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bal's gameplay mods (naval supply, reduced supply etc.) 1

Ah, thanks! Having these all separated out is very helpful for me personally, since I only use Reduced Unit Supply and No Lake Navy, so this will make it much easier for me to integrate any new updates.
A problem I have come across once has to do with events that destroy buildings. It is possible that it can destroy your dock and then there is no way to rebuild it. Maybe it's a feature, but it seems harsh. Backing up several turns and retrying eventually allowed me to destroy something else.
A problem I have come across once has to do with events that destroy buildings. It is possible that it can destroy your dock and then there is no way to rebuild it. Maybe it's a feature, but it seems harsh. Backing up several turns and retrying eventually allowed me to destroy something else.

Not a feature, I've been playing with events off for a while so it completely slipped my mind, thanks for reporting. I remember other modders having the same issue, I'll ask around, in the worst case I can make them re-buildable
While we're at it, I ran into another rather awkward scenario where a city state that gifts naval units had it show up in a lake-side city with no other sea access. That probably shouldn't happen either.
No Navy by Lake updated to v5:
- Events won't affect docks anymore, thanks to unknownlately for reporting and pdan for help.

New mod: Dynamic Battle Lines (link)
- All melee units receive a tweaked version of Heavy Charge. Victorious melee units will push back the defending units, unless they are stationed in a city, fort or citadel. Units unable to retreat take 25% more damage. (Polish Winged Hussar gains Blitz to compensate)
- Civilian units retreat with military units to prevent easy captures.
- Units suffer 5 attrition damage in turns they move in hostile lands. Recon, submarine and barbarian units are immune. Can be disabled by removing Attrition.sql

- Make additional damage applied to units unable to retreat scale with combat result. A unit suffering crushing defeat would take 50% (or more) damage, while a minor defeat inflicts 5 or 10% additional damage. I'll probably come up with a formula instead of hard numbers, something like (damage received - damage inflicted) * 2.
- Make attrition configurable in defines.
- Make an even lighter version where defeated units retreat only when they fall below 50HP.

I liked the ideas in Maritime Battles, this can be considered a very condensed and DLL only version. I don't intend to bring anything more and complicate the ruleset, check out Maritime Battles for a more complex system.

I tested this with reduced unit supply and it worked well, but the additional damage applied to units unable to retreat can be an issue in normal games with carpets of doom. Still, this gives a tiny bit of advantage to the attacker, which the game sorely needs.

While we're at it, I ran into another rather awkward scenario where a city state that gifts naval units had it show up in a lake-side city with no other sea access. That probably shouldn't happen either.

Yeah, that sounds bad. It requires a bit more work to figure out though, I'm short on time these days but I'll eventually come back to this, thanks for the feedback :thumbsup:
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Is it safe to enable "No Navy by Lake Cities" and "Seperate Naval Supply" with the latest VP ?
I just want "SNS" but it depends on "NNbLC" .
Is it safe to enable "No Navy by Lake Cities" and "Seperate Naval Supply" with the latest VP ?
I just want "SNS" but it depends on "NNbLC" .

Yep, the recent implementation uses a different method than mine, so they wouldn't have any conflicts. I may remove No Navy by Lake in future if VP keeps its own implementation.
I added Unit Production AI Improvements to the first post btw, every feedback is appreciated, it may get integrated to VP if it's good
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Thanks a lot for the mod, it works great and it is very refreshing to have less units and promotions to worry about in the mid/late game.

In my experience I have too much production though, and nothing to build around the renaissance and early industrial eras, do others have the same experience?

Also, I haven’t tested it yet, but wouldn’t authority need a buff, as you are killing less units, it is harder to keep units garrisoned…?
That new minimod helps the ai - very good.
I have America , Atztec and Inca as direct neighbour and they attack me all the time with a mix of meele , ranged , siege and horses.

I really have a hard ( that is good ) time to secure my cities.
The Incas have 5-8 City-states with them , lead in everything...
Thanks a lot for the mod, it works great and it is very refreshing to have less units and promotions to worry about in the mid/late game.

In my experience I have too much production though, and nothing to build around the renaissance and early industrial eras, do others have the same experience?

