
Hall of Fame Staff
GOTM Staff
Oct 13, 2015
The Boonies of Central Michigan
While the general Hall of Fame is an ongoing competition, we like to run time-definite competitions between updates that we call Gauntlets. Standard Hall of Fame rules (*) still apply, but any games meeting the settings will be counted towards the Gauntlet.

(*) Please read the >> HOF rules << BEFORE playing!

  • Expansion: Brave New World
  • Victory Condition: Diplomatic (though all victory conditions must be enabled)
  • Difficulty: Emperor
  • Map Size: Standard
  • Map Type: Continents
  • Speed: Standard
  • Leader: Siam (Ramkhamhaeng)
  • Opponents: Any
  • Version: SV8
  • Date: 6th January to 9th February 2019
The earliest finish date wins, with score as a tiebreaker.
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Somehow this didn't show up in alerts or even as an unread thread, so I'll bump this for visibility.

The ideal scenario here would be to share the starting continent with 5 other civs so you could eliminate them without Astronomy. Plus a jungle-mountain-coast start with good production and as few garbage ocean tiles as possible. :)
My bad! Sorry, I'll fix that in about an hour. It's Siam
Just curious, so this is not a OCC challenge? I thought the idea being bandied about with these general settings on the gauntlet suggestion thread was for an OCC? And Culture victory for that matter. No worries though, this is a fine one.

Edit: OK, so the HoF Gauntlet page and Gauntlet table page say this is an OCC.

This thread's lead post really needs to specify it is an OCC or else some entries won't notice that.
Just curious, so this is not a OCC challenge? I thought the idea being bandied about with these general settings on the gauntlet suggestion thread was for an OCC? And Culture victory for that matter. No worries though, this is a fine one.

Edit: OK, so the HoF Gauntlet page and Gauntlet table page say this is an OCC.

This thread's lead post really needs to specify it is an OCC or else some entries won't notice that.

Pretty sure the Lead Post does specify OCC, sorta' front and center... :lol:
Pretty sure the Lead Post does specify OCC, sorta' front and center... :lol:
Haha, sorry, it is just old habits...

I expected to see the OCC stated down lower like the old postings:

  • Expansion: Brave New World
  • Victory Condition: Diplomacy (though all victory conditions must be enabled)
  • Difficulty: Prince
  • Map Size: Small
  • Map Type: Small Continents
  • Speed: Standard
  • Leader: Spain (Isabella)
  • Required: One City Challenge
  • Opponents: Any
  • Version: SV8
  • Date: 2nd to 16th December 2015"
Blinded by habit, sorry :cool:
I gave a quick try on this one and made note of one OCC setting which could affect you on this one:

I put in Mongolia as an AI civ thinking possibly I could liberate some city-states it conquers for easy influence if the OCC allows it.
Well... OCC doesn't allow it. When reconquering a city-state the Mongols had conquered, the OCC setting just made the city-state disappear rather than giving me the opportunity to liberate it.

If you are choosing your opponents, I would avoid Mongolia, Venice, and Austria at the very least, as they will conquer/absorb city-states that you can never use for their bonuses, and this may possibly screw up the World Leader vote a bit (I cannot remember if it exactly does this as I never put Venice/Austria in my diplomacy games, and Mongolian city-state conquests can easily be liberated in non-OCC games).
Boy, I can't get any traction on this one. Took @vadalaz's advice, planned to exterminate my continent. But I have a habit of setting the world to 3 billion, and that is way too hilly for rapid conquest. (Had a tech advantage, units were climbing the promotion-ladder, just couldn't move 'em.) Finally bailed on that try, started another. After several false starts, eventually decided to try a peaceful game. That went OK until my neighbor became the baddest bully on the block, and I was at my unit limit. We're friendly, and he can walk right past me to get at the next neighbor, but he keeps wanting open borders, which...why? For what?

