• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .
Excited about your version for VP's 4/20 patch.

P.S. Uhh, any plans for adding that civ 6 builder mod, Unique City States, or maybe CPED and CBPEDC? Maybe not the last two.., but yeah.

Also, would you be interested in releasing your patch for the New Promotions pack that makes it work with VP as a standalone?
Let's make all the plans! :D
Give me the mod links and I'll do it. (I'll see if they are compatible or not). Oh This is compatible with VP already. If there's a problem with it, feel free to ask the mods dev.
Next mpnm update soon
Let's make all the plans! :D
Give me the mod links and I'll do it. (I'll see if they are compatible or not). Oh This is compatible with VP already. If there's a problem with it, feel free to ask the mods dev.
Next mpnm update soon
Civ6 additions to CP [roads&builders]
Unique City-States

CBPEDC (Requires CPED but this and CPED will probably desync a multiplayer game... or at least I read it does somewhere. Probably being balanced atm maybe not these two yet.)
Civic Reform and Rule
Cultural Diversity <- Too large maybe? I'll just post a request for mp standalone repack of the mod to the author
CBP compatible version of Cultural Capital

HNR doesn't follow More Luxuries very well and probably needs a fixing to get it working so let's pass on that. I'm currently running a huge marathon game with normal mods of your modlist(w/ 4/20 patch) minus the new promo pack, and then these mods plus some other minor flavor mods for myself. And I have no idea why but somehow the New promotions pack isn't working for my modlist. It used to but somehow it doesn't anymore... I'm still clueless on what could be wrong with it since I can't really sit down all day and play the game.

Well, these are only suggestions. Asking permission on individual authors might be quite tasking. Also, a King AI uses Cultural Capital VERY efficiently. They will out-build you on neolithic wonders using ancient ruins production bonus. The roads and builders aren't very balanced atm with road-connection gold-dependents since they completely remove the gold from connections. UCS is a gem though.
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Civ6 additions to CP [roads&builders]
Unique City-States

CBPEDC (Requires CPED but this and CPED will probably desync a multiplayer game... or at least I read it does somewhere. Probably being balanced atm maybe not these two yet.)
Civic Reform and Rule
Cultural Diversity <- Too large maybe? I'll just post a request for mp standalone repack of the mod to the author
CBP compatible version of Cultural Capital

HNR doesn't follow More Luxuries very well and probably needs a fixing to get it working so let's pass on that. I'm currently running a huge marathon game with normal mods of your modlist(w/ 4/20 patch) minus the new promo pack, and then these mods plus some other minor flavor mods for myself. And I have no idea why but somehow the New promotions pack isn't working for my modlist. It used to but somehow it doesn't anymore... I'm still clueless on what could be wrong with it since I can't really sit down all day and play the game.

Well, these are only suggestions. Asking permission on individual authors might be quite tasking. Also, a King AI uses Cultural Capital VERY efficiently. They will out-build you on neolithic wonders using ancient ruins production bonus. The roads and builders aren't very balanced atm with road-connection gold-dependents since they completely remove the gold from connections. UCS is a gem though.

Thank you!
I've been trying to implement HNR, Cultural diversity, Rise To power and City In Development. Sadly, it was in vain(for now). Only City In Development, UCS and Civ6 mod are in.
I can't be sure that trade routes makes roads Help me with this? If you want to disable civ6 mod, just make 1 to 0 to workers charge and trade route roads in Civ6Builder_changes sql file or delete the mod file in the modpack all together,

Help me test out this new modpack!
HNR needs serious work for More luxuries as the new luxury tiles are all over the map. Rise to power can be replaced with the vp dependent Civic reform and rule(it works).
Sure I'll be your guinea pig. Lemme finish my game first. Takes 3 days to finish a marathon...

Currently testing your modpack with the following mods:
Custom advanced Setup screen
Rotate map position(it doesn't detect all spawn points...)
Quick turns(pls add this maybe?)
Thal's Flagpromotions
Unit path viewer
Useful oil mod
Wonder race v6

Huge Planet Simulator 12/40 Deity Raging Barbs, Dip and Culture Vic off, as Korea. Cheat: +6mil culture to speed up the game.
Turn 1. Didn't crash. Playing now.
Turn 10: Oh wow, Tea monopoly. Gold is up north and truffles at the west. Might consider steam rolling over Netherlands so I can have their gold and vast flood plains w/ tons of wheat.
Turn 87: Uhh, balance breakers!
Erm, the instant build for roads doesn't work. It takes the normal amount of turns to build a road with workers, but then a charge is used up once the road is built. Haven't tested trade routes, I don't even have one yet. Plus you consume them so replenishing workers is next to impossible while racing for wonders with the AI.
Pyramids didn't give me my free workers.
My first time playing Health and Plague, I was sweating bullets when the black death came but it was okay.
That Cities in Development is seriously scary. I cannot send out my units and I must constantly have a garrison to prevent mishaps. Shackles are also hard to get as them barb camps have stacked warriors on them.
The mod for choosing ancient ruins yield doesn't work.
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HNR needs serious work for More luxuries as the new luxury tiles are all over the map. Rise to power can be replaced with the vp dependent Civic reform and rule(it works).
Sure I'll be your guinea pig. Lemme finish my game first. Takes 3 days to finish a marathon...