Also, I haven’t tested it yet, but wouldn’t authority need a buff, as you are killing less units, it is harder to keep units garrisoned…?
The mod increases unit production cost by 1.5 iirc, you may try to increase that. I'll edit the post with the exact place to do that, but it should be in the main sql file.
Honestly you're probably right about authority, I didn't notice anything feeling off even I went Authority, but I don't play warmonger much anyway. I'm open to any suggestions

That new minimod helps the ai - very good.
I have America , Atztec and Inca as direct neighbour and they attack me all the time with a mix of meele , ranged , siege and horses.

I really have a hard ( that is good ) time to secure my cities.
The Incas have 5-8 City-states with them , lead in everything...
That's great to hear, thanks for the feedback!
The lack of choice in promos sounds like a downgrade, but currently in almost all units most of the time, there is one clearly better promo line. Think I might want to try it.
New mods:
Engineer Tweaks and other GPTI adjustments
Five modular tweaks, delete the sql files of the the unwanted tweaks.
- Era scaling for Great Engineer's Hurry and Great Merchant's Trade abilities, Trade is also affected by number of Towns. (GPEraScaling.sql)
- Manufactory benefits from Mine & Quarry boosts, so it's a no brainer improvement over them (Manufactory.sql)
- Manufactory benefits from belief boosts to Mine & Quarry (ManufactoryBeliefs.sql)
- Better scaling for Engineer specialists: Forge gives +2 prod, also gains +2 prod in Industrialization and +1 prod in Ballistics. (EngineerSpecialist.sql)
- Town benefits from all village bonuses (Towns.sql)
- Academy does not remove features (Academy.sql)

Custom Farm Resource Placement for VP
Custom changes to AssignStartPlots that differentiates farm resource placement a bit. I lost the final version of this so I had to recreate the changes, hopefully I didn't miss anything.
Wheat: Cannot spawn near jungles
Maize: Cannot spawn on or be adjacent to desert or tundra. Can spawn only in temperate latitudes. Can spawn on grass and on freshwater, coastal or jungle-adjacent plains.
Rice: Cannot spawn on or be adjacent to desert or tundra. Can spawn in subtropical coastal, freshwater or marsh-adjacent grass. Can spawn in temperate marshes on grass or plains.

- Reduced Supply mod no longer doubles strategic costs of units. Instead strategic resource quantity spawned on the map is halved. You gotta have this for 2.6 or you'll end up with both double costs and halved spawns.
- Various Tweaks has a new Colonies component. Currently it only makes Pioneers and Colonists found puppets, I may add in more features as long as they aren't overly complicated and AI friendly.
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- Various Tweaks has a new Colonies component. Currently it only makes Pioneers and Colonists found puppets, I may add in more features as long as they aren't overly complicated and AI friendly.
Yes! YES !!! This will sound weird but I've been waiting for something like this for quite a while now (was too lazy to do it on my own). I'm really curious where will you be going with this, it is a fertile ground for many interesting things. Thank you very much! :hug:
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The Unit Production AI mod breaks the UUs for Goths and Nubia (they don't show up anywhere at all, including the civ selection screen, tech trees, civilopedia and production queues). Israel seems to work fine though. (Possibly a load order issue?)
Thank you for making the Reduced Unit Supply Mod. It makes VP much more manageable and enjoyable. I did have one question, though. The map generation does not seem to have reduced strategic resources, and I can't find where that line is in the mod. Could you point me to it?
Thank your for trying it! Map generation should automatically decrease resource quantities if Reduced Unit Supply is active, there isn't any additional mod to download. I should note that it doesn't reduce how many will have resources, only the amount of resources spawning on that tile. I remember testing this with Communitu and default maps, but custom maps that overwrite the assignstartplots may not work properly.
Thank you for your reply! I was using small continents plus. I just tried generating a map with vanilla continents, and it looks like it may have worked. Did you decrease each tile strategic yield by half, or did you subtract one yield from each tile? (also, I couldn't find where where this is adjusted in the sql, could you point me toward the line?)
I'm sorry. I'm dumb. I didn't have VP 2.6. It is working now. (if you wouldn't mind, could you tell me where this is in the code for my edification?)
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