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Bug Reports - Post Here!

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Just want to ask if the CPP-Team knows about the little ressource icon display bug described here at bc1's EUI thread
descriped by Skodkim post 1172

and possibly answered by bc1 post 1179


I got the same bug and have cpp-dll + balancepatch + EUI + CSD + CivIVdiplo

I have checked the install instructions several times and all should be done fine installwise.

Maybe my lua.log helps:

Spoiler :

[15674.091] Initializing Lua 5.1.4
[15728.364] OptionsMenu: Loading EUI option menu... 57.85
[15728.364] OptionsMenu: Finished loading EUI option menu 57.856
[15728.863] InstalledPanel: Refreshing Mods
[15728.863] InstalledPanel: GetModBrowserListings()
[15728.925] InstalledPanel: Refreshing Mods
[15728.925] InstalledPanel: GetModBrowserListings()
[15735.072] InstalledPanel: Refreshing Mods
[15735.072] InstalledPanel: GetModBrowserListings()
[15737.895] InstalledPanel: Refreshing Mods
[15737.895] InstalledPanel: GetModBrowserListings()
[15791.092] CivilopediaScreen: SetSelectedCategory(12)
[15791.092] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryTerrain].DisplayList
[15791.201] CivilopediaScreen: SetSelectedCategory(1)
[15791.201] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryHomePage].DisplayList
[15791.216] YieldIconManager: This is the modded YieldIconManager from 'DLL - Various Mod Components'
[15792.371] Tutorial: Loaded Additional Tutorial checks - Assets\DLC\Expansion2\Tutorial\Lua\TutorialInclude_Expansion2.lua
[15792.371] Tutorial: Loaded Additional Tutorial checks - Assets\DLC\Expansion\Tutorial\lua\TutorialInclude_Expansion1.lua
[15792.652] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\DLC\Expansion2\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\ConfirmImprovementRebuildPopup.lua
[15792.652] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\DLC\Expansion2\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\DeclareWarMovePopup.lua
[15792.652] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\DLC\Expansion2\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\PuppetCityPopup.lua
[15792.652] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\DLC\Expansion2\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\DeclareWarPlunderTradeRoutePopup.lua
[15792.652] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\DLC\Expansion2\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\DeclareWarRangeStrikePopup.lua
[15792.652] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\ConfirmImprovementRebuildPopup.lua
[15792.652] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\NetworkKickedPopup.lua
[15792.652] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\CityPlotManagementPopup.lua
[15792.667] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\ConfirmCommandPopup.lua
[15792.667] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\MinorCivEnterTerritoryPopup.lua
[15792.667] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\LiberateMinorPopup.lua
[15792.667] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\ReturnCivilianPopup.lua
[15792.667] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\AnnexCityPopup.lua
[15792.667] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\DeclareWarMovePopup.lua
[15792.667] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\BarbarianRansomPopup.lua
[15792.667] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\ConfirmGiftPopup.lua
[15792.667] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\ConfirmCityTaskPopup.lua
[15792.667] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\PuppetCityPopup.lua
[15792.667] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\DeclareWarRangeStrikePopup.lua
[15792.667] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\ConfirmPolicyBranchPopup.lua
[15792.667] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\MinorCivGoldPopup.lua
[15793.104] EconomicGeneralInfo: Total Units - 3
[15793.104] EconomicGeneralInfo: Maint Free Units - 0
[15793.104] EconomicGeneralInfo: Paid Units - 3
[15793.104] EconomicGeneralInfo: Total Units - 3
[15793.104] EconomicGeneralInfo: Maint Free Units - 0
[15793.104] EconomicGeneralInfo: Paid Units - 3
[15793.588] ChoosePantheonPopup: 60
[15793.588] ChoosePantheonPopup: 963
[15793.588] ChoosePantheonPopup: 1023
[15793.853] ChooseIdeologyPopup: 60
[15793.853] ChooseIdeologyPopup: 963
[15793.853] ChooseIdeologyPopup: 1023
[15793.853] ChooseInternationalTradeRoutePopup: This is the modded ChooseInternationalTradeRoutePopup from 'UI - Trade Route Enhancements'
[15793.962] ChooseTradeUnitNewHome: This is the modded ChooseTradeUnitNewHome from 'UI - Trade Route Enhancements'
[15793.993] TradeRouteOverview: This is the modded TradeRouteOverview from 'UI - Trade Route Enhancements'
