• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Denmark Civilization and Scenario Pack and Explorers Map Pack due for may 3rd

OK, so Danes and Norwegians. Cool (poor Malcolm, but I'm sure he'll be a City-State).

I edited my post to reflect the proper year. I actually did a report on this event, so I feel bad I forgot the year.
OK, so Danes and Norwegians. Cool (poor Malcolm, but I'm sure he'll be a City-State).

I edited my post to reflect the proper year. I actually did a report on this event, so I feel bad I forgot the year.

Hehe, yeah. This period is a popular subject. I'm essentially getting my MA and PhD on 1066. :p
Mine was an undergrad paper sophomore year. I essentially compared the uprising of Boudicca under Roman rule to the uprising of York under William's rule. My argument was that the Normans ended up having an easier time in spite of being faced with what seemed to be even greater adversity. Probably the biggest reason was the prevalent use of forts (which were instrumental in stopping York) compared to the Romans (where Colchester didn't even have walls). Somehow I stretched that to 12 pages.
That is a false representation if I ever saw any! Your picture contains no clapping hats!

This gentleman is a true Dane.
Zyx, in the patch notes it had 'If a 3D image cannot be created, fall back to 2D'.

Also, there is another DLC being released at the same time, called the 'Explorer Map Pack' containing 10 maps, 5 real world and 5 scripted.

Thanks for the details... can't concentrate lately or having any patience to sift through pages worth of CFC membership speculations. Hockey playoffs and country wide election on Monday here. My head is really spinning with terrible news including Tornado alley destruction.

I usually resist spending some money on whatever maps -- but the "Scripted" inserts have ticked off my curiosity, somehow.
DLC looks quite "European" - again. That could solve the case of Celts (and possibly the Dutch) for awhile maybe.
Norwegian football supporters

Danish football supporters

Case closed. :p


But wait, didn't Denmark win the European Cup in ´92? :king:

AND actually conquered England during the Viking Age instead of TRYING?

Case definitely reopened. :p
AND actually conquered England during the Viking Age instead of TRYING?

Well, the Danes took roughly half of England--they never could best old Alfred the Great. The Norwegians took chunks of Ireland and Scotland and pretty much all of the Isles. King Erik Bloodaxe of Norway was also King of York for a while (ruling much of northern England).
Well, the Danes took roughly half of England--they never could best old Alfred the Great. The Norwegians took chunks of Ireland and Scotland and pretty much all of the Isles. King Erik Bloodaxe of Norway was also King of York for a while (ruling much of northern England).

Yes, but they took enough to be declared kings of England though.
Cnut conquered the whole thing. In addition, I'm pretty sure after the Danelaw was established, there were a few English Kings that came from the Danish part of Britain and took over the crown.

I'd also point out that you shouldn't put modern nationalistic interpretations on past events. Just because someone is from geographic Norway doesn't mean he'd see himself as Norwegian. Furthermore, there are translation issues. The French used the Norse to refer to all these people. The English often used "Danes" to refer to them all. There's a great deal of overlap and ambiguity.
Personally, had Firaxis chosen to make a Norwegian civ instead, with a special danish pesant unit wearing a klaphat that would drown when embarking, it wouldn't bother me a bit.

It's a freakin game, people.

I'm very fine with Denmark/Norway as the viking civ.

Over and out.
It's a reference to the Ski Troops used against Sweden by Denmark-Norway in the Napoleonic Wars.

In that context, it makes sense. If they were Infantry, they would be Finish and they wouldn't make sense as a Danish UU. It's a good candidate for a reskin, though.

I did not realize Denmark-Norway used ski troops, skis and muskets no less, interesting. All I can say is that you learn something new everyday. I was thinking for some reason about the Russo-Finnish war of 1939-1940. Cool I found a pic!

Yeah, that was my first thought too, but I decided it was worth looking into when they said "Norwegian ski troops."
Because the 2nd patch would follow (presumably) too soon on the tails of the Denmark DLC. Firaxis is purposefully spreading the release of their DLC out a bit (and wisely so).

Plus, Korea's not a feature of the game. But maybe post-game replay or actual multiplayer would be. None of this is to say I believe Korea won't be in...you and I know that some of my fellow Koreans are absolutely nuts and will make a big deal about Korea not being in the game. But Turtle Ships? Every geek who knows about them will be happy to see the day a Renaissance warship with excellent ranged defenses and a smoking dragon's head appears. The pressure's on, Firaxis! :p
My Korean isn't very good yet, but somewhere I read that the Korea DLC would be released within the year, so perhaps not yet. But it is a much requested feature among Koreans. For that reason also I think it will come free with a patch, like Mongolia.
Much requested feature among Koreans? Canadians are a much requested feature among Canadians. Leaving aside the fact that "feature" has never been used like this in the past, an English language update would probably clarify that he only meant "much requested by Koreans." Now I'm not saying that Koreans won't ever be added to the game. My only point is you shouldn't read this announcement into meaning an addition of Korea. It doesn't logically make sense.

Anyway, the only source for Korean DLC is the Korean Civ page, which isn't really updated directly by Firaxis or 2K Games. It was updated right when the Korean language version came out. It seems likely that there was a miscommunication or mistranslation. Once again, it doesn't mean that Korea will never be in the game, but I wouldn't count on the website being evidence of a Korean civ. Essentially, you'd have to count on a major leak with Firaxis doing nothing to fix it (either admit there will be a Korean civ or get that information taken down. Neither of which they've done).
jmik99 said:
Yes, but they took enough to be declared kings of England though.

Nah, they were Kings of Jorvik or the Danelaw.

Louis XXIV said:
Cnut conquered the whole thing. In addition, I'm pretty sure after the Danelaw was established, there were a few English Kings that came from the Danish part of Britain and took over the crown.

He did indeed, and then proceeded to go native. I did a 43-pg research paper on the legal impact of Cnut's accession on England last semester. As for your second assertion--can you give any names? Aside from Sweyn Forkbeard, Cnut, and Cnut's sons, there weren't any Danes who were crowned kings of ALL England.

Louis XXIV said:
I'd also point out that you shouldn't put modern nationalistic interpretations on past events. Just because someone is from geographic Norway doesn't mean he'd see himself as Norwegian.

Who says I am? You've been more than happy to use traditional demonyms like "Danes" and "Norwegians" in this thread as well. I'd sooner use "Norwegian" than "guy from Norway who may not necessarily call himself Norwegian."

Louis XXIV said:
Furthermore, there are translation issues. The French used the Norse to refer to all these people. The English often used "Danes" to refer to them all. There's a great deal of overlap and ambiguity.

Yes, but that's neither here nor there, is it? Why should antiquated demonyms concern us in the slightest in terms of this discussion? In Civ games we play with modern terms for ancient groups: like Egypt and Greece, India and the Aztecs, not Kemet and Hellas, Bharata and Tenochca. :confused:

And I was advocating from the beginning that they use a catch-all demonym rather than singling out a single kingdom like Denmark.
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