Apparently the Americas were first discovered by muslim explorers :)

To get back to the original topic, does anyone know how Erdoğan came up with the 1178 figure? It's rather precise. Is there a record of a voyage from a Muslim civilization in the Atlantic at that time?

I wonder what his purpose is here? Is he just trying to booster ties with Latin American nations? If so, this seems like a strange way to go about it. There's enough to be proud of in Islamic civilizations without having to resort to fringe pseudo-historic theories.
To get back to the original topic, does anyone know how Erdoğan came up with the 1178 figure? It's rather precise. Is there a record of a voyage from a Muslim civilization in the Atlantic at that time?

I wonder what his purpose is here? Is he just trying to booster ties with Latin American nations? If so, this seems like a strange way to go about it. There's enough to be proud of in Islamic civilizations without having to resort to fringe pseudo-historic theories.

According to a /r/badhistory post, 1178 is the year of publication of a Chinese text, which says something about a "Land of magnolia skin", which some believe to be beyond Muslim Iberia and thus obviously America - never mind the fact that Christian Iberia fits the bill even better.
According to a /r/badhistory post, 1178 is the year of publication of a Chinese text, which says something about a "Land of magnolia skin", which some believe to be beyond Muslim Iberia and thus obviously America - never mind the fact that Christian Iberia fits the bill even better.

Magnolia skin? Yes that is strange if it's about America. Magnolias are white aren't they?
Hint: Amerigo Vespucci.



Angst - I think that your signature is too long (forum rules?).

I'm actually unaware it is. I have been actively posting for the six months or so I've used this signature.
Seriously, those Vikings were a blinking nuisance: psychopathic killer thieving rapists, every one of them.
Hey, those are my ancestors you're maligning!

Some of them were ordinary farmers or herdsmen, y'know.

Maybe Muslim Vikings founded the settlement at L'Anse aux Meadows?
Any "Muslim Vikings" (I assume you mean the Varangian Guard?) were in what is now Russia and some traveled to Constantinople, where they served the Emperor. This was well before the fall of Constantinople. The Vikings who went to Greenland and Newfoundland were from Norway and went west instead of east.

Angst - I think that your signature is too long (forum rules?).
It's fine. He's allowed 7 lines of size 1 font, which he has exactly.
Columbus intended to find a new land. He only didn't expect to find a totally new land.

I thought he was looking for a faster route to India cuz the Muslims were occupying existing trade routes

didn't a turkish admiral named piri reis claim Columbus had an earlier copy of his 1513 map showing continents around the Atlantic?

thats why Columbus mistook how far it was around the world to India, he had a map showing lands much closer to Europe.
Any "Muslim Vikings" (I assume you mean the Varangian Guard?) were in what is now Russia and some traveled to Constantinople, where they served the Emperor. This was well before the fall of Constantinople. The Vikings who went to Greenland and Newfoundland were from Norway and went west instead of east.

I think he was being sarcastic.
Delusional nationalist makes delusional statements, this isnt shocking. Ive always seen delusional Chinese nationalists claim they did it first. Evidence would suggest the native american's ancestors did it first, followed by the vikings, followed by columbus. There is nothing remotely resembling evidence that suggests any order other than that.
I thought there was evidence of a maritime archaic culture ringing the N Atlantic ~7-9k ago, possibly remnants of an ice age culture using the ice sheet to cross the Atlantic.
He forgot to mention the Norsemen who 'made contact' some hundred years before. ..or is the purpose merely to expand the geographical area for a potential Jihad? Makes sense.

It is not widely understood like a metaphor IT IS a metaphore, period.
Is this a joke? There cant be schollars that stupid.

the Castro Brothers are aware that the "Revolution" is permanent in many of the Cubans so to ease some tension they crack a bit of an opening allowing the construction of a Church . Which might be of Orthodox variety , to look good with the new found Russian religionism as well . So , snubbed in so many places in their efforts to create a Muslim Brotherhood thing all over the Middle East Ankara is given the griveances of 4000 Cuban Muslims to play with , since Raul Castro said there wasn't a need to build a mosque in Cuba .

also Cuba is a such a fuzzy warm place for the Turkish Left , which regularly gets trounced in politics here . Would help the Right in propaganda of "We now replace Cuban Communism, too!"

and of course the PM just loves compared to Atatürk on the basis of "If he did so will I." To be on par with a guy who had such stuff back in the 1930s . Stuff the founder of the Republic immediately gave up when the rising power of Nazi Germany made the enemies of 1914-22 to look elsewhere and there wasn't much of a need for a super Nationalism .

I think it's plausible some Muslim folks accidentally washed on shore in the Americas, but I doubt they had much an impact.

america back in the glorious bad days of 1996-98 was pushing the Meluncans thing to satisfy the fear of the Military , that America could create a context for a "Turkish" identity to preserve by mutual good feelings between people instead of crashing down the entire country on behalf of a Jihadist / Pan Kurdist approach . And oh yes , this sentence entirely makes sense .

elvis was a Turk , man .
I thought there was evidence of a maritime archaic culture ringing the N Atlantic ~7-9k ago, possibly remnants of an ice age culture using the ice sheet to cross the Atlantic.
I saw a documentary that speculated that a small band of people had crossed the North Atlantic ice sheet from France to North America. There's no evidence it actually happened, though.
I read a story once somewhere that claimed that a Polish explorer got to North America before Columbus. and maybe even before Leif.

I bet that every single country on the planet has such silly stories, for national prestige purposes, whether it's about the discovery of America or whatever. I bet even the Americans believe that an American discovered America. I wouldn't put it past them. ;)
Not the Carthaginians or the Phoenicians? I heard the Phoenicians circumnavigated Africa in the 6th Century BC, but have not found the historical reference.
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