 leaders
- Added 3 units
- Added 8 buildings
- Added 4 wonders
- Added 4 traits
- Added 10 civics
- Added 2 scenarios
- Added new cities
- Added diplomacy texts
- Added new soundtrack (avaliable with addon only)
- Added names of historians
- Added graphics for intro and loading screens
- Mod is made Warlords-compatible
- Added Russian version
- Added German version
- City names are translated
- Scenarios are translated
- Leaders' trait combinations are changed
- Added possibility of playing with 24 civs on a map
- New Dawn of a Man text
- XX - World Huge scenario is reworked
- Corrected mistakes in text
- New skins for two units
- Ramallah replaced Jerusalem as a capital of Palestine
- Barbarians are renamed Terrorists
- Great Britain is renamed United Kingdom
v 2.11 (16 Apr 2006)
- Fixed Italian version
- Corrected tech costs
- Fixed bug with desription of CEP
v 2.1 (15 Apr 2006)
- Mod is made compatible with 1.61 patch
- Fixed bug with unit graphics
- Added 1 civilization
- 1 civilization added to the world map
- Added 1 leader
- Added 2 units
- 1 UU is replaced with other
- Added Italian translation
- Corrected tech costs
- Corrected mistakes with map
- New images for two leaders
v 2.06 (9 Apr 2006)
- Corrected mistakes with map
- Corrected French texts
v 2.05 (8 Apr 2006)
- Added 1 civilization
- Added 4 leaders
- Added 1 unit
- Scenario map is remade
- Static images for previously animated leaders
- Fixed "Red Ball" bug
- Naval Mine unit is removed
- New end-of-the-game leaders' list
- Technologies cost is enlarged
- Custom map playing calendar reformed
- Corrected 3 misspellings in English
v 2.0 (11 Mar 2006)
- Added 12 civilizations
- Added 18 leaders
- Added 28 units
- 1 unit is reskinned
- Added scenario map
- Added Great People list
- New images for some leaders
v 1.0.2 (25 Feb 2006)
- Fixed Resistant unit bug
- Fixed bug with invisiblity of Russian cities' population
v 1.0.1 (25 Feb 2006)
- Removed not working scenarios
- Made changes in colour of Canada
- Costs of technologies reduced for playing with default calendar
- Fixed white flags bug
v 1.0 (24 Feb 2006)
- Initial release: 19 civilizations, 25 leaders, 18 units, 12 techs are added to a game