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Your favorite Civ 6 alternatives


Sep 1, 2014
So, I don't know about you guys, but if you are anything like me, in spite of complaining about AI, UI and mechanics, you play civilization more than other games...perhaps by a large margin. Steam says I currently have about 2000 hours each in Civ 5 and Civ 6. This is not because there are no alternatives, it's just that very few games tend to pull me in the same way, even if they are good. There are exceptions however, which brings me to the topic of this thread: which other strategy games do you play the most, besides Civilization? Are there any games you wanted to get into, but just couldn't?

The genre here is "Civilization alternative". It doesn't have to be exactly the same type of game, just something which scratches the same itch for you.

My top Civ 6 alternatives:
  1. Stellaris - This game is the one I have the most hours in outside the civ series, for good reasons. It is heavy on exploration and expansion, but also does warfare and diplomacy well. It combines relatively deep systems with a very usable interface which gives a lot of transparency. It also helps that the game is full of quests, events and flavour. There is just so much to enjoy here.
  2. Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes - Another great one...my only real complaint about this fantasy 4X is that I don't really enjoy the visual style. Mechanically, however, it is a real gem. This one is also relatively heavy on exploration, combined with building up your empire and heroes. Heroes have RPG-style upgrade trees which have a significant impact on their use as army leaders. Combat is a very enjoyable tactical turn based affair on a separate battle map. Also, I feel should mention this: your cities actually level up and earn special buildings when they grow past certain thresholds. Awesome. :)

The game I wanted to get into, but couldn't:
  • Endless Legend - I know it is good. I know everybody was struck by how lovely it looked (although I found the style a bit busy). I understand that there is huge variety in the factions which should give great replayability, but...something just didn't click for me. Looking a the map doesn't fill me with the same kind of excitement as in some other games. I don't know. I wanted to love it, but it just never happened.
- EU4 - The game starts around the year 1500 with the entire map of the Earth. You can play as any 1 of the 100s of countries that existed at that time and most of them play pretty differently. You have religion, culture, technology, national ideas, alliances that matter, institutions, corruption, etc. It's probably the best strategy game I've ever played and for achievement hunters it's a lot of fun. It has problems like every other game, but the ones that stick out the most are it's not random like a Civ game and it has 10 or so expansions now so it probably costs a lot to get into.

- Darkest Dungeon - turn based rpg fighting game so not really like Civ but it's really good. It's challenging and the atmosphere with the creepy narrator is a must try. It's very cheap as well.

- Battle Brothers - another cheap turn based rpg. Swords and crossbows vs orcs and goblins. You fight them to get money and gear and it's another tough one. The graphics are pretty funny as you look like bobbleheads on the map mauling each other with battle axes.
EU4 as a strategy game, CK2 as a medieval insanity simulator.

I tried to get into Total Warhammer but it just never clicked for me.

Darkest Dungeon is great too.
Stellaris is the most direcrly comparable IMO. I find it a much deeper game but civ has the 'pick up and play' factor. The only paradox game which has never clicked with me is Hesrts of Iron...

There are also some really good 4x board games out there. If you aren't allergic to sci-fi, or 6 hour game sessions, Twilight Imperium in particular is a 4x game which captures (or possibly outdoes) the epic historical sweep of Civ. And you can't complain about easy AI in a board game...
If you aren't allergic to sci-fi, or 6 hour game sessions, Twilight Imperium in particular is a 4x game which captures (or possibly outdoes) the epic historical sweep of Civ.

My pals and I have never been able to finish a game of TI in fewer than eight hours, which is why we prefer Eclipse instead. Though admittedly TI's production value makes Eclipse look like amateur hour by comparison.
My pals and I have never been able to finish a game of TI in fewer than eight hours, which is why we prefer Eclipse instead. Though admittedly TI's production value makes Eclipse look like amateur hour by comparison.

