Rife Events Design Thread

Dec 4, 2005
So, As you all know, (or not) , i've been recently appointed Master of Events by the Great Hamster.
In a few words, that means that i'm in charge of complete overhaul of existing events and adding new ones.

And as i know that his Hamstarian Majesty is fond of interesting quests, those will also
be worked on.

I expect from you all feedback on the current events , and propositions for new ones, whether it is simple ones or quest-like events.

Thank you all and All Hail the Hamster King
Well, I'm playing with an internal version with more events already ;)
and, only thing I can think of is fleshing out some of the constellation events.
and, most of the Scion-only events should be fleshed out into real events.
Here's one suggestion, to be triggered when a certain amount of units have been killed in the same area (the chance of it triggering could also rise as the AC does):

Those who were killed in the recent battles in this area has risen as undead, and are haunting the surrounding lands. Something must be done!

  • There is nothing that can be done.
  • Send a Spirit adept to calm the spirits.
  • Send in our necromancers; maybe these undead can be of use in our armies?
  • These undead are an abomination! We must rally the local villagers into a militia and hunt them down!

First option would make a lair spawn, churning out Spectres until destroyed. Second option would make nothing happen, third would give you undead soldiers of some kind and fourth would create units in nearby tiles, if there are villages on them, and you are playing with Order.
Yup, FFH2 events thread has some pretty goon ones.

I wouldn't mind events that would make fun of eccentricies in older versions of Rife and FFH2. :p
No more Muris clan goblins! Argh!
Getting -1 food on a mountain tile outside city limits causes much despair :lol:
Three times! On a floodplain and some forests! Rage!
I'd just like to see the Muris event preventable, or at least reversible. Maybe have an extra option like, "Send out our troops to hunt them down!" Spawns one Muris Clan Goblin in the tile, nothing else happens.
That's what I wanted, but the text does say that they're discovered too late to prevent the dumping. How about we make a Muris clan civ, just for the opportunity of massacring them. Or just make the food loss temporary. That could work to.
Or a "Screw it, burn everything" option that turns the tile into wasteland and spawns a lot of weak killable muris goblins, running from the fires. Would serve the vengeful sort.
I've never had Muris affect a useful tile, and I really mean never. The events always happen to me on a tile outside city limits or on a mountain. Can see how it would affect early games though, with the short amount of owned tiles and smaller pool of events, but I've been extremely lucky in respect to that

Other events are very frequent early game too. Lord of Death likes to visit my cities a lot, but that's fine as it doesn't affect most of the civs. Monument inscription is extremely common too, to the extent it's become a tactic to build monuments as early as possible - recent game I got one to produce +12 beakers
I often get the Goblins or the harsh winter/summer events early in the game, and while I can't do anything about the goblins I'm often forced to worldbuilder the tiles back to prevent massive starvations in my only city with a pop of three.
Maybe an improvement could be created on Muris clan waste tiles which requires an adept with Nature I to remove instead of the permanent -1 food? Maybe Illians or access to Ice Mana can negate harsh summer for your territory alone, and Sun Mana or Fire Mana can negate harsh winter? Inscription on monolith event is a bit common yeah... maybe have event put in an Inscribed Monument building, replaces old Monument, prevents the "erect a monument in his honor" option for the event that has that, too.
Hmm... maybe religious quests? e.g., Order quest would be to capture x Veil cities, Veil could be "capture x Order cities" or "get y tiles transformed to Hell terrain in your territory", OO could be "get y coast/ocean terrain in your territory", leaves could be "get y ancient forests/kelp forests", RoK could be "get (higher than rest of these to offset Motherlode) hills/peaks". Reward would be something like "get 1 high priest and 3 lower/lowest-level priests" and maybe something extra based on the religion.
So, As Valkrionn said, Muris clan has been taken care of, it's now nastier in some ways but less definitive. The witch event has also been tweaked to make it more interesting.

As for quests, i bear no love to BTS-like quests that are quite boring ( build that n times ...). and neither does Valk, if i remember correctly. rife Quests will be more epic .

And yes , FFH Event thread is my first source when it comes to adding events, but for tweaking and adding special rife effects, i think this one 'll do fine ^^

Keep up the ideas
The quest system from BtS could be rejigged to role-playing goals.

For example the "build lots of harbours" quest becomes a role-playing goal for the Lanun only. This will encourage players (and maybe the AI?) to role-play their nation accordingly by incentivising them to do so. Much of the work has already been done in BtS, so there should be less work to do.

As for new events:

An envoy dressed in black is claiming that the chief of the Hamstalfar has appointed him Master of Events.

o This is indeed a cause for celebration. (+1 Happiness in Capital city for ten turns.)
And yes , FFH Event thread is my first source when it comes to adding events, but for tweaking and adding special rife effects, i think this one 'll do fine ^^

Fair enough, I just thought that having that thread directly accessible from this one would be helpful. For one thing, people can have an idea of the types of things that have already been proposed. Also, it will obviate the need for people who've proposed events in the past to re-post the same events in this thread. (New ideas, of course, will be great, it's always fun to read what people come up with.)
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