This is version 1.1 of Jamie's Rome Mod.
New button artwork
2 New units
Quintrireme now has 3 moves instead of 2
Some cities have been renamed
Construction now provides a +1 to roads
Civics now no longer mention corporations
Asian wonders disabled
Hadrian's wall replaces great wall
Celtic empire now called Brython empire
To Install - Extract into mods folder (program files not my documents) no need to delete 1.0
if fails to load go into the Jamie'sRome1.1 folder and go into assets, XML, Art, and delete main menus (in the mods folder not the main game do not under any circumstances delete the file from the main game!!!)
Discussion Thread
New button artwork
2 New units
Quintrireme now has 3 moves instead of 2
Some cities have been renamed
Construction now provides a +1 to roads
Civics now no longer mention corporations
Asian wonders disabled
Hadrian's wall replaces great wall
Celtic empire now called Brython empire
To Install - Extract into mods folder (program files not my documents) no need to delete 1.0
if fails to load go into the Jamie'sRome1.1 folder and go into assets, XML, Art, and delete main menus (in the mods folder not the main game do not under any circumstances delete the file from the main game!!!)
Discussion Thread