Yeah, I see storm clouds a'gathering...
Submitted a T228 victory, but I had all the pieces for a ~T215 win: Atomic Theory T200, 5 AIs eliminated T203. Didn't know what to expect so I played it pretty safe and delayed PP to turn 154.

I've had AIs build Great Library before T40 in a couple of test starts, so I chose to skip that entirely and go for units instead, then built ToA, HG and NC. Sent my early archers to nearby barb camps and collected a bunch of CS quests, got some maritime and militaristic allies. Later on these militaristic CSs will provide me Keshiks and Impis, but at first I get a bunch of useless catapults.

I had 3 AIs on my continent, killed one with archers, but then I couldn't really do much against the next two AIs. So after a pretty uneventful war vs the remaining neighbours, I had to run my units back to upgrade to CBs and have a couple of them linger within my borders for their XB upgrades. This was all post-Education; a smarter game plan would've been to research Construction and upgrade immediately after the first war, clear the continent, upgrade to XBs and cross the ocean.

Another OCC annoyance is that AIs can't offer you their cities in peace deals, so if they think they're losing a war badly, they won't offer you anything at all. You can still sell stuff in peace deals, but bullying the AIs of all their money and luxuries won't really work.

Science was the easy part. In my game I didn't have any jungle tiles, got two natural GEs (first one due to the early ToA and HG and skipped GL, second one in the end when I wasn't paying attention) and only one faith GS, and still got all the required techs before I was done killing AIs. I think you can finish both conquest and research by T190ish, so a narrow sub-200 or at least a low-200s victory should be possible.

T228 is likely beatable with a peaceful approach given a good enough start, but if you're aiming for a really fast game I think you have to go warlike.


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Couldn't resist a no-mountain start with 5 salts, 3 wheat and a nice river... Conquest went much better this game, as I went straight for CBs and I had 4 AIs on my continent, but I couldn't get Atomic Theory in time. None of the city-states had any coal and neither did my capital. I think the factory bonus might've been enough because I was only about 2500 beakers short. Would've been a turn 203 victory I believe, or 225 if I played it out and won on the second cycle I suppose.

I knew it'd be a close race, but I literally couldn't delay Printing Press any longer as there were no more techs on the Atomic Theory beeline left to research. Initially I was aiming for a 2-cycle win around T210-215 here, but it took me a bit too long to find one isolated AI, which messed up the PP timing I'd planned, so I decided to try a one-cycle win instead.

You really need that observatory...


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Final submission is a T214 win on another salt/wheat but no mountain start. I wanted a 209 win with a 20-turn second cycle, but I wasn't able to eliminate 5 AIs fast enough for that.

Some adjustments:
- I got an Archery ruin early, so I built a couple of archers instead of a granary, bought the granary with peace deal money. Didn't buy any workers, hard-built and stole 2 more later.
- Didn't Oxford Astronomy, got Scholasticism pre-Renaissance instead and used Oxford on Atomic Theory in the end
- Planted only one academy. One GS bulb for Sci Theory, Rationalism finisher on Radio, then bulbed all scientists in the final tech push
- Played it safe with GWs and didn't use any before Industrial era to make sure I'd get 6 tenets in Order

I had a spare GS and no observatory so I'm pretty confident a sub-200 is possible, but at this point I'm gonna give up trying.


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Great games, vadalaz! No mountain really makes it tougher, but not having to blitz astronomy with Oxford was nice, I played one game with 5 AI civs on continent a good way through, but the starting city turf just wasn't good enough. Similar in the 2nd aborted start I tried. Heaps of wheat (and/or salt) is so vital. Without crazy early growth it is tough to hit the benchmarks needed.

Way to work around the OCC toughness!
Gauntlet Results:
G-Minor CLXIII - OCC, Diplomacy, Emperor, Standard, Continents, Standard, Siam (Ramkhamhaeng)

1 vadalaz 1520 AD T214
vadalaz 1590 AD T228
2 Lernon 1860 AD T300
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