Your Personal "Golden Age"


Trained& Motivated Killer
Jan 24, 2006
So I have often thought of living in different eras of human civilization. Pretty much day dreamed my way through the stone age to the future. And the question occured to me: At what time of human civilization would I have made the biggest impact, what age would I have thrived in? When would my "Golden Age" take place?

Taking into account that I would actually have to "live in the times", for example, if I said "The stone age", I would only know what a stone age person would know. I would have no knowledge of the copper or industrial eras, but I would have the same attributes that I do now. I have thought about it for awhile and I would have to say, that personally I think I would thrive the most in the future. I'm talking pretty far into the future.

I consider myself an extremely intellectual person, but I am extremely lazy. I think that if I lived in a time when things were happening on the scale of star wars (intergalactic travel etc.,) I would "make the biggest difference" or at least be the best person I could be. I dont know why, but I think the almost limitless possiblities of such a time would encourage me to be a lot less lazy and to actually acheive something with the ability to use advanced technology would totally be suited to me. I would almost be a "great person" of the future.

But what about you? I know that some of my friends would be "great people" of past eras. They are mechanicaly inclined, artistic, at least back in the day when artists would have thrived at the level they are at etc., so I pose the question to you: What age would you consider your "Golden Age?"
But what about you? I know that some of my friends would be "great people" of past eras. They are mechanicaly inclined, artistic, at least back in the day when artists would have thrived at the level they are at etc., so I pose the question to you: What age would you consider your "Golden Age?"
15,000 BC on the Siberian tundra. Man, would I have herded those Reindeer!
I don't know. Things were easier back then - many things we'd see as obvious, but there were less people, and we only know so much now because we've built on what our forefathers knew. Sure, if I could go back in time, I could discover a lot of things, but we're talking relatively here. If I went back to 1500 I'd be in Tudor England and would probably be a labourer on a farm - or something - no-one of any importance. Back then it was only the rich/upper class who were able to become surgeons, scientists etc. and were the only ones able to make these discoveries.

I know quite a lot now, but a lot has already been discovered. There are more people to compete with and more and more discoveries being made. It all seems to go up relatively to me.
4,000 B.C
I'm sure i could invented the alphabet before those damn Pheonicicians. (Or Hiitites.)
I'll just try to work with the one I live in.

It is after all the one I know most intimately.
On a serious note: Right now I've got a nasty case of bacterial tonsillitis. Therefore I personally think that anyone claiming to want to live in any age before the advent of antibiotics hasn't really thought about it properly.

Dang my throat hurts :(
I never had a personal golden age
Eastern Front, WW2, shooting down and murdering fascist Nazis.
My golden age would be in the post-modern. Think Star Trek. As it is, unfortunately, I'm here... now. Oh well, could be worse. A LOT worse. And who knows, maybe I'll get to see and live in the future that I dream about, some day. Meantime, I fell the next-best option is to try to surround myself with as many intelligent people as possible, while minimizing my exposure to the unevolved, prehistoric-like moron types... which is exceedingly difficult as they are so incredibly prevalent. Anyway, I just want to live in a time when people are actually using their brains, en masse. -Not just a few pockets of brilliance, here and there. But again, I know - I ask way too much.
anytime with less technology and where your not low jacked.. i have no morals and no conscious

but you sound like your making excuses for not doing anything and living in some dillusional fantasy that you would of been something if only this was different.

in fact i'll be just fine with my no morals in a few years, when i have some cash to do some things
The Sixties, in College.

Communal Idealism and free drugs all around, baby!
It hasn't come yet.
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