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Denmark? Why not Netherlands?

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Norway and Denmark have always been close, strangely enough often with Sweden as an inbetween country keeping to themselves.

When Denmark and Norway meet in football matches these days, danish tabloid newspapers explode with Norwegian commentaries telling us: Hytta på hytta på hytta på hytta Danish hamburgers (and then more hytta på hytta).

The swedes are more forgiving of us, lately Denmark has managed to get a decent hockey team going, and the Swedes has taken the team to their hearts as you would a littlebrother who suddenly show skill in something important. They won't be happy if we ever beat them though thats for sure.

The rivalry between Sweden and Norway seem more pronounced and unforgiving. Sometimes as a Dane you wonder what the heck they get all so worked up about.
I like that idea, too. Maybe a Dutch UA that includes a purchasing discount. If that was combined with double or triple gold from meeting CS's, you could get some fun early gold rush strategies.

Maximizing purchasing power and synergy with the Commerce branch are definite callings of a Dutch civ. It is true they will be very much like the English but that is only fair since their histories are intertwined (England's Glorious Revolution was kickstarted by a Dutch "takeover" in 1688). They are sort of in between England and Germany culturally; in fact, a cheap jacht unit could be the naval version of the landsknecht in that it proves easily spammed. Give a combat bonus versus barbarians ("jacht" means hunt and the ships were essentially anti-piracy pursuit ships) and you've got a great explorer ship as well as a promotion that attaches to upgraded destroyers (the Dutch navy is still active in policing the world's pirate-invested waters).

I cannot over-emphasize the need for some kind of "terrace improvement of the sea" (the Polder/Dike ideas) for the Dutch. Their real-life ability to have such a dense population in such a small and precarious area are a trademark of their uniqueness (definitely setting them apart from the English).
Good thing that has nothing whatsoever to do with Harald Bluetooth Gormsson, then!

Well, looking at why Firaxis wants to mark 1066 as a significant year for the vikings, Harald Hardraade invaded England and was defeatet to Harold II of England thus ending the Viking era atleast in England.

"The year of the Viking destiny" im sure is targeted at the end of the Viking rule.

Perhaps i have misunderstood the happening in year 1066 Firaxis wanted us to play.
Norway and Denmark have always been close, strangely enough often with Sweden as an inbetween country keeping to themselves.

When Denmark and Norway meet in football matches these days, danish tabloid newspapers explode with Norwegian commentaries telling us: Hytta på hytta på hytta på hytta Danish hamburgers (and then more hytta på hytta).

The swedes are more forgiving of us, lately Denmark has managed to get a decent hockey team going, and the Swedes has taken the team to their hearts as you would a littlebrother who suddenly show skill in something important. They won't be happy if we ever beat them though thats for sure.

The rivalry between Sweden and Norway seem more pronounced and unforgiving. Sometimes as a Dane you wonder what the heck they get all so worked up about.

Sometimes you just take it too far. Your press and media gets all hanged up about our football coach unknown son!!"#"#" And calling our people bad names like, mountain-monkeys (fjellaber) and other things. Between Sweden and Norway we dont take it this far, we just call eachother with a big smile on our face. But danes when you say it, it seems you really mean it.
Well, looking at why Firaxis wants to mark 1066 as a significant year for the vikings, Harald Hardraade invaded England and was defeatet to Harold II of England thus ending the Viking era atleast in England.

"The year of the Viking destiny" im sure is targeted at the end of the Viking rule.

Perhaps i have misunderstood the happening in year 1066 Firaxis wanted us to play.

You can kind of tell Bluetooth's influence since everybody else was named Harald after him :).
Sometimes you just take it too far. Your press and media gets all hanged up about our football coach unknown son!!"#"#" And calling our people bad names like, mountain-monkeys (fjellaber) and other things. Between Sweden and Norway we dont take it this far, we just call eachother with a big smile on our face. But danes when you say it, it seems you really mean it.

Well I actually totally agree on that, it's mainly two tabloid papers here in denmark who we Danes know are well below standard of even tabloids. They have done everything they could to change our football matches from friendlies in spirit to games of namecalling and ugly spite. I have written several comments in their papers asking them WTF they think they are up to and to stfu.

They seem to think themselves they are very funny, and that all the Danes think so too. But reality is that many have no respect for them whatsoever, and comments in their papers are one long list of people questioning the intelligence of the journalist.

Then their Sports Editor writes a comment acting dumb and not understanding when it was him infact who started the whole thing.

So as a Dane my apologies for that behaviour.

My own comment, I hope you can forgive. It's a danish joke: What do the norwegians call their Sky Scrabers?

