Foreign Policy: CivFr

We should try for peace, but expect that they have made up their minds and want us dead, so we have make plans for where we have to fight them. We will need a few spies in the French territory that means we have looks at what they are doing.
Should anyone comment on what to send to ot4e or I should simply go ahead?
As I said before, I would like to get his commitment to invade Rb jointly when the NAP ends. I think we can safely ignore CivFr. They don't seem to want to invade us, just get freebies without fighting.
We should try for peace, but expect that they have made up their minds and want us dead, so we have make plans for where we have to fight them. We will need a few spies in the French territory that means we have looks at what they are doing.

We already have plans how to deal with French if we have to, which will mean we dont have NAP with them till t 170-172. We will strike their main army in Chinook preemptively and hopefully destroy it, giving us peace of mind that they wont have standing army there and also sending strong message to RB (and any other possible wannabes) that we are well alive and kicking and we can kick ar$es good and take care of our own interests. We wont leave our desire for peace mislead us once again in to making tactical mistakes, hoping we can get peace with French somehow. But as it does not hurt to try to get NAP while preparing for worst case scenario. Plus, it will give us the ground to make CP to make a choice. Are they friends with the greedy French or are they friends with us, who prepare to fight the strongest nation in the game side by side, while French only sabotage those efforts with their greediness.

As I said before, I would like to get his commitment to invade Rb jointly when the NAP ends.
I will ask him for sure how his preparations for the war are going. As for actually invading RB, it will depends a lot on how RB will act and how the strategic map will look at the moment. But ot4e clearly said he will fight RB, only not if him invading RB will mean his army sure destruction.

This is what I have sent to Ot4e. Now we wait. :)

CivFanatics Team <>

10:26 AM (13 minutes ago)

to Levchenkov

Hi there,

We discussed the CivFR situation and we are ready to make concessions to secure NAP with them. I hope you understand and appreciate that we are doing this in the name of the greater good to be able to fully participate in the incoming conflict with RB.

We accept fair split in half of the available Zulu land and resources.

I hope this message finds you in good place and mood and you are enjoying your vacation. Will talk to you on skype when you are back or have the time.

See you then.
At last good news, I started to thought this letter will never come.

What we say to them? What we say to start the negotiations? How long a NAP we ask/agree for? Do we believe them at all to remove our units from the border? We put clause for de-militarizing the border and allowing for inspectors to watch inside each-other's territory?

Inao <>

10:57 PM (3 hours ago)

to me
Dear Indians,

It seems that this war won't lead to any success in a foreseeable future, excepted for RB which can develop their new territories in peace. So we are ready to negotiate an end to this war. A NAP will be mandatory.



P.S. : I'm replacing Popeyou, as he is on holidays.
Actually I see as a good sign that they say NAP is mandatory. When someone insists on something, he usually believes in it.

Well, it could be a trick to propose a NAP to make us believe it is sure thing, make us demilitarize and then hit us seeing they cant win normally against us otherwise (aka Greeks vs Troy).
I would answer with a short and open response
Just to said we are agree this war is useless for both and we are glad to sign a NAP with them.

We must know if they have already some settlers ready to take position after the nap is signed... but look
This is absolutely great. Let's get back to them ASAP agreeing to peace and asking for a thirty turn NAP, how does that sound?
why we just said yes, we want peace and a NAP and let them offer us how long for it... This will give us some extra info of their plans after the NAP...
If they offer a short nap, not good... if they offer a long nap, would be the best.
Problem with asking: "Tell us what you want" when it comes to specific agreements is that we give them the right to dictate the situation. If they say: We want longer NAP, we have to agree to this, because if we ask to shorten it, it will look as we are planning to attack them.

I think NAP to t200 or t210 is good starting point. It is turn 169 now. We have NAP with Uciv to t200, so we might want that they are not expiring in the same date. We spoke with Ot4e few times and we agreed that if we are not got rid of RB until t200, having no NAPs with the other teams will be our least problem.

What you guys think?

We will have to discuss this with our allies too.
Well... It could be just and open answer, something like "We agree this war is useless and we are fine with signing peace plus a NAP. We are still talking about conditions of this, but we like to send us our feeling about getting a good Peace and nap with you"

so, we lets them the chance to open and said something else about their plans
I think we should talk first to mz so he sees we realy consider his opininion and see if he is ready to action on this frenchies on turn 200 or 210.

If we take Nap i dont think we nned to be suspicious we have no choise but belive what they say becasue we have a huge fish to fry.
Yay! A NAP until turn 210 is a-okay with me. Let's not be too picky here- we've been willing to part with the non-settled land between former Spanish Apolyton and them, correct? Of course we don't put that in our response, but just to get our minds working to think of any other possible CivFr suggestions.
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