[15794.134] OptionsMenu: Loading EUI option menu... 123.618
[15794.134] OptionsMenu: Finished loading EUI option menu 123.623
[15794.196] GlobalAirRoutes: This is the 'Global - Air Routes' mod script.
[15794.212] GlobalEnableMagellan: This is the 'Global - Enable Magellan' mod script.
[15794.336] InfoAddictDataManager: INFO: Loading InfoAddict Data Manager
[15794.383] InfoAddictDataManager: INFO: InfoAddict Version: 22
[15794.430] InfoAddictDataManager: INFO: InfoAddict Branch: master
[15794.492] InfoAddictDataManager: INFO: Using replay data: false
[15794.524] InfoAddictDataManager: INFO: Game Version: (395131)
[15794.570] InfoAddictDataManager: INFO: Start Turn: 0
[15794.648] InfoAddictDataManager: INFO: Num of Civs: 8
[15794.726] InfoAddictDataManager: INFO: Player #0: Darius I
[15794.758] InfoAddictDataManager: INFO: Player #1: Casimir III
[15794.804] InfoAddictDataManager: INFO: Player #2: Kamehameha
[15794.851] InfoAddictDataManager: INFO: Player #3: Boudicca
[15794.898] InfoAddictDataManager: INFO: Player #4: Ramkhamhaeng
[15794.929] InfoAddictDataManager: INFO: Player #5: Washington
[15794.976] InfoAddictDataManager: INFO: Player #6: Montezuma
[15795.023] InfoAddictDataManager: INFO: Player #7: Pachacuti
[15795.194] InfoAddictDataManager: INFO: Updating the historical data table with 33 turns took 0.116s to complete (33 queries).
[15795.272] InfoAddictHistoricalData: INFO: Total time for DrawGraph(score): 0.005s
[15795.382] InfoAddictCivRelations: INFO: Total time to build political view: 0.022s
[15795.444] InfoAddictHistoricalData: INFO: Total time for DrawGraph(score): 0.003s
[15795.460] GreatWorkManager: This is the 'UI - Great Work Manager' mod script.
[15795.460] GreatWorkManager: /InGame/TopPanel/TourismString is nil!
[15795.616] LeaderHeadRoot: Could not find discussing player!
[15795.616] LeaderHeadRoot: Could not find discussing player!
[15795.772] AdvisorInfoPopup: Closing Advisor Info
[15795.772] Demographics: Dequeuing demographics
[15795.772] Demographics: Dequeuing demographics
[15810.311] PlotHelpManager: Loading EUI plot help... 139.806
____ _ _ _ _ _ __ __
| _ \| | ___ | |_| | | | ___| |_ __ | \/ | __ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ ___ _ __
| |_) | |/ _ \| __| |_| |/ _ \ | '_ \| |\/| |/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \ '__|
| __/| | (_) | |_| _ | __/ | |_) | | | | (_| | | | | (_| | (_| | __/ |
|_| |_|\___/ \__|_| |_|\___|_| .__/|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\__, |\___|_|
|_| |___/
[15810.311] PlotHelpManager: found default work rate 100
[15810.311] PlotHelpManager: Finished loading EUI plot help 139.808
[15810.311] CityBannerManager: Loading EUI city banners... 139.808
____ _ _ ____ __ __
/ ___(_) |_ _ _| __ ) __ _ _ __ _ __ ___ _ __| \/ | __ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ ___ _ __
| | | | __| | | | _ \ / _` | '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ '__| |\/| |/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \ '__|
| |___| | |_| |_| | |_) | (_| | | | | | | | __/ | | | | | (_| | | | | (_| | (_| | __/ |
\____|_|\__|\__, |____/ \__,_|_| |_|_| |_|\___|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\__, |\___|_|
|___/ |___/
[15810.358] CityBannerManager: Finished loading EUI city banners 139.845
[15810.358] UnitPanel: Loading EUI unit panel... 139.845
_ _ _ _ ____ _
| | | |_ __ (_) |_| _ \ __ _ _ __ ___| |
| | | | '_ \| | __| |_) / _` | '_ \ / _ \ |
| |_| | | | | | |_| __/ (_| | | | | __/ |
\___/|_| |_|_|\__|_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|_|
[15810.373] UnitPanel: Finished loading EUI unit panel 139.865
[15810.373] NotificationPanel: Loading EUI notification panel... 139.865
_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ____ _
| \ | | ___ | |_(_)/ _(_) ___ __ _| |_(_) ___ _ __ | _ \ __ _ _ __ ___| |
| \| |/ _ \| __| | |_| |/ __/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \| |_) / _` | '_ \ / _ \ |
| |\ | (_) | |_| | _| | (_| (_| | |_| | (_) | | | | __/ (_| | | | | __/ |
|_| \_|\___/ \__|_|_| |_|\___\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|_|
[15810.420] NotificationPanel: Finished loading EUI notification panel 139.915
[15810.420] CityView: Loading EUI city view... 139.915
____ _ _ __ ___
/ ___(_) |_ _ \ \ / (_) _____ __
| | | | __| | | \ \ / /| |/ _ \ \ /\ / /
| |___| | |_| |_| |\ V / | | __/\ V V /
\____|_|\__|\__, | \_/ |_|\___| \_/\_/
[15810.436] CityView: Finished loading EUI city view 139.922
[15810.436] TechTree: Loading EUI tech tree... 139.922
_____ _ _____
|_ _|__ ___| |_|_ _| __ ___ ___
| |/ _ \/ __| '_ \| || '__/ _ \/ _ \
| | __/ (__| | | | || | | __/ __/
|_|\___|\___|_| |_|_||_| \___|\___|
[15810.545] TechTree: Finished loading EUI tech tree 140.031
[15815.833] InfoAddictHooks: INFO: Changing InfoAddict button visibility to LeaderHead contexts

