Orion's Inquisition Mod

Making it desirable for the AI is tricky. Offhandedly it's desirable for them because it inherently makes it more difficult for you to win a religious victory (if they're not your state religion), but the AI doesn't know how to judge this or the culture loss and weigh it. Giving the free temples though might do the trick and give them the benefit it needs.

Additionally, if you want a very specific modified wonder (or version of this one) I can make one for you. As for the granaries wonder, I can easily make one for you with the XML (like Stonehenge does with monuments), just need to scourer the forums for good art.

I believe free Temples would make this Wonder irresistable to the AI and a good alternative to purging a non-state religions. However, if you decide to stick with purging non-state religions, I would slow it way down. Perhaps, purge one city of all non-state religions and buildings once every 20 or 25 turns.

I would be very thankful for your generous efforts to create the custom Wonders I have requested.


Orion Veteran :cool:
I could be confused, but I think you might want to have a look at the interface code in CvMainInterface.py regarding the control of the inquisition button for holy cities. The option to purge can dissapear in some cases regarding the checking of the the remove holy city option. It's not a big issue though.

I just have simplified the slab of code there down to:

Spoiler :
if ProceedWithInquisition:
								iStateReligion = gc.getPlayer( pUnit.getOwner( ) ).getStateReligion( )
								if iStateReligion != -1:
									if pCity.isHasReligion( iStateReligion ):
										for iReligionLoop in range(gc.getNumReligionInfos( )):
											if pCity.isHasReligion( iReligionLoop ):
												if iReligionLoop != iStateReligion:												
													screen.appendMultiListButton( "BottomButtonContainer", ArtFileMgr.getInterfaceArtInfo("INTERFACE_GODS_PERSICUTION").getPath(), 0, WidgetTypes.WIDGET_GENERAL, 665, 665, False )
													screen.show( "BottomButtonContainer" )
													iCount = iCount + 1
Although it's a great function that function:
CvUtil.ocCityHasNonStateReligion(pCity, iStateReligion)

I prefer to just let the user dictate whether they want to try a holy city inquisition which could result in the removal of a non-state building if nothing else. This same relaxation doesn't apply to mr-AI because he's not clever enough to be able to think it through.

Like I said, I could be confused.

Anyway, have released a flavour of this mod here:

It's Revolution mod specific in character and will not apply to this mod much at all. Main changes are AI behaviour and a few extra utility functions that you could whip up yourself like a bowl of cream in any case.

Thanks for this mod, keep up the good work and the vision.
I could be confused, but I think you might want to have a look at the interface code in CvMainInterface.py regarding the control of the inquisition button for holy cities. The option to purge can dissapear in some cases regarding the checking of the the remove holy city option.

In CvMainInterface.py, the updateSelectionButtons function was changed to prevent the removal of a Holy City with an inquisitor, if the default setting for OC_INQISITOR_CAN_REMOVE_HOLY_CITY in the GlobalDefinesAlt.xml file is set to False, 0. If you want the "option" to remove the HolyCity, then the value should be set to True, 1. The updateSelectionButtons function only determines if the button should appear or not.

I'm currently working on ver 2 of this mod and I will test this function before the release. Thanks for the function changes, I will review and test.

Question: Would you know of a way to scale down the Better Auto AI mod to bare bones. At times I have trouble getting it to work with this mod. Any tips would be appreciated.


Orion Veteran :cool:
Yeah I can see where you are coming from. You would want a BTS CORE DLL that is 100% 3.17 with only the addition of two sections of code, the auto play and change civ code. The latter is very useful because if you can flick control between different civs, you can see how the holy cities play out or move from small states to big states. Combined with world builder, that combination allows for some good quality scenario testing.

If there is not already such a core available on this site, I'll zip one and post here. At the moment though, got to take a break from coding. The real world is starting to become an annoying problem again that won't go away :)


The better bts core has these features built in. What I suggest is that while you wait for a more pure BTS core, you drop the Better BTS core into your testing and find how to autoplay and change civ with it (forgotton the key strokes). Do your testing with that core then drop back to standard BTS for final testing. The Better BTS AI won't have any significant impact on your python logic I'd say.
There may be a little cat that got out of the bag in this mod but not sure. I goofed a bit in Revolution Inquistion where inquistors can be built in cities without the state religion even if all the other prereq's are there. How about holy offices?

Just another condition to check for you!
There may be a little cat that got out of the bag in this mod but not sure. I goofed a bit in Revolution Inquistion where inquistors can be built in cities without the state religion even if all the other prereq's are there. How about holy offices?

Just another condition to check for you!

The official state religion must be present in the city, where The Holy Office is built. The inquisitor can't be built unless a Holy Office is built first. So by default, an inquisitor can't be built in a city without the state religion, because the Holy office requires it.


Orion Veteran :cool:
Just to give me a head start on fixing my own code, what function in the inquisition python code governs where a holy office can be built? Perhaps it's in the XML? Couldn't find it off hand. No hurry. Enjoy working on version 2.0.
Just to give me a head start on fixing my own code, what function in the inquisition python code governs where a holy office can be built? Perhaps it's in the XML?

It is all done in XML. Any city that has the official state religion can build a Holy City.
File: CIV4BuildingInfos.XML

File: CIV4UnitInfos.XML
I am making progress on version 2, but I still need help getting the AUTO_AI to work right. It seems there is still something missing. I will have to compare with Orion's Challenge, as Dale's Combat Mod has included it.


Orion Veteran :cool:
If you plug in the BETTER BTS AI 0.45 released today, here are the debug shortcuts:

Ctrl+Shift+X AIAutoPlay Opens popup to start automation for any number of turns. Pressing while in automation cancels automation.
Ctrl+Shift+M AIAutoPlay Automate the rest of the current turn only.
Ctrl+Shift+P ChangePlayer Open popup to change the civ and leader type for any player in the game.
Ctrl+Shift+L ChangePlayer Open popup to switch which player the human controls.

