You can help us!


Mar 29, 2009
As you have seen I don't speak very well english, I am french.... :D
And as I did all translations in the mod, there are certainly a lot of mistakes.
I can understand that it is boring to see all my mistakes. So if you want correct me, you can :mischief:!

Moreover, you can try to make some buildings in .nif files, like hospital, medical Office...
The mod would be more sympathetic :).
Ty for the help in advance.
@M07: As I said previously I could help you. Just send me the texts you have been working on and I will revise them.
Also give me the originals (in French) so I could compare with them (I speak both languages).

In the future you could just send me the texts in French if you wanna.

About the .nif models: I suppose that any model of that era would be helpful, don't you? I think I could obtain some models from others modders of Empire Total War series (XVII & XVIII centuries) I worked with a long time ago.
Also as I told you I have been trying to implement some of those things (only those which require XML changes):
into the mod by myself, and all seems to work.

I will be adding the models and graphics I recompiled and then show you the final result of all the new naval units.

In the XML files (civ4unitinfos.xml) there is not a tag like this
related to the ability to travel to Europe.

Could you add in the DLL that new tag for the naval units in next version?

It would be useful for some naval units which would be supposed to be cheap at the start but loosing the possibility to use them in travels to Europe (or any other intercontinental port you add).
Moreover, you can try to make some buildings in .nif files, like hospital, medical Office...
The mod would be more sympathetic :).
Ty for the help in advance.

Hi M07!

I found in my archive three medical buildings. They looks different depending on their level.

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

The main problem is that these buildings I extracted from another non-Civilization game. I will try to adapt these buildings for the CivIVColonization game, but will not guarantee the success. How quickly do you need them?

J'ai trouvé dans mes archives trois immeubles à vocation médicale. Ils semble différent selon leur niveau. Le principal problème est que ces bâtiments, j'ai extrait d'un autre jeu. Je vais essayer d'adapter ces bâtiments pour le jeu CivIVColonization, mais ne garantit pas le succès. Comment vous en avez besoin de toute urgence?
As I said previously I could help you. Just send me the texts you have been working on and I will revise them.
Also give me the originals (in French) so I could compare with them (I speak both languages).
In the future you could just send me the texts in French if you wanna.
Thank you very much for your help! It will not be an easy work.
It is Dazio who will write the changelog(very very big :(), so he will send you it in french.
When you will find a pb in the text, I think you must note it and find it with notepad++ (with Ctrl + f ). In an other file that you will send me, you should write its tag and your translation too.
I realize the amount of work involved. So good luck :mischief: and ty in advance!

About the .nif models: I suppose that any model of that era would be helpful, don't you? I think I could obtain some models from others modders of Empire Total War series (XVII & XVIII centuries) I worked with a long time ago.
Why not! It could be a good idea, but i don't know if it will be compatible.

Could you add in the DLL that new tag for the naval units in next version?

It would be useful for some naval units which would be supposed to be cheap at the start but loosing the possibility to use them in travels to Europe (or any other intercontinental port you add).
I can add it, but i don't think it is a good idea to put it in Xml file.
Indeed, the fact that a ship can travel to Europe will depend of its state.
I will implement a new concept : our ships will have a duration of life, after this date our ships can be sunk. This duration will not be fix, some factors will come into play like repairs, fights, and movements of the ship.
Hi M07!
I found in my archive three medical buildings. They looks different depending on their level.The main problem is that these buildings I extracted from another non-Civilization game. I will try to adapt these buildings for the CivIVColonization game, but will not guarantee the success. How quickly do you need them?
Hi KJ Jansson!
Thanks! It is Dazio who can say if it suits him. Furthermore, we are not pressed, so take your time!
I can add it, but i don't think it is a good idea to put it in Xml file.
Indeed, the fact that a ship can travel to Europe will depend of its state.
I will implement a new concept : our ships will have a duration of life, after this date our ships can be sunk. This duration will not be fix, some factors will come into play like repairs, fights, and movements of the ship.

Well, that tag would only be applied to some really specific units. I really like that new idea but also consider the possibility to fully disable the option for some units as suggested.
Just imagine you decide to add canoes for the natives in the future... you could easily disable the option to travel to Europe only for these units, then independently you can apply the new system for this and all the others units.

Just a thought, if you add what you have written how could you assure that a coastal sloop (cheap unit for coastal defense, not supposed to be used to travel to Europe, as I intend to add) or X unit would not be able to travel to Europe in any case?

While the new system fits perfectly with any naval unit in general to assure that some specific units will have a 100% probability of being sunk in the mentioned travel you would have to either add that unit reference to the function in your dll or add it to the XML related file, in both cases it would require individual tweaks in the mod files for any unit with that handicap. Also when editing that unit you would need to edit the other files too.
Using the tag would allow to easily change only that aspect in the unit xml files without any reference to the new system.
Well, that tag would only be applied to some really specific units. I really like that new idea but also consider the possibility to fully disable the option for some units as suggested.
Just imagine you decide to add canoes for the natives in the future... you could easily disable the option to travel to Europe only for these units, then independently you can apply the new system for this and all the others units.
I thought that all ships must have a duration of life, so in Xml file there are not link with it. Even your canoes can sunk :)! Moreover I thought ships could also sank in the new world(except in ports :D).
Just a thought, if you add what you have written how could you assure that a coastal sloop (cheap unit for coastal defense, not supposed to be used to travel to Europe, as I intend to add) or X unit would not be able to travel to Europe in any case?
No problem, I can easily add your Xml tag that will allowed (or not) to a ship to travel to Europe.
While the new system fits perfectly with any naval unit in general to assure that some specific units will have a 100% probability of being sunk in the mentioned travel you would have to either add that unit reference to the function in your dll or add it to the XML related file, in both cases it would require individual tweaks in the mod files for any unit with that handicap. Also when editing that unit you would need to edit the other files too.
Using the tag would allow to easily change only that aspect in the unit xml files without any reference to the new system.
In the end of its life, all ships will have 100% probability of being sunk but players will have an preventive information that will say them to be carefull(or not :lol:), however its duration of life will be written in a XML file. The difference between ships will be here.
I thought that all ships must have a duration of life, so in Xml file there are not link with it. Even your canoes can sunk ! Moreover I thought ships could also sank in the new world(except in ports ).
True, but I was differentiating that ship lifetime (which controls when a canoe could sank randomly according to X,Y,Z,... variables )
and the seal range of a ship (which limits the capabilities of a ship independently of its lifetime, when it will sink without any doubt).