In the latest edition of TI there's a shorter VP option. That definitely helps. I love eclipse too but it's been a harder sell with my local game group (I moved about 5 years ago). Star Trek ascendency is also surprisingly good!
Ticket to Ride. Civ is my go-to single-player game at the moment. Ticket To Ride is my multiplayer.
There are lots of great games so far. :) I do generally enjoy other Paradox games, such as EU IV and CK II, although I wish I didn't have to perform a 6 month scientific study and analysis to figure out which DLC to get. Darkest Dungeon is of course excellent. both for it's turn based battles and what has to be some of the best narration for a video game ever. Through the Ages is pretty cool, as are the X-Com games, although I haven't prioritized the new ones yet. Their time will come.

I do also like board games, as well as card games such as MTG and Dominion, but unfortunately I rarely find the opportunity to play those. The same could be said for multiplayer games such as Blood Bowl 2. It's just not that easy to allocate uninterruptable play time when you have two small kids. If I raise them right, however, there might be some improvement on the board game situation in the future.

Another Civ alternative I wanted to mention:
  • Beyond Earth - Now, this was not quite the SMAC sequel/remake many wanted, but it is a pretty good game in its own right. I believe, with a bit more work, it could have been truly great. As it stands, I feel that it is held back in part by its diplomacy and in part by the somewhat bland leaders (especially comared to SMAC). Mechanically it is very good, with lots to enjoy.

Perhaps not direct civ 6 alternatives, but I also like a good space exploration strategy game:
  • FTL - I have no idea how many hours I have spent on this, but it is certainly in the hundreds of hours, if not more. This might be the best game ever to come out of Kickstarter.
  • Shortest Trip to Earth - I wanted to mention this one, as it is the closest thing to an FTL sequel. It is a bit less streamlined and accessible, and also lacks some polish. Having said that, it is the only other game I have played which has truly been able to capture some of that FTL magic, and despite its flaws, I consider it to be very good overall.
Different genre but next to civ 6 the only game I play is The Elder Scrolls Online. When I get burned out on one I play the other. Currently playing ESO because of new DLC release.
Endless Space II is probably the best non-Civ turn-based strategy game I've played. Really absorbing. Only thing I'm not keen on is the combat (but then who plays Civ for that, either?)

In terms of other strategy games I also really like Northgard.
Too many to mention. I game a lot, any rts, rpg or city builder with a fantasy or (pseudo-)historical background is fair game:

- The Sierra city builders (Pharaoh and Emperor especially)
- Heroes of Might and Magic (we don't talk about the last two games :) )
- Age of Empires
- Baldur's Gate / Icewind Dale / PlaneScape: Torment
- the Longest Journey
- Broken Sword
- Monkey Island
- EU4

I can occasionally be tempted by sci-fi as well - X-Com, Mass Effect and Master of Orion 2 are three of my favourite games.

I always go back to Civ from time to time, but it's far from the only game i'm 'fanatical' about :)
The games I play the most apart from Civ6 are Hearts of Iron IV and Stellaris, but lately I've been getting into Europa Universalis IV as well.
You must try the King's Bounty games. Same exact thing and publisher. Start with the legend and you will be hooked.

I have tried the Original King's Bounty!! I liked it, but I prefer the HoMM games (or 'Might&Magic: Heroes' as they're called nowadays, :yuck::yuck::yuck::yuck: Ubisoft is the worst </3). They're more satisfying from a strategic perspective although I am utter RUBBISH at them lol <3
The only PC game I've played apart from Civ in historic times are Heroes II, Heroes III and Heroes V. And I agree, we don't talk about the last two ... :vomit:
Almost all of my late favorites have been named (as well as a few classics)

- 4x : Endless Legend, Endless Space II, Fallen Enchantress Legendary Heroes
- RPG: Baldur’s Gate I and II, Planescape Torment
- Turn based Tactics: X-com 1 and 2, Darkest Dungeon

may I add two not mentioned on this last category, Battletech and Mordheim. This last one is very addictive, beware.
Omerta is a kind of RTS with interesting premise.
Unity of Command, Twilight Struggle, Silent Hunter III with mods, Railroad Tycoon 3, Cities Skylines, Field of Glory / Empires, Battle Academy, Civ4Col with mods.

Sometimes reach back as far as Imperialism and SMAC.

Paradox took one wrong turn too many and it's been a while since I felt playing one of their titles seemed like a good use of time.
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