[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.023] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:59: Cannot find key - ImageTexture
[15824.101] YieldIconManager: C:\Users\Osama\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Community Patch (v 63.4.1)\Core Files\PNM Mods DB\InGame\YieldIconManager.lua:61: Cannot find key - ImageOffset
Hi G

Just thought I'd remind you of the bug from post 469 (since you never commented on it but made several later posts) :)

Hi G

Just thought I'd remind you of the bug from post 469 (since you never commented on it but made several later posts) :)


Thanks, it had slipped through. I'll take a look. If it is a duplication error, it isn't the worst possible bug, but it still needs to be fixed. Some of the duplication errors are a result of whoward's individual mods overlapping with the CBP/CP, which is fine.

I managed to tweak your files so that they at least do not cause error messages. I don't have the warmonger mini mod enabled by the way.

Another 'issue' that is somewhat related. When I meat AI players I can see a diplo message saying something like "early concerns about your warmongering". Thing is that I haven't even been to war with anyone but the barbarians yet...


I managed to tweak your files so that they at least do not cause error messages. I don't have the warmonger mini mod enabled by the way.

Another 'issue' that is somewhat related. When I meat AI players I can see a diplo message saying something like "early concerns about your warmongering". Thing is that I haven't even been to war with anyone but the barbarians yet...


Sounds like an XML value is artificially inflating your warmonger value (this is probably related to whoward's warmonger change). I'll look into it.
hello again,

i just tried a little game with cp+cbp+csd: i was third to adopt an ideology - chose the last free one - and bam! : -97 happiness ... are you aware of this? it seems to be calculated 1:1 from the number of citizens. i don't think that can be right

UPDATE: debugger says


returns 0 for both variables.

but in csd/AddDefines.xml it says:

Name, Value)

Name, Value)

so i'm confused. is this a real bug or an issue with my setup?

in any case, if it were working as intended, i'd still have 16 unhappiness - from a minimal dissatisfaction value of 1.

in general, i propose to get rid of the hardcoded thresholds 3 and 5 in ComputePublicOpinionUnhappiness() and use a linear scaling instead.
hello again,

i just tried a little game with cp+cbp+csd: i was third to adopt an ideology - chose the last free one - and bam! : -97 happiness ... are you aware of this? it seems to be calculated 1:1 from the number of citizens. i don't think that can be right

UPDATE: debugger says


returns 0 for both variables.

but in csd/AddDefines.xml it says:

Name, Value)

Name, Value)

so i'm confused. is this a real bug or an issue with my setup?

in any case, if it were working as intended, i'd still have 16 unhappiness - from a minimal dissatisfaction value of 1.

in general, i propose to get rid of the hardcoded thresholds 3 and 5 in ComputePublicOpinionUnhappiness() and use a linear scaling instead.

Hmm...I'll look at this and check into it (sitting down today, for the first time in awhile, with an eye to work on the mods). Sounds like those values simply aren't being passed into the database correctly.

I managed to tweak your files so that they at least do not cause error messages. I don't have the warmonger mini mod enabled by the way.

