Your Go-To Civs (Civ 6)

Though I haven't seen anyone mention Georgia LOL. No one wants to play them.
Georgia's not horrible. Unique walls are unfortunate, but Tamar's Golden Age ability means she's unlikely to ever be in anything but a golden age after the Ancient Era. If you can be adequately aggressive with religion, her city-state ability isn't too bad, either, but the AI tends to be...possessive about converting city-states. :p

And the U.S. Oh how I wish Firaxis would make America great again.
Are they considered that bad? Teddy always seems to be in the upper half of the AI civs, unless he got a bad starting location, and the one time I played them I found them enjoyable enough. Teddy's +5 combat strength on his own continent is handy, and bonuses to National Parks are nice, too. America's biggest problem is the Film Studio: too little, too late.

Abe Lincoln looked absolutely ridiculous with a Visigoth helmet in his Ancient-era portrait, is all I recall there...
Never, ever do I want Civ3's changing leader attire back. All it displayed was Firaxis' lack of maturity. :rolleyes:
I believe I have seen an Ottoman mod out there. Have yet to play it though.
Probably Gorgo or Hojo Tokimune. As OP said, the extra wildcard slot and culture from killing enemies is really nice. With Japan I like how they get major district adjacency bonuses from each adjacent district, though i'm not a fan of hard building Samurai's.
Probably Gorgo or Hojo Tokimune. As OP said, the extra wildcard slot and culture from killing enemies is really nice. With Japan I like how they get major district adjacency bonuses from each adjacent district, though i'm not a fan of hard building Samurai's.
In Civ1 (since it was brought up, above) absolutely everything - units, improvement, Wonders - everything, was hard built, without exception... :P
In Civ1 (since it was brought up, above) absolutely everything - units, improvement, Wonders - everything, was hard built, without exception... :p

Back in my day we had to hard build everything along with walking uphill to school both ways in blistering cold.

Of course we also had howitzers that ignored city walls in Civ2 (I never actually played Civ 1). How OP was that?
Back in my day we had to hard build everything along with walking uphill to school both ways in blistering cold.

Of course we also had howitzers that ignored city walls in Civ2 (I never actually played Civ 1). How OP was that?

Howitzers that ignored walls and railroads that gave infinite movement. Instant conquest! :D
My go to civs are Russia, Germany, USA. This dates back to when I first started playing Civilization 2 mainly the World War 2 scenario. Each new game I check them out first to see the changes and what new things have been given to them.
Howitzers that ignored walls and railroads that gave infinite movement. Instant conquest! :D
And don't forget the Stealth Bombers that could take out any non-air unit except, on a good day, AEGIS Cruisers, because they didn't strategically bomb or anything like that...
Howitzers that ignored walls and railroads that gave infinite movement. Instant conquest! :D
Those were the days haha
I'm drawn to Rome. I just love the free infrastructure you get in each city right away, the Legion is a monster unit, and the Baths promote flexibility on where you settle and how many cities you settle. Gameplay aside, I think they're well designed thematically. There's something pleasant about a Roman town with its Trajan's Column-looking monument, an aqueduct, and some bathhouses. They were the first civ I won a game with in VI and remain my overall favorite.

After Rome, I'd say I'm drawn to Persia, Poland, and Australia.
I'm very partial to Korea, she has pretty much everything I want, except maybe a nicer color. I just love Seowons, I feel they're my favorite unique district. Probably my second fallback is America, I do love their blue and white colors, and their city names are comfortably familiar. I enjoyed them much more in Civ 5 because of Minutemen, but they're still nice.

England used to be my absolute favorite when she had double trade routes, but she's just not the same any more and I haven't played in a while.
I'm fond of playing as Norway and Denmark. Sweden is less fun, because it's more rewarding to go all out settling than to try and navigate through your allies to conquer stuff. Maybe I'll conquer Constantinople and a city state or two, but usually not much else.

One thing l will note is that as Norway I tend to fall into a pattern of sweeping from the North down through Great Britain, then streaming across the English channel into Charlemagne's lands. Once I've established a beach head, I split my forces in two to conquer the South to the Andalusians and Pisa and East to Denmark simultaneously.

I usually have very little official time left of my 60 turns at that point. The caballari are such a pain, and there are waves on waves of them. Usually while working on the British city states I'll settle Ireland, then Iceland, and finally Greenland twice. Occasionally I settle North of Sweden, but usually I just let them have it.

Today, I continued after officially winning by score. The Andalusians are weaker militarily, but their terrain is supremely defensible. I ended up using a pincer strategy to take the Northwesternmost and Eastern city with dual naval invasions. From their, I targeted the weaker Northeastern city, freeing up my troops from ranged bombardment when swarming the capital. Following this, the other two cities fall super quickly.

Next I moved troops to take Morocco, while my third army pushed against the Byzantines (owners of Roma). Independent Pisa falls quickly, as my navy finally gets opposition against the quinqueremes.

I took a break today with my units half-surrounding Roma, the walls have beaten down. Meanwhile my first two armies are sailing the Mediterranean towards the closest two city states as my longboats wreck the Byzantine armada.

Next time I'll finish of Roma, Venexia, the two city states, and Neapolis. After that, I'll try to gauge my best path forward. At some point I need to grab the two Northeastern European city states that the Denmark and Sweden AIs cannot capture. Meanwhile I can't recall what the II quadrant of the map looks like on the other side of Italy- I've only seen a bit of it once when I conquered Constantinople as Sweden, so I can't plan for it yet.

This has been a long ramble about my favorite way to play my favorite scenario. I'd say it's loosely related to the topic? Sorry guys.

Side note, has the scenario benefited from updates? The colors are different than pictured on Steam (although I think I recall them always being this way), I thought I remembered embarked units being too strong, but my longboats are two shotting them now, and the AI seems a bit better at holding back (although still benefitting from waves of fresh knights on the regular).
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I love the Aztecs, Persia, and Korea, but am curious to try Russia more. I'd like to use religion more effectively at higher levels to supplement my warmongering lol (not actually to go for religious victories) haha
I like Persia, they fit my playstyle and are very strong.

However, I am so bad with them! I don't understand it at all, I struggle so much when I play them even though I absolutely shouldn't maybe I am just too cocky when I play them or something its so odd.

I also enjoy Poland (although never use their religion), the Cree, and Nubia if I need to stroke my ego.
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