Monarch charming

I needed that!

I will try to play tonight when I get home :)
Forgot it was just you and me and I wasn't supposed to wait for cripp7
1882 AD - 1886 AD

Ran through cities - we have a lot of war unhappiness and other unhappiness
I queued a few infra builds to whip next turn to try to help with happiness and finances

Saladin requests OB - I decline for now

I switch a bunch of random specialists to merchants instead where it seemed viable, as finances are dire

Roosevelt has completed an SS Casing and also made peace with Napoleon - at this point we can only get some cash from him for peace but I don't know if we can hold up against him if he only has to focus on us

This has been only three turns. I am inclined to go for peace right now and build up internally, but I wanted to get your opinion before stopping the war. I don't think we will be able to take Paris now that Roosevelt is no longer helping in the war.

What do you think? I should be able to continue on tomorrow but I wasn't sure on this.

Whipping some infra really helped with unhappiness and finances but not enough. We desperately need Economics to get Free Market for the trade routes I think, but no one will trade or give it to us and we have practically no research ability.

Please check the save and tell me what you think.


  • Charming AD-1886.CivWarlordsSave
    225.8 KB · Views: 63
Sorry it took me so long to respond.

Yes, I agree with making peace now. And then (maybe next turn) we can start a golden age and build up our non-existing economy and research.

Seowons and Oxford, perhaps?
And send a settler to the lake's west coast. We need this land. I think Roosy already took some of the land we liberated from the evil french.

And we should probably switch civics out of the military ones. I don't remember - in Warlords - does a golden age prevent anarchy? Or will it use up some of the golden age turns?
That will determine whether we wait a little more with the GA.
Definitely bureaucracy.
Theo -> OR? Pacifism?
How about Slavery -> Caste system (which will go with pacifism, probably)?

After steam power... I don't know.

If we decide to go for non-military techs for a while, maybe we should switch to econ, Scientific method or liberalism (maybe trade with ceasar?) right now.

Since it's just the two of us, I suggest going up to 15-20 turns each, so this game advances faster.

Well, these are my thoughts anyway.
Ok, sounds good, Asaf.
My husband has tonight and tomorrow off, so I am not sure if I will be able to put the rest of the turns in until Wednesday. If I can I will do so, but I am thinking it might be Wednesday before I can play / post.
I will take peace and see what I can do about restoring the economy.
Not sure on the GA / civic change anarchy, I will check it out though. Pacifism and Caste sound good. Also getting Economics - I will probably aim for that right away with the hopes of revolting to Free Market during the GA as well.
I have not been feeling well the last couple of days. I am sorry to again delay the game. I will at least try to keep you posted. I was feeling a little better today but not enough to concentrate on what's going on. I am hoping tomorrow will be better and I can play / post then. :sad:
1886 AD - 1912 AD

Took the peace deal with Napoleon
Switched research to Economics
Revolted to Bureaucracy, Caste System, and Pacifism
We got another great scientist
Settled Pyongyang and set it to culture
Roosevelt completed an SS Casing
Started our golden age after revolt because I did not see in the civilopedia that in Warlords there is no anarchy for changing civics
Built an Academy in Ulundi with the second great scientist because it has our best science output right now
Roosevelt completed broadway
Economics is in - we will need to revolt to Free Market ASAP
Roosevelt built the Pentagon
There are 4 turns left of the golden age. You may want to reconfigure our assigned specialists, I set mostly merchants or scientists unless culture was specifically needed in that city
We are going to want to switch to Free Market, either now or after the golden age. I am not 100% sure whether there will be anarchy or not but since it did not specify I did not want to risk it.
I've been trying to build Seowans and commerce buildings as needed. We may want another settler for our western borders to try to push more land out into Roosevelt's or Napoleon's territory
Pyongyang's borders popped so you may want to let it build something, I would start with a theatre
With the cash we have, you should be able to complete Steam Power now if you increase research, so it will finish before the GA ends
I may have overran the turns because I lost count, you should be able to even us back out

The save ~


  • Charming AD-1912.CivWarlordsSave
    215.1 KB · Views: 81
Sounds like we're doing better :)

I'll look at the save this evening (hopefully).
Do you think it's valid to save before revolting to free market, just to check if it causes anarchy, and if it does just load and wait with it until after the golden age?

Don't worry about the turn count. There's only the two of us.
Do you think it's valid to save before revolting to free market, just to check if it causes anarchy, and if it does just load and wait with it until after the golden age?

