

Out of Cheese Error
Jan 7, 2003
It's time for a new giant monster ! This one is from the Gamera series. It first appeared in Gamera vs. Zigra (1971). Zigra is a sentient aquatic extra-terrestrial planning to conquer the Earth in order to give a new home to its species : their homeworld is ridden with pollution.

Contact with Earth pollution made Zigra grows bigger and bigger in a matter of hours.

It's been a while since I've made a sea unit and I wanted to try something new for the water-line.

Zigra is also able to go on land, although it's quite clumsy. Classic Civ3 Editor doesn't allow sea unit to upgrade to land unit. However, I don't know if that's an engine limitation or an editor limit. Gojira54, if you're interested, perhaps could you ask Steph or Quintillus to temporarily allow it and test yourself.

Animations by Supa
Model by ウルフェさん
Sounds included

Great work as always Supa. I'll see what I can do about the editor, Worst Case Scenario, we'll just have 2 units.
Thanks, both of you ! The waddling animation was quite fun to create. :lol:

I'd love to make/have a Zigra starship unit too, but I haven't found any model of it and I lack the skills to make one.

Spoiler :
Love it!
I love the land dude's run animation. It looks like he's strutting. Swag Zigra.
Geez you're awesome at making monsters! Awesome work! :goodjob::)
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