Yet another reason to raze captured cities (in case you need one)


Nov 9, 2001
Large AI cities will draft and/or rush build several units in a last-ditch effort to keep you from capturing the city. Have you noticed that, if you keep the city, unhappy citizens then complain about the draft and cruel oppression of their former masters?
Yup, you get the enemy city, but the population keeps its attitude. You can often offset this by making sure to keep a road intact to network the city into your luxuries.
Not only that, but if you have one of your native workers join the city to boost your own populace, they pick up the same attitudes of the locals
Maybe this is realistic. We'll have to ask the peacekeepers in Kabul whether the local citizens are still unhappy because music was banned under the previous regime.
actually I had not noticed but it's nice to know.
Anyway my strat is to beat the city down to size 3 or less by pop-rushing, starving or bombardment. No problems this way.
When you've just captured a city::
- make any population who is not resisting as an entertainer.
- Don't garrison too many units, you could loose them.

Am still testing this, think it could work?
When I'm behind in culture, the usual result of a despotic rush with a non-religious civilization, I go even farther and never garrison with units that I would be concerned about losing. I park enough units right outside the city to retake it when it flips. Then, once I have wiped out every last city of that civilization, I move lots of units in and quickly quell the resistance in all their former cities.

Usually these captured cities can become useful only after you can get a great leader and build the forbidden palace in one of them; so it costs little to leave them in resistance.

When I'm fighting a war against someone that I cannot expect to destroy soon and I capture a city with a Wonder in it, I use conscripts as a garrison.

I have not figured out what happens to the units that disappear from a city that flips. They don't seem to go over to the enemy. Do they just vanish?

The most annoying case is a once-great civilization that survives only in a single city on a distant island. I've lost big armies in cities that "admire" the past cultural glories of such civs.

Before the patch it was proposed to keep an almost-conquered civ around as a vassal state. Since the patch I think that is a terrible idea.
Units in flipped cities are swapped for defending ones of the best type available to the civ. My pikemen turn into spearmen for example. Not sure if it is a 1-1 trade though. Offensive units are simply lost.

When I gain cities by culture, the defending spearmen become infantry, for example.
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