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Your Go-To Civs (Civ 6)


Jul 4, 2012
Hey all,

I did a thread on this a few years back with Civ 5, but decided it was time for a new one. So, who are your Go-To Civs, and why? I don't necessarily mean who do you think is the most powerful on Diety - there are enough discussions around that and even a general consensus of sorts (Korea, Nubia, Macedon, Zulu, etc.)

No, I mean which leader best fits the way you like to play the game? If you try to mix it up as much as you can, who do you secretly compare the leader you're currently playing to?

In short: Who Do You Main?

For myself, whenever I'm just starting up a game to relax, I usually land on either Amanitore (fast archers, quick district production, extra goodies from mines) or else Gorgo (I miss the culture-farming with Honor in CiV and she's the only one who can scratch that itch, plus the extra wildcard slot is great.)

So who's yours?
For some reason I get really obsessive over the core yields - food, production, gold - much more than science, culture, or faith. I also really like taking advantage of adjacencies.
Because of this, I absolute love playing Germany and Australia. Germany for epic hansa exploitation (gotta get those 20+ hammer Hansas out, stat!) and Australia for the outback station. I kind of like Indonesia, because the kampung, while fun, is a place everywhere you can improvement; there's not much competing for coast so it's more of an extra than a puzzle. In contrast, Japan I also really enjoy because of the district puzzle game.

Rome would be one I like so much I try to stay away from; I'm a builder at heart and they fit so well. I like other civs, but fast science wins just aren't as appealing as settling and improving and optimizing an empire. If there was a 'production' victory I would win it every game; I almost always rely on large population for the bulk of my science and culture. It is very hard for me to break the mold of "maximize IZs everywhere."
I like building cities and constructing things much more than war, and I also love unique improvements. So the civs I like to play most are ones like The Netherlands, Australia, etc
I like building cities and constructing things much more than war, and I also love unique improvements. So the civs I like to play most are ones like The Netherlands, Australia, etc

Same for me: Netherlands, Japan, Germany. But I also like Persia and Poland for their boosts to internal traderoutes. It's something I focus on early on anyway so nice to have bonusses for it.

...no wait, they got nerfed. And then nerfed again. Then nerfed some more. Then they got a big cake of nerfing, with whipped lameness filling and glazed lame-berries on top.

...I think England now get 5 free melee units when they build a Royal Navy Dockyard in a city in a foreign continent that is also near two tea luxuries and provided you have researched printing press and have not had a war with Granada for the past 10 turns and have earnt at least three Great Prophets... is that right? ...

So, Norway!

...no wait, have Anti-Cav, Pikes, Military Tactics been fixed yet? No!?! Ugh. Okay, so...


...oh yeah, Anti-Cav, Pikes, MT... at least Samurai don’t suck anymore....


...yeah Anti-Cav etc still sort of a problem, because Germany tends to research that part of the tech tree, and you want to be defensive mid game. But not such a big deal, because Industrial Zones and IZ buildings are so awesome!!

....sorry, what? IZ and IZ buildings suck? Okay, but building lots of Commercial Hubs is still awesome right...?

... Okay. Let’s see. Someone else in that Renaissance High Sea Colonial space...


... ugh, no.


...I mean, I guess, maybe... Ugh. Not quite what I was going for really...

Maybe something more Medieval? With Medieval Swordsmen, and Walls and stuff...


...oh, dear me, I give up...

...I mean, I guess, maybe... Ugh. Not quite what I was going for really...

The only thing wrong with the Dutch is that the rules around polders (thank god they lessened the flat land requirement) do not match with what the map actually generates, so you're never gonna be able to get adjacency. It's ironic that the big lakes you see in the tundra and snow are the best polder sites! But they have bonus to science, culture, and production via rivers, and some silly little trade route perk. But who cares. Have you seen that river bonus?

But not such a big deal, because Industrial Zones and IZ buildings are so awesome!!
They do suck. Unless you are germany, which has quite possibly the greatest district ever, and you're cranking absurd numbers from it. You're gonna get all the GEs anyways, so you have a lock on Watt and tesla, so at least your buildings wont be that sucky. Sadly, the dark age card "Collectivism" is only available late, so you can't cheese your way to triple adjacencies mid game. Let's not pretend we haven't all tried to get the mythical 45 hammer hansa at least once...
I have a rock-hard rule playing Civ of any version: I play the civ that was most highly placed AI player last time.

