HOF Mod Support/Suggestions

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I had noticed this behavior earlier with other mods but hadn't much thought about it. There is something very hinky, however, going on with the 2.13 and 1.74 patches as I have had an absolute nightmare trying to set up a dual install. At one point the patches refused to recognize the presence of the core game.

Something very similar happens with ainwood's CA2 utility and Civ3 under Vista, BTW. The solution is similar but simpler (just run both programs with administrative privileges), probably because CA2 uses the .Net framework to perform its magic.
You raise a good point. We have always recommended that people play Civ4 with admin privileges. As you say, it keeps everything simple.

I must already meet Denniz's second qualifier as I certainly am no expert. :lol:
I have always recognize two different definitions of the word expert:

  1. Someone who know more about a technology than you do. (Anyone who has ever worked in IT and has friends and relatives that aren't will recognize this.)
  2. a former drip (think about it. :mischief: )

In this case, the first definition applies to you. At least until someone *you* think is a expert shows up. ;)
I had noticed this behavior earlier with other mods but hadn't much thought about it. There is something very hinky, however, going on with the 2.13 and 1.74 patches as I have had an absolute nightmare trying to set up a dual install. At one point the patches refused to recognize the presence of the core game.
I had an easy time with my dual install, other than this exit button hang. Mine was a BtS install from disk, so patches installed easily. Might explain why a simplification of your advice seems to have worked, for now ...

Right Click on the Firaxis Games directory in the C:\Program Files path and select the Properties option. In the first tab labeled "General" are two checkboxes at the bottom - one is labeled Read Only and should be greyed. Clear it so the check box is empty, then click the Apply button. A dialog box with two radio buttons will appear, select the all folders, all subfolders and all files button.

When that has finished in the same Properties dialog box click the security tab. In the scroll box labeled Group or user names you will find various names. Click on Users.

The scroll box at the bottom will show all Permissions assigned to the Users group for this set of files. If the permission do not include Full Control click the Edit button just above the scroll box. That opens another dialog box that allows you to change User Group permissions. Select the Users group in the upper scroll box and then check the Full Control check box in the lower scroll box. Click Apply.
What I did was to apply this to the HOF-1.74.001 folder in the mods folder in the program files path, rather than the whole firaxis games directory. I will have to do the same to warlords, and for each mod that I add as long as the bug continues. But it did go pretty fast! And I prefer minimalist solutions whenever I can get them.

The exit button hang is fixed :goodjob:

Again, thanks for the help!

I haven't heard anything about STEAM being different. Did you mean 1.71 or was that a typo? The current patch for vanilla is 1.74. All I can suggest is unistall, delete anything left, and reinstall/repatch.
http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=579977 is the best i can dig up, ATM, but i do play direct ip alot with my friends and they have the boxed version while i use the steam version. They show as modded to me and visaversa.

I'm revalidating my installs as i type, so we'll see if it works.
:nuke: Reporting a HOF Mod bug:

Set the alerts to tell me when someone has 1 or more gpt to trade. Start playing. Some alerts work ok, others are triggered when they should but the texst is "such AI has 0 gpt to trade". I then visit the Foreign advisor and see they have 1 or 2 gold.

Hypothesis: Denniz, did you fix the problem that told you the gpt alerts one turn late? then maybe something went wrong with the text and it is showing the previous turn gpt now.

:nuke: Asking for help:

Is there someone knowledgeable enough to tell me how to assign more memory to video? or that doesn't make sense because video memory is in the video card and other memories are in the CPU? what would you do if you were short of video memory to play your favourite game?
Thank you.
:nuke: Reporting a HOF Mod bug:

Set the alerts to tell me when someone has 1 or more gpt to trade. Start playing. Some alerts work ok, others are triggered when they should but the texst is "such AI has 0 gpt to trade". I then visit the Foreign advisor and see they have 1 or 2 gold.