Currently testing your modpack with the following mods:
Custom advanced Setup screen
Rotate map position(it doesn't detect all spawn points...)
Quick turns(pls add this maybe?)
Thal's Flagpromotions
Unit path viewer
Useful oil mod
Wonder race v6

Huge Planet Simulator 12/40 Deity Raging Barbs, Dip and Culture Vic off, as Korea. Cheat: +6mil culture to speed up the game.
Turn 1. Didn't crash. Playing now.
Turn 10: Oh wow, Tea monopoly. Gold is up north and truffles at the west. Might consider steam rolling over Netherlands so I can have their gold and vast flood plains w/ tons of wheat.
Turn 87: Uhh, balance breakers!
Erm, the instant build for roads doesn't work. It takes the normal amount of turns to build a road with workers, but then a charge is used up once the road is built. Haven't tested trade routes, I don't even have one yet. Plus you consume them so replenishing workers is next to impossible while racing for wonders with the AI.
Pyramids didn't give me my free workers.
My first time playing Health and Plague, I was sweating bullets when the black death came but it was okay.
That Cities in Development is seriously scary. I cannot send out my units and I must constantly have a garrison to prevent mishaps. Shackles are also hard to get as them barb camps have stacked warriors on them.
The mod for choosing ancient ruins yield doesn't work.
Neat mods! Quick Turn Desync in multiplayer. RED and Rotate Map Position is rather taxing for regular computer. I'm updating modpack for VP- 21st April.
Neat mods! Quick Turn Desync in multiplayer. RED and Rotate Map Position is rather taxing for regular computer. I'm updating modpack for VP- 21st April.
Ah well, that's life. I'll wait for your new release then.

If you're gonna keep the civ VI worker mod, you might want to make workers purchasable... or just drop it entirely since it's impossible to play a game with 1 city building something and not have purchasable workers... Or include them in the slave list? I don't really know Cities in Development too well to know how I can get my workers other than queing them on the production line...
Hi. I've recently read your thread. I was looking for a complete mp modpack with vox populi like yours for a long time. I testet last 2 versions this weekend and I have some suggestion and bug reports for you:
1. Workers from civ 6 are very nice idea but when they need to cut forests, build roads they act as normal civ 5 workers. Morover when I start in classical era with one extra worker he has only 1 hammer to use. Caravans doesnt create roads.
2. Health and Plague (CiD) seems to work fine exept the UI. I resigned from the EUI to use your modpack and tested standard CiD from JFD and there are defferences in UI. In your mod lack Health, Plague (disease), Loyalty, Crime, and Happiness (different) in city menu. They only appear when I modify building queue. Everything else works fine (I suppose).
3. Emigration seems to not work. Lack of prosperity info in city menu. No emigrants.
4. Unique city states mod would be must have mod if it works. I tested no-EUI, EUI version, your modpack and standalone with other mods and solo and it seems to not work. There are no benefits (I checked the obvious ones like tile improvements, specialists inprovements, food per city) or is bugged (Belgrad give horses, then they dissappear (they are used by dummy horseman), when he stops being my ally i still can see his horses on the upper menu (but they are used). I think it is broken from scratch. (When I started to use it I added some uniques for 8 city states from "Greek Split" mod and 5 for cities from "Cradle city states" mod so all city states have its uniques. Then turned out it doesn't work at all even in normal version. If it works for you I can share those files with my ideas.)
5. I tried to disable 2 unit per tile in your mod pack but unsuccessfully. Even deleting entire folder from your modpack didnt work. Changing value in xml also didnt work. The I started to use it and I think it is good mod, but it should be accessible option to disable it.
6. I tried to disable Calypso's religions by deleting folder. Didn't work. There are some connections to artowrk when founding pantheon.Maybe instead of calypso's religions (I used it for a long time) you could pack Historical Religions from Tomatekh? It's very huge mod with tremendous amount of religions.
7. Value in Easy Promotions xml also doesnt change anything. I tried to use default number (10) or abstract (1) and there was the same effect.
8. In your mod pack version 3.2 I saw some mod for ancient ruins to choose benefits. If it works like shoshone's UU ability (goodie huts) then you should change the ability or not use the mod cos the ability turns out to be useless.
9. My pack of mods I tested recently. You can choose some if you want and incorporate them. Most of them are just UI stuff:
----city states leaders II modified by me for "Cradle City States" from tomatekh and "Greek Split" mod from More Civilizations
----cradle city states pack
----historical religions complete
----JFD cultural diversity core and soundtrack
----quick turns and red (you mentioned the are bad for mp)
----redesigned colors ad icons (must have, no more same color civs, better flavor)
----symbolic ideology tenets
--------enhanced demographics
--------overlay barbarians
--------overlay luxuries
--------overlay resources
--------overlay road and rail
--------overlay wonders (good for natural wonders)
--------project splash screen
--------religion spread (good for checking out religions in the world)
--------small resource icons (excellent mod. No more icons covering screen)
--------trade opportunities (important one without EUI)
--------I tried to use trade route enhancements but its dll one
--------unit list enhancements
----unit path viewer
----useful oil mod
----some of JFD's civilizations (I plan to check them all) (works with your current modpack)
----most of More Civilizations civlizations (works with your current modpack)
----tomatekh's Goth civilization (works with your current modpack)
----I also tried to use RtP from JFD and ExCE (especially tribes and new resources) also from JFD, but they are incompatible with some custom civilizations. But if you plan not to use custom civs in modpack you could try incorporate them as well.
----I once tried to use HNR but it was abandoned and wasn't finished and it was incompatible with VP and other mods.