This time I'm playing the Kongo Guy (name starts with M but I'm hungover) who I hate, but dem's de rules.

Insane production from the Hansas
Extra district for all cities
Extra military slot for conscription/levee en masse (while running early republic)

These three work very well together.
Germany, Netherlands, Rome. Sometimes Japan. Australia can be fun as well.
The only thing wrong with the Dutch is that the rules around polders (thank god they lessened the flat land requirement) do not match with what the map actually generates, so you're never gonna be able to get adjacency. It's ironic that the big lakes you see in the tundra and snow are the best polder sites! But they have bonus to science, culture, and production via rivers, and some silly little trade route perk. But who cares. Have you seen that river bonus?

They do suck. Unless you are germany, which has quite possibly the greatest district ever, and you're cranking absurd numbers from it. You're gonna get all the GEs anyways, so you have a lock on Watt and tesla, so at least your buildings wont be that sucky. Sadly, the dark age card "Collectivism" is only available late, so you can't cheese your way to triple adjacencies mid game. Let's not pretend we haven't all tried to get the mythical 45 hammer hansa at least once...

Dutch are okay. I agree the river adjacency is very good, and the other benefits are good or at least useable. Their UU is good too. I just can’t get excited about them. Particularly Polders - I really can’t get excited about unique improvements.

Germany’s Hansa is very good, and I like that you can build it in triangles with Commercial Hubs (something I often do anyway). My only gripe with the Hansa really is that I enjoy trying to make the normal IZ work, but that’s probably unfair of me. The weakness of IZ buildings and GEs is also a problem though.

Overall, Germany is a Civ I very much like. The smaller bonus are also very fun - particularly the extra military slot that can be put to interesting uses.

All jokes aside, most of the Civs I’d like to play do seem to suffer from various balance issues, particularly around IZs and anti-cav. For Civs like Japan and Germany, the issue isn’t that they’re weak - it’s more that it limits the range of effective strategies with them.

To answer the OP’s question: before RnF, England; after RnF, Norway and Japan, with a bit of Germany.
Indonesia, Spain, Japan, Norway atm. All have interesting bonuses that require a little work to use effectively
Others that interest me are Congo, Poland, Netherlands and Khmer
Had fun with but too easy are Russia, Nubia, Sumeria
Don't work for me are Aztecs, Germany, Brazil
Disappointing and hope they'll be rejigged in a patch are Egypt, England and Georgia
Mostly Japan and China. I really like to go for several early wonders and to build improvements with China, it's the extra builder charge and wonder bonus that it is all about for me. Regarding Japan, it's the half cost districts and the adjacency bonus that does it. The cities looks more populated and the countryside isn't as cluttered by districts.

Both civs are mostly meh really, but they have that one thing that really gets to me. Some DLC civs are fun but are too strong to enjoy. Feels like cheating. :)
Kongo... They suck but I enjoy having size 30-40 capitals that can hard build late game wonders in 8 turns without chops

That, and I really like how relics look in the game.
Netherlands, England, and Indonesia. Give me two frigates and a caravel in the mid game and I’m happy. But if I can get those faster or if the frigates are supercharged... well, then we’re really talking :lol:
Hey all,

I did a thread on this a few years back with Civ 5, but decided it was time for a new one. So, who are your Go-To Civs, and why? I don't necessarily mean who do you think is the most powerful on Diety - there are enough discussions around that and even a general consensus of sorts (Korea, Nubia, Macedon, Zulu, etc.)

No, I mean which leader best fits the way you like to play the game? If you try to mix it up as much as you can, who do you secretly compare the leader you're currently playing to?

In short: Who Do You Main?

For myself, whenever I'm just starting up a game to relax, I usually land on either Amanitore (fast archers, quick district production, extra goodies from mines) or else Gorgo (I miss the culture-farming with Honor in CiV and she's the only one who can scratch that itch, plus the extra wildcard slot is great.)

So who's yours?

I always dreamt about creating my very own civ, +3 combat damage, half cost campuses and better swordsmen. But I didn't find the time so far.
My favorite's the Cree. I really emphasize getting trade routes which is something I neglect playing other civs. I also enjoy every aspect of the civ (uniques and abilities and even typical starting location).
I like Australia because if anyone picks a fight with you you bounce back at lightning speed. Or you can go around liberating City-States too, which pleases me.

And Rome. I love my little Legion victory handsprings.
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