Hypothesis: Denniz, did you fix the problem that told you the gpt alerts one turn late? then maybe something went wrong with the text and it is showing the previous turn gpt now.
I did move the code so it would fire at the beginning of your turn. I am not sure why the 0 GPT. I'll take a look.

:nuke: Asking for help:

Is there someone knowledgeable enough to tell me how to assign more memory to video? or that doesn't make sense because video memory is in the video card and other memories are in the CPU? what would you do if you were short of video memory to play your favourite game?
Thank you.
You have it right. Video memory comes with the card. The best way to get more video memory it to buy a new video card.
: Is there someone knowledgeable enough to tell me how to assign more memory to video? or that doesn't make sense because video memory is in the video card and other memories are in the CPU? what would you do if you were short of video memory to play your favourite game?
Thank you.
My understanding (and it is limited) is that the best video cards have their own dedicated memory, and don't share with the main memory.

The low-end cards share memory with main and have none of their own, or they have a minimal (64 or so) dedicated and the rest shared. For those, I am not aware that user can assign memory ... I think the card adds more as demand indicates, up to the max it can share.

Although not an expert on video tech, I am somewhat of an expert on video crashes in Civ, from painful experience. I have learned that video cards have, in addition to memory, pixel pipelines and some other kind of pipeline, and the number of those may be just as important as memory in some cases.

Have you already switched to lowest graphics settings? That helps low levels of overload.

Are you getting a particular error message? I got 'thread stuck in device driver' messages for the video driver.

And be sure you have the latest video driver.

My solution, not available to all, was to get a newer laptop with a better video card. In some cases, only a more powerful card can fix the issue.

:nuke: Reporting a HOF Mod bug:

Set the alerts to tell me when someone has 1 or more gpt to trade. Start playing. Some alerts work ok, others are triggered when they should but the texst is "such AI has 0 gpt to trade". I then visit the Foreign advisor and see they have 1 or 2 gold.

Hypothesis: Denniz, did you fix the problem that told you the gpt alerts one turn late? then maybe something went wrong with the text and it is showing the previous turn gpt now.
@jesusin, do you have a save where this is happening?
I've been getting the 0gpt notifications as well, no screenshots yet but I'll grab one (and save a few saves) when it happens next.
I'd like to load a 1.61.011 game downloaded from the HoF. For the past several months, every time I try to load one of these I get an error saying it needs to load hof mod 1.16.008. It also complains that the mods/hof-1.61.008 directory is missing. Am I the only one with this problem?
I'd like to load a 1.61.011 game downloaded from the HoF. For the past several months, every time I try to load one of these I get an error saying it needs to load hof mod 1.16.008. It also complains that the mods/hof-1.61.008 directory is missing. Am I the only one with this problem?
That sounds familar. I think Dianthus has to make a change to the download process so it knows what the current version is. It sounds like it is stuck back at .008. I'll ask him about it.
That sounds familar. I think Dianthus has to make a change to the download process so it knows what the current version is. It sounds like it is stuck back at .008. I'll ask him about it.
I've just updated the site so any new saves you download will require 1.74.001 of the HOF mod.
Well, that's basically impossible
I think it is because of the patch versions...1.74 has had different issues than any of the other versions have had.
I'm having an issue when loading the options menu in Warlords 2.13.001. I can't exit. I just need to turn on the map generator and change my .rul file.

save file

I've restarted the game and restarted the computer, but seems to happen everytime.
@jesusin, do you have a save where this is happening?

Not at hand, sorry. Could you take a save from any of my 1.74 HOF submisssions, please? It happens in all of them, just play a couple turns and you will see it.
I suppose you can also see it in your own games if you set the threshold to 1gpt.
I'm having an issue when loading the options menu in Warlords 2.13.001. I can't exit. I just need to turn on the map generator and change my .rul file.

save file

I've restarted the game and restarted the computer, but seems to happen everytime.
Sounds like you are having the same problem that I had ... see post #1121 in this thread. Bede has a solution in #1130, I modified it a bit in #1142.

Hope that helps.

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