You AGAIN? The civs you always end up next to....


Jul 10, 2014
Why am I always finding myself starting next to either Genghis Khan, Montezuma or Atilla? Geezuz, I started a game this morning and found myself BETWEEN Genghis and Monty. I mean, for pete's sake, I don't care much if one crazy man is close by but TWO of them? :lol:

I'm actually just tired of seeing them. The same goes for Darius, though he doesn't bother me as much. I've been able to be friends with him in a lot of games, but I'm sick of seeing him next door. Heck, even Gandhi, though he's more of an annoyance than anything else. He's like the neighbor that always wants to borrow a cup of sugar. Then eventually he'll backstab you and you have to beat him up.

...and for my own sanity can I not start off in the middle of a jungle? (I really do hate that.)
Nearly always Catherine and\or Alexander.

I leapt for joy yesterday when I actually met the Brazillian leader for the first time!
Alex, Dido, and Hiawatha.

Dido is the worst of those three, though. She can go burn on a pyre.
In the game menu check the advanced settings. Some players don't always end up as random civilizations and that could be a reason why the same civilizations end up next you again.
My experiences are much different. Rarely the same neighbour, although China is rarely in my games.

same here. China is the rarest in my games. Can't say the exact number of games, but I didn't have it in the last 15 for sure.
That little bastard Caesar. He's a whiny little backstab that always wants me to "show pity on his weak empire". Also whenever I settle anywhere near him, he gets mad, when he literally settled 5 tiles from my capital himself. I just hate him.
I don't have the same neighbors a lot and I'm surprised the TC mentioned Darius I can't even think of the last game I had with him in it, but I have been neighbors with the US probably the most along with Alexander that bastard.
There was a time period where I raged about iroquois showing up every game and was always the guy I had to fight. I miss him in my games now.
Venice and Austria.
Whenever Caesar, Attila, or Monty are in a game, they're usually pretty close.

On the contrary, I've yet to have Shaka or Dido even show up. I'm not sure if I should be sad or happy about that.
I once had al mansur and Catherine in the advanced options set up by mistake and I was getting these 2 civilizations on many random maps. I finally checked advanced options and found out that these 2 were put in there as civilizations by mistake. They weren't on random. I switched them both to random and these 2 civilizations hardly got picked again.
This is why I love mods. When you have 100 leaders in the game, your chances of getting the same characters in the "Random 8" is significantly decreased.
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