That's all for now. I love your current modpack. Some things should be customizable as for me. Good Job. I'm looking forward for next version to test it if I have enough time. I thought that no one is working on mods for civ 5 in times of civ 6 :D.
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Hi. I've recently read your thread. I was looking for a complete mp modpack with vox populi like yours for a long time. I tested last 2 versions this weekend and I have some suggestion and bug reports for you:

That's all for now. I love your current modpack. Some things should be customizable as for me. Good Job. I'm looking forward for next version to test it if I have enough time. I thought that no one is working on mods for civ 5 in times of civ 6 :D.
Thank you,
1. my next update will be VP (with EUI) thus rendering, unit stacking, CiD, Civ6 Builder, UCS and any other mods that is not compatible with EUI useless. I'll look into your mod lists and see if it will work in the modpack :D
2. the reason I disabled the UI for most mods like Emigration and CiD is because it destroys compatibility with a lot of stuff(for now).
3. Whoward's UI such as Enhanced demographic and Religious spread will bug the statistics like world spread and graphs when you finish a game.
4. RtP needs JFD CD and JFD CD will cause text error on the start in multiplayer games. (They are also not compatible with EUI)
5. Civ6 Builder works actually. It was my error that causes it to not function in modpack.
6. You can't simply delete or change the mod files in modpack :p
7. Thank you again for contributing your time and effort to make this modpack the best.
8. It adds the freedom of choice on goody huts and also gives the shoshone UU two good promotions as a result.
9. Emigration works like a charm, maybe you're empire is a good place to stay? :)

Have a wonderful day.

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1. my next update will be VP (with EUI) thus rendering, unit stacking, CiD, Civ6 Builder, UCS and any other mods that is not compatible with EUI useless. I'll look into your mod lists and see if it will work in the modpack :D
So you plan to make them compatible with EUI or abandon them? UCS has EUI compatible version. But I dont know if and why both versions are not working on my comp.
3. Whoward's UI such as Enhanced demographic and Religious spread will bug the statistics like world spread and graphs when you finish a game.
Can you make them compatible? At least religion spread?
4. RtP needs JFD CD and JFD CD will cause text error on the start in multiplayer games. (They are also not compatible with EUI)
I read that JFD CD give its uniques to all AI players and only one human and thats the main problem.
6. You can't simply delete or change the mod files in modpack :p
I dont know if it is possible but you could make some additional editable file which would have some booleans that could disable or enable some minor mods.
8. It adds the freedom of choice on goody huts and also gives the shoshone UU two good promotions as a result.
So shoshone can choose 2 bonuses with one ruins? Wow.
9. Emigration works like a charm, maybe you're empire is a good place to stay? :)
Low difficulty (prince I suppose) and short playtest. Maybe thats the point.

Do you plan to add som custom civs to modpack at later point or just keep to those in main game?