How did you edit the files?
Smal typo in v 63.4.1.
Comitted is spelt "comittedd" in NewText.xml

Spoiler :
<Text>{1_SpyRank} {2_SpyName} has successfully committedd an assassination in {3_CityName}, delaying [ICON_GREAT_PEOPLE] Great Person progress by {4_Num}!</Text>

Smal typo in v 63.4.1.
Comitted is spelt "comittedd" in NewText.xml

Spoiler :
<Text>{1_SpyRank} {2_SpyName} has successfully committedd an assassination in {3_CityName}, delaying [ICON_GREAT_PEOPLE] Great Person progress by {4_Num}!</Text>


Awesome, fixed. Also, how do you like the extra spy actions in the CBP? They aren't as fancy as BE's, of course, but that's to be expected.
Awesome, fixed. Also, how do you like the extra spy actions in the CBP? They aren't as fancy as BE's, of course, but that's to be expected.

Sorry for the missing feedback on those :rolleyes:

I like them! It's not as though the effects are disasterous (which they shouldn't be!!) but spying in the normal game is simply boring so anything that can add a bit of flavor to it is welcome! :goodjob:

Have you had a look at the warmonger bug yet (no pressure, just plain interest)?

Not sure if anyone has mentioned this but, with the most current version of Community Patch, there seems to be an issue with randomly gaining tourism. It's only +1 to +2 so far, but still thought it was worth mentioning!

Not sure if anyone has mentioned this but, with the most current version of Community Patch, there seems to be an issue with randomly gaining tourism. It's only +1 to +2 so far, but still thought it was worth mentioning!


This is probably a problem with the fact that the current version doesn't include the changes from the latest dll (civ is patched beyond the CP). This will be fixed in the next version.
Hi G

Just downloaded the new mod combo (Versions 64/11/25), cleared cache and launched the game. No other mods involved and haven't altered ini files (it should check for CSD automatically now, right?).

Using this "default" combo I get errors in database.log. I reported the one regarding CultureOverview.xml for version 63.4.1 earlier on. See the attached files.

Spoiler :

[458.689] table Building_GrowthExtraYield already exists
[458.689] In XMLSerializer while building table Building_GrowthExtraYield from file Core Files/Core Tables/CSDTable.xml.
[460.873] Database::XMLSerializer (LUA/Active/CultureOverview.xml): 'Row' or 'Delete' expected, got 'Box'.
[461.716] column Name is not unique
[461.716] column Name is not unique
[461.716] columns Language, Tag are not unique
[461.716] columns Language, Tag are not unique

Otherwise good job - can't wait to try it out ! :goodjob:



  • Logs.zip
    24.6 KB · Views: 60
Hi G

Just downloaded the new mod combo (Versions 64/11/25), cleared cache and launched the game. No other mods involved and haven't altered ini files (it should check for CSD automatically now, right?).

Using this "default" combo I get errors in database.log. I reported the one regarding CultureOverview.xml for version 63.4.1 earlier on. See the attached files.

Spoiler :

[458.689] table Building_GrowthExtraYield already exists
[458.689] In XMLSerializer while building table Building_GrowthExtraYield from file Core Files/Core Tables/CSDTable.xml.
[460.873] Database::XMLSerializer (LUA/Active/CultureOverview.xml): 'Row' or 'Delete' expected, got 'Box'.
[461.716] column Name is not unique
[461.716] column Name is not unique
[461.716] columns Language, Tag are not unique
[461.716] columns Language, Tag are not unique

Otherwise good job - can't wait to try it out ! :goodjob:


Those errors are normal (though not the language/tag ones - I think those are related to the PNM mod) - I duplicated the CSD 'growth yield table' in the CP so that it would definitely work whether or not a player was using CSD with or without the CP.

Let me know how it goes!
Saw a situation where 2 barbarians were milling about around an AI city at about 10% health. They had pillaged everything but the ai and her archer(eliz) seemed unwilling to shoot at them to finish them off. I was trying to get a prophet in so I watched for quite a few turns. I am pretty sure i saw the foritfy animation play on the archer on the computer's turn. No other mods running except for the EUI mod.
Community Balance Patch v11 seems to be creating some issues with cities. When you found a city, you get a couple of spy icons appear *and* you get the ranged combat option coming up too. I take it this *isn't* meant to happen?

Tried to use the newest versions (65 resp. 11) of CP/CBP together with EUI 1.23b. As per various instructions, I removed YieldIconManager.lua and YieldIconManager.xml from CP plus CityBannerManager.lua, CityStateStatusHelper.lua and CityView.lua from CBP. Result: CP/CBP without EUI seem to work fine, as does CP only together with EUI; CP/CBP together with EUI result in a crash to desktop as soon as I try to found my first city. Various log files plus a crash dump file are attached.


  • log_crash_dump.zip
    33.5 KB · Views: 68
Another issue that I have found. The diplomacy screen is a total mess. When you go into the discuss section, you get the same option repeated about a dozen times....also, none of the discuss options actually work when you click on them :-(.

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