Once you are happy with the build, fall back to the standard BTS CORE DLL for final testing. The only merging that has to be done in XML is in GlobalAltDefines, but I think if you don't bother, the SDK does not crash out. What would be interesting to see is whether the Better BTS DLL can simply be dropped into your build without needing any XML clothing other than as "accessory" XML. I'd say so.

As 1.01F is still the official release, here goes; in PythonErr.txt, I get the following (non-crashing) error:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "CvGameInterface", line 185, in AI_unitUpdate

  File "CvGameUtils", line 294, in AI_unitUpdate

  File "CvGameUtils", line 571, in doInquisitorCore_AI

RuntimeError: unidentifiable C++ exception
ERR: Python function AI_unitUpdate failed, module CvGameInterface

Line 571 is this:
if iReligionLevel > gc.getGame().calculateReligionPercent(iStateReligion):

I think we've had this one before, and someone (sorry, forgot who) posted a suggested fix:
if iStateReligion == -1 or iReligionLevel > gc.getGame().calculateReligionPercent(iStateReligion):

My question is: How does this line look in v.2? :)
Thanks for making your hard work available to us. My focus is on the python. Any ideas I get from here for Revolution Inquisitions, I will acknowledge for sure.
Orion's Inquisition Mod version 2.00 has been released! :D

See first post for all of the details on new changes.


Orion Veteran :cool:

Great! :) I'll dig into this after the holidays!
Personally I think this is how inquisition should work:

1. Inquisition unit costs the same as a missionary.
2. Requires use of theocracy to build or use. No actual tech requirement - can get to via theology or Paya wonder.
3. Use will reduce population by 1 or 2, depending upon number of religions present and how long they have been present, if the population isn't already 1 (if pop =1, stores are reset to zero) but yield some moderate amount of gold (confiscated property).

I don't agree with this having anything to do with a victory, except in the sense that it can prevent somebody from getting an AP victory without destroying you, and it can enable you to defy AP resolutions without the +5 anger. While running theocracy, they can't reestablish the religion in your civ to push you around or achieve AP victory.

In absence of having the AP to contend with, the idea would be mostly to deprive competitors of shrine money while gaining some of your own at the cost of food (-1 pop) and hammers to build the inquisitor. For balance maybe there should be some kind of bonus for running theocracy in cities that contain your religion and no other.
Personally I think this is how inquisition should work:

I will be happy to address each idea.

1. Inquisition unit costs the same as a missionary.

Respectfully Disagree: The inquisitor is a very powerful unit. While the Missionary can spread one single religion, the state religion, into a city; the inquisitor can remove ALL non-state religions and their associated religious buildings. With greater capability, there must be a greater cost.

2. Requires use of theocracy to build or use. No actual tech requirement - can get to via theology or Paya wonder.

Respectfully Disagree: Not sure what the Paya wonder is... Organized religion has a central authority, which determines theology. History shows that governments with official state religions had a central authority, the church, which determined religious theology. In a Monarchy, the leader ruled over the affairs of the state, while the official church ruled over religious matters. The Church and State have close ties. Theocracy is a form of government, where Holy men or women are in charge of the state. The Church and State rule together. Point is a Theocracy and Organized religion can have inquisitions.

3. Use will reduce population by 1 or 2, depending upon number of religions present and how long they have been present, if the population isn't already 1 (if pop =1, stores are reset to zero) but yield some moderate amount of gold (confiscated property).

Respectfully Disagree: Reducing population by 1 or 2 represents far too many people. The Holy office building, with it's -1 health is still a big population hit, but far more realistic and the Holy Office yields a small amount of gold.

I don't agree with this having anything to do with a victory, except in the sense that it can prevent somebody from getting an AP victory without destroying you, and it can enable you to defy AP resolutions without the +5 anger. While running theocracy, they can't reestablish the religion in your civ to push you around or achieve AP victory.

Respectfully Disagree: The Apostolic Palace (AP) is a Wonder not an organization where the diplomats decide if an inquisition can take place or if a victory can be achieved. See post 271 on the following link:

Now if you don't like the Religious Victory, I might be persuaded to make it an option. That way you can play the game the way you like it.

In absence of having the AP to contend with, the idea would be mostly to deprive competitors of shrine money while gaining some of your own at the cost of food (-1 pop) and hammers to build the inquisitor. For balance maybe there should be some kind of bonus for running theocracy in cities that contain your religion and no other.

Agree: There is a bonus for running Theocracy: New units get +2 free experience points when constructed in cities with the official state religion. Plus, Theocracy prevents the spread of non-state religions. The Holy Office building provides fair compensation for building inquisitors by giving +2 gold on every turn. You can't build a Holy Office under Pacifism or Free Religion civics. Last, but not least, a player is rewarded for religious unity by achieving a religious victory.

Very Respectfully,

Orion Veteran :cool:
Thanks for the info on real history and inquisitions. Good stuff. Don't want to take too much of your time, but briefly, is there any real history which implies that the church wanted to conduct an inquisition to potentially stop the citizenry from degenerating into civil war or revolting against the state itself?

I guess the theoretically possibilities is that the followers of a foreign religion is inciting rebellion against the state in one way or another, or that the citizenry loyal to the state religion, begin organising a rebellion themselves either against the state for not purging the foreign religion, or directly against the followers of the foreign religion themselves.

Avoiding domestic revolt of any type so as to keep the state functioning well, is one strong motivation for conducting inquisitions in the "Revolutions Inquisitions" mod. The question is if there is any reality to that.

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