YES! One way Open Borders Policy!

This is a great discovery. I k=could have sworn they werent gona allow open borders because of 1upt, but im glad they do. And Wu must be getting beat super bad because she is giving up ALOT if stuff for peace. Im thinking this means diplo is getting better :)
This is a great discovery. I k=could have sworn they werent gona allow open borders because of 1upt, but im glad they do. And Wu must be getting beat super bad because she is giving up ALOT if stuff for peace. Im thinking this means diplo is getting better :)

your thinking of civ rev, that didn't have open borders.
Nice find! Diplomacy seems to be deep and engaging, and the diplomacy screens are just a bonus, which I feel make conducting diplomacy more enthralling. But at their core, the options seem varied and interesting.
That's cool.

The one thing that bothers how some of the textboxes in the UI require scrolling and there's just a little bit of text to be shown. Use a smaller font, make the box stretch (there's tons of room), but having to scroll to see 10-20% of text just sucks and slows things down, which goes against the speediness of presentation they're going for in the UI! You see this on unit descriptions too. Drives me nuts. Maybe it's just me.
This sounds like fun...not only must you make peace with us but our soldiers get to trample all through your territory. :D
I for one don't want to have to go and buy a magnifying glass to read the text, boo and hiss on your suggestion sir.
Now that there is no international trade it makes sense for one way open borders. That said I hope that the player was the English and it was a war over opium trade. The player also has a ridiculous amount of gold.
I hated open borders! This is great news, but I wonder if it's ever likely to get a one way open border with a civ unless you destroy the heck out of them first. I for one would never except a one way, unless it's the only way to stay in the game.

Also it might just be that it's still regular open borders, and they haven't fine tuned the diplo screen to show it on both sides. So even though open borders is only on the Chinese side, it could still be that it's a two way open borders. Then again, it's most likely not :).
why never accept a one way? As long as you don't have the need to go into their land you might as well. It's better than giving up gold or resources as they hurt you in addition to helping them.
I sure did hated 2-way open borders so this feature is off the chain for me. Speaking of which, since there's no capitulation, forcing Japan to open its ports is just as good.
What I find interesting about one-way open borders is the possibilities. It has been stated that a naval unit within two tiles of a port city will blockade it's harbor, cutting off the trade route. With open borders, would blocking off their harbor be considered an act of war to the AI?
What I find interesting about one-way open borders is the possibilities. It has been stated that a naval unit within two tiles of a port city will blockade it's harbor, cutting off the trade route. With open borders, would blocking off their harbor be considered an act of war to the AI?

And how easy will it be to mod in gunboat diplomacy? :lol:
your thinking of civ rev, that didn't have open borders.

No. I read on here that they werent gona have open borders because on 1upt. Not civ rev. I know what im talking about.
Really liking this feature if it makes it to the final game. I always thought that this should have been an option not only in Civ 4 but in Civ 3 as well.

It also is a nice option to have some more diplomatic capital in peace negotiations for both sides. I hope they weight its importance with the AI correctly so they will accept it and offer it on a regular basis.

I think it will also help you fight foreign wars where you need to get through someone's territory to fight, but don't want said AI crawling all over your territory for the rest of the game.
What I find interesting about one-way open borders is the possibilities. It has been stated that a naval unit within two tiles of a port city will blockade it's harbor, cutting off the trade route. With open borders, would blocking off their harbor be considered an act of war to the AI?

I didn't quite get what you mean. How could you blockade a port from a civ you're not at war with (not any longer, in this case)?
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