Thanks you for quick reply.
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Many promotions in "New Promotions Pack" have spelling error f.e. "...%100 ..." instead of "...100% ...". Moreover, but I didn't confirm that yet (maybe it is some mod conflict), Guardian bonus made my warrior unit stop getting exp from any fights. You can check it btw.

I checked UI - Religion spread incorporated into RtP mod plus those UI mods I mentioned earlier and everything is all right with stats and graphs at the end of the game. You can look there for some suggestions concerning that particular mod.
Many promotions in "New Promotions Pack" have spelling error f.e. "...%100 ..." instead of "...100% ...". Moreover, but I didn't confirm that yet (maybe it is some mod conflict), Guardian bonus made my warrior unit stop getting exp from any fights. You can check it btw.

I checked UI - Religion spread incorporated into RtP mod plus those UI mods I mentioned earlier and everything is all right with stats and graphs at the end of the game. You can look there for some suggestions concerning that particular mod.
Thank you for the feedback @adan_eslavo ! Hmm, Typo is fixable. Wait, are you sure that you didn't maxed out? (maybe a possibility [maybe not, I'll check :p]). Yeah, we have the same idea! Checked RtP mod today and tinkering with it for awhile now. RtP is not compatible on EUI version of VP (the big problem). If you use Religion spread butt naked, it will work, the followers and city data i mean. BUT, the religion map will not show the vibrant display of the religion spread,.. for now. Thank you again. Another update coming up.
I'm really interested in playing this mod with some friends, so I'm posting in order to receive a notification whenever you update it... I think that's how it works.
But I also have a question, does the current version requires me to unninstall EUI, does it come with it or is... Do I have to wait for a version with EUI included?
I really don't know xD, I love playing with EUI, so I would like to have an answer to this complicated question.
Guardian bonus made my warrior unit stop getting exp from any fights.
Nevermind. I checked it again and it turns out that I forgot about this crappy XP cap from barbs. BTW I saw that there is a mod which deletes any caps from barbs. You could insert that mod to pack coz its sometimes annoying fighting those barbs swordsmen or riflemen with no xp :].
Well, I followed all the steps with and without UI_bc1 in the DLC folder (placing it somewhere else entirely) but I can't make your modpack work. My game doesn't seem to be detecting it.

EDIT: It works, my winrar didn't extract it correctly the first time. (yay!)

My question now is when will you upload a EUI version.
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Found bug. "Global - City Working Distance (v 7)" mod overrides Gandhi's UA from VP:

"Font of Dharma - Starts with a Pantheon. Each Follower of your majority or founded Religion in a City increases Religious Pressure and Growth in that City. Cannot build Missionaries."


"Font of Dharma - Unhappiness from cities is doubled. Unhappiness from population is halved. Cities can work additional ring of tiles.".

Moreover old (VP one) UA is still active so in fact India have both UAs at the same time (I started game with pantheon).

Original UA was:

"Population Growth - Unhappiness from cities is doubled. Unhappiness from population is halved."

Morover you should check if Cities in Developement also doesn't change this UA in its own way on:

"Population Growth - Unhappiness from cities is doubled. Unhappiness from population is halved. Crime from violence reduced by 25%.".

Personally I think the best UA for India would be those from VP connected to the religion with added element from CiD about crime and violence. That suits them very well. Part with populations is very unconvienient for people who play very wide and like conquer (I know that's not India-like). I think you should check all other civs in the same way as India if ther aren't any more overrides in their UAs, UBs and UUs.
@keldath @Cronirion good news!

"Font of Dharma - Unhappiness from cities is doubled. Unhappiness from population is halved. Cities can work additional ring of tiles.".

Moreover old (VP one) UA is still active so in fact India have both UAs at the same time (I started game with pantheon).

1. Thank you @adan_eslavo for the feedback. Yes I know the mod conflicting with India Civ. I tested all the civ by going (random) and it all work well. I hope you play along with my judgement for now :p (going to find a way around it though)
2. Ye, new update download (broken)

Thank you everyone, Civ On!
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I played some playtest to get some achievements with your mod. Carthage declared war on me because I had spices and they didn't (that was fun). Then they captured my city Harar and I recaptured it two times. And now it is the main part. After second recapture my city turned into a colony (sic!) but was few tiles away from my cap. Moreover I could produce things normally (CiD wikia says that I can't do that in colony) and I couldn't buy anything or invest in (again against wikia, main buy button (screenshot 4) didn't work at all, this menu on screenshot I managed to turn on by the button in production queue on the bottom (screenshot 2)). Is it CiD problem or there is some mechanic of the mod or modpack I didn't know? Some screenshots to visualize situation:
well... the no EUI version of the mod gave me and some friends a ctd on turn 2 when trying to play in multiplayer...
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