Hytte på hytte på hytte på hytte (Hut upon hut upon hut upon hut). It just sounds very norwegian when you say it out loud :D
Well, we do have DF as part of our current government. Xenophobia is more common in Denmark than I'd like to think ) :

Well, looking at why Firaxis wants to mark 1066 as a significant year for the vikings, Harald Hardraade invaded England and was defeatet to Harold II of England thus ending the Viking era atleast in England.

"The year of the Viking destiny" im sure is targeted at the end of the Viking rule.

Perhaps i have misunderstood the happening in year 1066 Firaxis wanted us to play.

Hardråde is playable in that scenario, though. There will be both a Danish and a Norweigan civ in the scenario.
I think a cool dutch UA would have the effect of something like 'you don't need a harbor to connect a coastal city to your capital', though that might be a bit OP.
Actually, I would go a step farther. Make it free harbors in all coastal cities. So you not only get the free trade route, but cheaper ships. I think that would fit well with the Dutch. Of course, my suggested ability was countered by my lack of a UU, which weakens the Civ should they be faced by war. Still, I think it would make them a top tier Civ.
So how do harbors work exactly.... I build any coastal city with one and it is automatically connected with the capital? Or does the capital need to be on the coast as well?
You would either need the capitol on the coast with a harbor or the capitol connected by road to a city with a harbor on the coast.
I cannot over-emphasize the need for some kind of "terrace improvement of the sea" (the Polder/Dike ideas) for the Dutch. Their real-life ability to have such a dense population in such a small and precarious area are a trademark of their uniqueness (definitely setting them apart from the English).

I totally agree. It would bring a unique and never seen before addition to the whole civ franchise, and would be awesome for gameplay. I would definitely buy it; with the Danes its just some movement bonuses that are meh.
Well I actually totally agree on that, it's mainly two tabloid papers here in denmark who we Danes know are well below standard of even tabloids. They have done everything they could to change our football matches from friendlies in spirit to games of namecalling and ugly spite. I have written several comments in their papers asking them WTF they think they are up to and to stfu.

They seem to think themselves they are very funny, and that all the Danes think so too. But reality is that many have no respect for them whatsoever, and comments in their papers are one long list of people questioning the intelligence of the journalist.

Then their Sports Editor writes a comment acting dumb and not understanding when it was him infact who started the whole thing.

So as a Dane my apologies for that behaviour.

My own comment, I hope you can forgive. It's a danish joke: What do the norwegians call their Sky Scrabers?

Hytte på hytte på hytte på hytte (Hut upon hut upon hut upon hut). It just sounds very norwegian when you say it out loud :D

Haha, i know. We just pretty much had it with the danish tabloid news always trying to say funny things about Norway and norwegians. But i would also say that our newspapers even bother about it. But it sells i guess =). About the relationship between Denmark and Sweden i guess based on your strong monarchy and the time it has excisted.

But in general i believe the average norwegian and dane have nothing against eachother. In Norway, Denmark is ranked as one of our top travel destinations in the whole world.
That, of course, depends how you look at it.

The Dutch did have colonies on every continent (bar Antarctica).
From Surinam and North-Eastern US (don't know if Providence is of Dutch origin?), to Ghana and South-Africa, to Sri Lanka and Indonesia, for instance.

But, fair enough, it is quite a scattered coverage :p

i was actually referring to the netherlands itself, instead of the dutch empire. sorry if i didn't specify that.
as for providence, it was founded by a guy who got kicked out of the massachusetts bay colony. on the other hand, one of the theories for the origin of the name of the state it's in does involve a dutch explorer.
So how do harbors work exactly.... I build any coastal city with one and it is automatically connected with the capital? Or does the capital need to be on the coast as well?

Yes, the capital needs to have a harbour itself, or a road/railway to a city with a harbour in order for a more remote coastal city to use its harbour to establish trade.

Also, I've found that there must be a revealed water tile path from the "mother" harbour to the satellite one(s). If the map doesn't support this (ie. the Americas map: one harbour on Atlantic coast and another on the Pacific) then the harbour will do no good (unless you build an additional one in Panama!).
Honestly, I can't understand why Denmark is added as the new civilization. I know they colonized Greenland, etc. but then in that case, why wasn't it the Netherlands that was included. I tried to research the history of Denmark today but I didn't find it to be a particularly influential or powerful empire, but I don't know, maybe I'm wrong?

Hey, Hey, Hey!
Denark had ruled Sweden,Norway, England, Greenlnd Iceland, and some small caribian island. Denmark have only be ochopied (sorry for my whriting) once by nazi germany
dont know about Netherlands, ochopied by spain once , germany twice. Denmark>Netherlands
Proud to be a Dane:viking:!
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