Just an analogy: at the start, traveling between America and Europe was dangerous for a caravel (the ship could sink), for a galley it would have been impossible ( it would have sunk).

Both ships could be at their best in lifetime-maintenance terms, so considering only that point both ships would have the same probabilities of sinking; but both ships are not prepared for the same sea environments due to the nature of their hull and their purpose.

In the end of its life, all ships will have 100% probability of being sunk but players will have an preventive information that will say them to be carefull(or not ), however its duration of life will be written in a XML file. The difference between ships will be here.
Haha, ok. I only asked you to add the tag to be easily editable in the XML files.
The new naval system you suggest should be in the files you consider more appropriated. As you said, in the XML files it would be easier to modify it.

I have been considering other aspects for the naval system which I will explain you more detailed in the suggestion list post:

-The wind (in this case, a fictitious wind flow) could have some importance in the movement of ships and combats (?)
Adding a realistic and precise wind flow would be hard, but maybe there are easier ways:
From Europe tiles to the left/right, from the sea to near land tiles, etc.

-I think you have already mentioned it (at least for land units) but the ships should not win/loose the battle and therefore die/survive only because of encountering other enemy ships, only a battle should not determine the fate of the ships in all the cases; sometimes multiple battles could be required to sink a ship. Dynamic naval combat. (?)

-Piracy. (?)


I will explain all the suggestions in detail as I have already written.
Hi KJ !

Thank you for your buildings. I like them well enough to the hospital. If you have any other proposal ....

By contrast, I need a wooden building for medical office. If you possess it in your archives ....

This job is not urgent, it will be for the v2.00, that is to say that the next is ready yet. As they say in France: Strike while the iron is hot !

Spoiler :
Salut KJ !

Merci pour tes bâtiments. Ils me plaisent assez bien pour l'hôpital. Si tu as d'autres proposition ....

A l'inverse, j'ai besoin d'un bâtiment en bois pour l'office médical. Si tu possèdes cela dans tes archives....

Ce job n'est pas urgent, ce sera pour la v2.00, c'est-à-dire la prochaine qui n'est encore prête. Comme on dit en France : Il faut battre le fer quand il est chaud !
Hi KJ !

Thank you for your buildings. I like them well enough to the hospital. If you have any other proposal ....

By contrast, I need a wooden building for medical office. If you possess it in your archives ....

No problems to change "stone" building on "wood" one. Here just one example.

OK, I will try with adaptation of these buildings for CivIVColonization.
I could at least adapt these Hospital buildings for CivIVColonization. It was more tricky than I expected.

Here results:
To be more visible I tested all Hospital buildings as Improvement, not as buildings inside the city. For all levels I used the same parameters


is the magnification on the screen and
is the magnification in CiVPedia.

Level 1 (wood)




Level 2 (wood).

in NifScope:



Level 3 (wood)




Both "wood" and "stone" versions of Hospital buildings are included in the archive. Both versions are adapted for CivIVColonization.


Hello KJ

Great job KJ. Indeed, the big problem is in the conversion of units or buildings for "Col". Your work is especially appreciated.

The architecture of these buildings is much better made through the amendment of the dds that you brought.
I do not think those buildings could be suitable. You proved otherwise.

I like these two buildings (like M07), but I'm currently reviewing the dds to bond even better in the esthetic of the time. I will show it as soon as I would finish.

For french : Spoiler
Spoiler :
Salut KJ,

Excellent travail KJ. La grosse difficulté est effectivement dans la conversion des unités ou des bâtiments pour "Col". Ton travail est d'autant plus apprécié.

L'architecture de ces bâtiments est beaucoup mieux rendue grâce à la modification de la dds que tu as apporté.
Je ne pensais pas que ces bâtiments auraient pu convenir. Tu as prouvé le contraire.

Ces deux bâtiments me plaisent (comme à M07 aussi), mais je suis entrain de revoir la dds afin de coller encore mieux à l'esthétique de l'époque. Je te montrerai cela dès que j'aurais terminé.

Hello KJ,

Here's the first shot of the DDS for the hospital. The result is not final.


In third era, brick (or stone) are required.
What do you think?

Spoiler :
Hello KJ,

Voici le premier tir de la dds pour l'hôpital. Le résultat n'est pas final.
En troisième ère, les briques (ou la pierre) s'imposent.
Qu'en penses-tu ?


  • HospitalShot001.jpg
    68 KB · Views: 350
Hi Dazio!

Probably, your Medical Office as a simplest medical building is required a little bit simpler architecture.

Here one of possible variants. I didn't changed "stone" on "wood". As I see, you can do this part of work much better. I just adapted this building to CivIVCol. Parameters are







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