I am not against this. If I were less lazy perhaps I could look it up somewhere, I imagine it has to be on the forums or something. But in case we could not find it, I don't think it would be a big deal to test it by saving.
I checked the forums and it appears that GA prevents anarchy in BTS (3.13, I think) only. So no point in switching now. And we can only switch next turn.

Looking at the save...

We should probably take as much research as we can from this GA, but then we should focus on city growth. We lost a LOT of population during the war :(.

Maybe with astronomy and liberalism we can trade with ceasar. But it'll take too long for us to trade them... So I guess stay with steam power and then railroad.

I'll continue the infrastructure build and growing the cities. Oxford goes in Seoul, right?
Any other national wonders suggestions?

In the longer run: We can't attack Sally, since he has a defensive pact with Roosevelt. We'll probably have to DoW Napo again eventually.
Not 100% sure of Oxford in Seoul - compare that with Ulundi, I think it was, where I built a second academy. I know there were hired scientists there too though, so maybe take the base science from each city with no hired scientists just to confirm which city is better - it may very well be Seoul, I just didn't compare the base science during my turns.
I played 15 or 16 turns. Tried to restore our economy and research.
Steam power was researched, working on RailRoad.

Main events during this time:

Refused getting hit musicals from Roosy for rice (we don't need the :), he needs the health).

Refused Napo's threats (wanted rice). The nerve some people have...

Researched Steam Power and moved to Rail Road. We have 2 sources of coal.

Sally's completed the Statue of Liberty.

Hmmm... Revolted to free market only to discover that the only foreign trade route we have is with Rome.
I don't know if losing the free specialist was worth it.
But I don't want to go to another turn of anarchy, and Roosy won't adopt Free Market ("It will go against everything we believe"? Seriously?).

We have a GS born in Ulundi.
Our Oxford city is going to be either Seoul or Cowville (Ulundi will take too long to build it), and currently Seoul has a much larger research modifier (130% - I built 2 monasteries there, as opposed to 75%), and it has the benefits of buearo, so I settle the GS in Seoul.
The alternative is to bulb a little more than half of Scientific method, which we cannot even research yet.
I hope it was the correct decision...

1928 - Napoleaon DoW's us. And the stupid WW fully returns.

"War? What is it good for?"
"Survival, you Imbeciles!"

Now would be a good time to get those hit musicals...

He has a large stack of cavalries and cannons at our door.
We have nothing to offer Roosevelt for DoW'ing Napo.

We should move units to the front. Survive this attack and go for peace. Or Paris. I don't know anymore.

Some screenshots:
Spoiler :

Spoiler :

The Save:


  • Charming AD-1928.CivWarlordsSave
    213.4 KB · Views: 70
1928 AD - 1938 AD

Traded horse for musicals with Roosevelt - I guess he changed his mind about the rice, but I didn't figure it mattered which of those we gave him either way

Traded Fur to Saladin for Sugar

We lost Lyons

I accept open borders with Saladin

We lost P'yongyang

Roosevelt will declare on Napoleon now for nearly all of our gold - this may be the only thing that will help us get out of this - I stopped here to see what you thought
Napoleon seems to have endless units, and we have no real production to speak of to counter that, and we have already lost tons of our units trying to maintain

~The save


  • Charming AD-1938.CivWarlordsSave
    227.3 KB · Views: 66
These french just don't give up...
They don't have that many land units.
Somehow it doesn't seem as if the WW is that bad. Not sure what has changed. Probably the happy resources you got for us.

I don't think we have a choice but to give Roosy the tons of gold for him to declare on Napo.
We're nowhere close to Fascism for the police state and Mt. Rushmore.

We should probably create some cannons in Seoul (2 turns each), use them and some other cannons we're building and the grens from CowVille to retake Lyons and then try for peace (Lyons has 3 defending rifles).

We should probably MM coppertown for production of units instead of growth.

For some reason Napo won't talk to us although it's been 10 turns already.

What do you think about switching back to theocracy?

Things definitely don't look that good.
At least let's take the world down with us :p
Theocracy sounds good. Do you think it is too late in the game to go back to slavery? Whipping units really helped our production last time.
Were you going to take it from here or would you prefer I try to press forward for 5 - 10 more turns? Either way is fine to me.
Feel free to continue. I'm a little busy anyway.
It's never too late for slavery ;) question is what are we giving up for this.
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