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Yumbo Reserch Team

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Originally posted by Pounder
I did a quick search on google and there are a ton a items, Town named Yumbo in Columbia, motorbike company that makes Mopeds and trailbikes, etc...

Seems that it is not an acronym.

and i did one on 8/6/77, aside from the occcasional athleate, nothing....
Those numbers DID have a purpose... which is why it's pretty strong...

Now I think CT here is over reacting a bit. Right CT. ;)
Originally posted by unscratchedfoot
Then why doesn't somebody just ask chieftess why he chose those stats? :rolleyes:

She didint choose the stats.

But she did say the numbers were important.

Did you make those stats up vbrawn?

No. And its vbraun

Okay, vbraun, I would like to join your team.

Welcome aboard. :thumbsup:
Originally posted by cgannon64
I disagree. I think the it just says Thanks for Playing because it is the credits, and then YUMBO is totally seperate with no connection whatsoever.

Your probably right. I was just thinking outside the box :crazyeye:

First post Edited.
Why did the YUMBO cross the road?
Okay I shall stop making jokes. I'll be willing to help your cause. Consider me part of the team. Heres some info that may help. YUMBO! may very well be a place since warpstorm insists that his location is YUMBO!:crazyeye:
The Jaimo is quite odd. Somebody try all the sounds in reverse audio (I don't have the right exquipment). It's the one file you get as a WinZip file. It's a PTW extra.
Or YUMBO is a food


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

There dozens of links to sites talking about the Gran Canaria's Island Yumbo Centre which is a strip of gay bars. (I doubt this has anything to do with C3C BUT, I mention it because of so many websites talking about it)

The largest list of Yumbo finds, are links to websites talking about Yumbo, Colombia. Here is a link to a picture with the YUMBO coat-of-arms with dates on it.

Seti@yumbo is another site I found, it is in spanish (I think) so I can't read it, however, SETI is a wonder in CIV, and it has the word YUMBO. No clue if this is related

The date August 6th 1977 is the date for Phase one Campagin to End Nuclear Testing

But I can't make a connection with 8/6/77 or 6/8/77 with the word Yumbo
I just noticed something, YUMBO! always has an exclamation point at the end of it. Try to search for it as YUMBO! and not YUMBO. I'll go check now.

EDIT: Nope only comes up with the same stuff.
I reckon the Jaimo is a red herring. The files included are just the graphics and the sound, so if you insert it in your game you can give it whatever name & stats you like.

Oh, and Gogf: nice idea, but I tried playing the sound files backwards and they made even less sense.
Based on all the information I could come up with. The only thing that I could conclude is, that warstorm's location is the Gran Canaria's Island Yumbo Centre, or a town in Columbia.

This must mean that we are making no progress once so ever!
well, if figured out sid is not 26, that puts a hole in my theory
Here's a question, how long has Warpstorm's location been listed as Yumbo? Before, or after the Beta Test started?
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