This Mod adds two new commands defined below.
Assign Home City: allows you to assign a home city to the unit to be used in conjunction with the Return to Home City Command.
Return Home and Unload: if the unit has a home city selected it will return there and unload. If not it will move to the closes city to unload.
These commands are available to:
Treasure Units: only coastal cities are selectable
Ships: only coastal cities are selectable
Land units with Cargo space: only cities the unit can move to are selectable
1. If you find a treasure unit you can assign it a home city and have it moved there with little effort
2. Helps in manualy moving around your transport ships when arriving from Europe with new Immigrants
3. When your Privateers are full of cargo you can have them return to their home port.
Assign Home City: allows you to assign a home city to the unit to be used in conjunction with the Return to Home City Command.
Return Home and Unload: if the unit has a home city selected it will return there and unload. If not it will move to the closes city to unload.
These commands are available to:
Treasure Units: only coastal cities are selectable
Ships: only coastal cities are selectable
Land units with Cargo space: only cities the unit can move to are selectable
1. If you find a treasure unit you can assign it a home city and have it moved there with little effort
2. Helps in manualy moving around your transport ships when arriving from Europe with new Immigrants
3. When your Privateers are full of cargo you can have them return to their home port.