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1933 WW2 Scenario with TECH Trading 2016-10-05

1933 WW2 CivIV Warlords World Wide Scenario by JungleIII

THIS IS TECH TRADING ENABLED version of 1933 Scenario
This version is for those requesting this game with Tech Trading enabled. Please note - this feature may unbalance game play as A.I. trades techs well in advance of era. For regular play (no tech trading) go to http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=4153

The date is 1933. What if Adolph Hitler had NOT been appointed to lead the divided parliamentary government of Germany and President Hindenburg continued on to lead the powerful German nation, how would history have played out? Would you rise to lead another nation to slow the military buildup, taking place in Germany? Or, would you allow the appointment of Hitler in the new position of Chancellor replacing Field Marshal Hindenburg as leader with someone… like yourself? What would you do to change history?

Nations Playable in this Scenario:
Nation - Leader

Germany - Paul Hindenburg
England - Winston Churchill
U.S.A. - Franklin Roosevelt
Japan - Emperor Hirohito
Soviets - Joseph Stalin
French - Albert Lebrun
Neutrals - Ignacy Moscicki
Australia - Robert Menzies
Persians - King Ghazi
China - Chang Kai Shek
India - Gandhi
Latin Nations - Benavides
Turks - Mustafa Ataturk
Italians - Benito Mussolini
Arabia - King Saud
Canada - Mackenzie King
Spain - Francisco Franco
Mexico - Rodriguez

This is a WORLD WIDE Scenario; playing with historically similar nations to the day, with slight adjustments to balance play. It is played in CIV4 Warlords because of the incredible complexity and interesting variations to game play with in so many ways mimic the world at the time. Vassals will become an important part of game play as you proceed through your campaigns, just as alliances were formed in WWII. You CAN play peacefully as the leader of any of the Major Nations, but will probably want to pound someone to get a bigger slice of the world to make it easier to win that diplomatic victory… OR, go for the greedy land grab and take at least 50% to win.

This scenario is played on asioasioasio and Kodzi’s 1939WW2 mod available under separate download from 15 February 2007. For the latest version of this scenario - you must also have the latest version of the WW2 1939 mod which is 1.15b and located at: http://forums.civfanatics.com/downlo...o=file&id=4164
My many thanks to them and the rest of the mod team for enabling this rich and different experience. This mod brings a completely new Tech Tree with 100 new technologies based on Modern knowledge. The civics are completely redone with a war time advantage available, which really helps in those serious campaigns. Of course, the units are vast and will continue to increase as the team keeps adding unique and revised versions of many contributors. To get you in the ‘mood’, you’ll find the all new movies, wonders, and music a real bonus with depth and professionalism. What about Religion? It has been replaced with Axis, Allies and Communism and your friends are clear from the start.

In beta testing, the most winnable leaders to play for domination/diplomatic win are:
USA, Germany, Japan, England, Soviets – play at higher difficulty suggested.
Winnable but with challenges and must be played aggressively:
Neutrals, Australia, India, French … …makes historical sense too.

It is best to have at least 1 G.B. of memory to play this game, but you will find the wait to load worth the while.

3 April 2007 Beta Version 1933ww2_7.TT - FOR USE WITH NEW MOD PATCH downloaded from 1939 WW2 mod page - separately.

To see Forum thread or make comments and suggestions: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=207510

Revision History:
Revision version 6 - Some Nations start with religions pre-assigned after mod enabling changes
Rev version 7 - Germany starts with Blitzkrieg, minor fixes/balances
Rev 7.1 and 7.2 - More balancing... and added Hong Kong for Britain, peace for Japan and China and start

Rev 7.3 – Reduce research time for some. Increase cash flow for some nations. Increase British Navy size. Correct some city spelling errors.
Rev 7.4 – Added Dallas, correct city spelling error, remove several German units, reduced German production, pre-built 5 additional wonders.
Rev 7.5 – Remap Canadian cities to fit in two more. Added Seattle to U.S. Some balancing.
REVISION 7.7p – Rebalanced and made to conform to NEW MOD PATCH. Download mod patch FIRST (from WW2 1939 Modsite), then this scenario downloaded to desktop, and simply double click on scenario – it will load mod and this scenario.

Revision 7.7TT - TECH TRADING ENABLED only change

Sorry, but not all leaderheads will appear differently and tags and verbiage is not entirely finished. Amendments will occur for next 45days, and re-released scenario versions will contain the new leaderheads as we can get them assembled with their national characteristics in place.

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