My dad got me into archery when I was a kid, had a bow like that. I don't remember a lot because I haven't done it in over a decade, but I remember that you shouldn't pull back on the bow, and release without an arrow in it, it wears out the string faster.
Also when you put your arrows in, the odd colored (feather?) should point out, it has something to do with the spin of the arrow as it leaves the string.
Like it was already said, if you aren't wearing sleeves, wear something over the exposed part of your forearm so it doesn't get hit by the string after its released. It can hurt.
You don't need a release, but I recommend one of those gloves that cover your index and middle fingers, I never liked the trigger release things.
Also make sure you are using target shooting arrow points.
Make sure there is nothing behind what you are shooting at.
We used to shoot at targets tied to straw bales. It was convenient, i recommend it. It is better for the lifespan of the arrow if you don't shoot into wood...