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The Timurids (Brave New World) 2016-10-05

Adds the Timurids to the base game.

The Timurids were a Persianate, Turco-Mongol empire which conquered and ruled over modern-day Iran, Afghanistan, much of Central Asia, as well as parts of contemporary Pakistan, India, Mesopotamia, Anatolia, and the Caucasus. It was founded by Timur, popularized in the West as Tamerlane the Great, who would emerge during his lifetime as the most powerful ruler of the Muslim world. Timur's armies were ferocious, feared throughout Asia, Africa, and Europe. Independent scholars estimate that his military campaigns caused the deaths of as many as 17 million people (amounting to about 5% of the then world population). On the other hand, Timur is also recognized as a great patron of the arts. By adopting the Persian courtly culture and importing conquered artists to his capital in Samarqand, Timur revolutionized Middle Eastern architecture and fostered the literary evolution of the Chagatai language. Samarqand and Herat were also recognized as the centers of Islamic scholarship at the time. Although traditional Persian identity would be re-established in the area with the arrival of the Safavids, the Timurid dynasty would continue in India as the direct predecessor of the Mughal Empire.

Steam Workshop Link

Gods and Kings Version:
Steam / Civfanatics


- This civilization requires the Brave New World expansion.
- Updates will most likely break saves. Do not update unless you are ready to start a new game.
- The City-State of Samarqand is replaced with Sana'a.


The Timurids

Leader: Timur

UA: Jewel of the East: After capturing your first City the yields of your Palace are increased by +1. Captured Buildings will also be constructed in your Capital if not already present.

UU: Tumen: Replaces Lancer. Earns Gold from defeating enemy Units or attacking Cities. -25% vs. Cities (instead of -33%). No resource requirement.

UB: Maydan: Replaces University. Reduces the effectiveness of enemy Spies by 20%. -20% Production Cost.


- Timur leader and DoM art by Janboruta.
- Art for the Tumen created by danrell and adapted from his Civ V China unit pack.
- Art icons for the UB adapted from the Firaxis ' Into the Renaissance Scenario.
-Temporary Tumen icon (until I can find time to make my own) borrowed from Moriboe's excellent Khazar mod and made by Janboruta.
- A big thanks to FramedArchitect and Moriboe for helping me sort out some of the lua (especially for the GK version).
- Invisible Building SQL, Lua, XML by Thalassicus, trystero49, and Irkalla.
- Thanks to Leugi for the Sound file XML and teutorial.
- All code and art otherwise not listed created by Tomatekh (primary author).



Other modders, feel free to use this civ in any way you want but please give credit.
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