Do you believe in love at first sight and would you want it to happen to you?

Do you believe in love at first sight and would you want it to happen to you?

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Sep 15, 2005
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Classic question I think, craploads of romantic movies and songs are written about this cheesy "love at first sight" thing. What do you think of it?

I don't so much believe in love at first sight with my heart or anything like that. I wouldn't really be willing to argue the case for it. But if I had to bet on it, I think it probably exists, simply because a lot of people think it's happened to them. I know this is often attriubuted to "lust at first sight," happening to naive people. I think though that if your first thought when you see somebody is "I want to know them," as opposed to "I want to rent a cheap hotel room with them for a couple hours," then it's not really correct to define those thoughts as "lust."

I personally would not want to fall in love at first sight. I'd much rather fall in love with somebody I already know, trust, and love as a friend. I can't see what's so great about falling in love with a stranger.
Judging people by outward impressions is never optimal.
Love at first sight is hindsight.
One can see someone and feel an attraction that as one becomes more familiar with the person rapidly becomes love, if you both like each other.
Then that initial attraction is rationalised as the spark of love when it wasn't.
I don't think you can instantly fall in love with someone just by looking at them. But, I guess it's possible, although HIGHLY unlikely that there is some undiscovered natural force out there that causes such things.
Love at first sight is also known as stalking.

Love at first sight is hindsight.
One can see someone and feel an attraction that as one becomes more familiar with the person rapidly becomes love, if you both like each other.
Then that initial attraction is rationalised as the spark of love when it wasn't.

Of course it doesn't exist, it is a ridiculous notion to begin with. As Brighteye correctly stated, "love at first sight" is a rationalization of the initial attraction made after one has enough familiarity to actually be in love. Alot of people say they fell in love at the first sight, but how many actually say (seriously) that they're in love right after seeing someone?
There was no option for me. I wanted somthing like "I believe in love at first sight and it has happened to me".
I have to say that I'm skeptical about love at first sight in the romantic sense. You can't fall in love that way with somebody just by looking at him/her. If you get that mushy-brained at the sight of somebody the first time you see him/her, it's either lust or at least a crush (the sort we've all had as 'tweens and teenagers).

People should be wary of love at first sight, anyway. Look at what happened to Romeo and Juliet - they ended up dead.

But love that a parent has for a baby when seeing him/her for the first time? I absolutely believe in that. :love:
Depends how you define love. You can have a transcendental experience in a moment but mature love takes time.
It's bullcrap.

Most of the time, you fall in love at first sight and then gradually decide that the person is an idiot.
It sounds magical and highly idiotic to fall in love at first sight.
Love at first sight is hindsight.
One can see someone and feel an attraction that as one becomes more familiar with the person rapidly becomes love, if you both like each other.
Then that initial attraction is rationalised as the spark of love when it wasn't.

I believe in one night stands.

This and this. If it was love, it wasn't at first sight, if it was at first sight, it wasn't love.
Relationships are funny things. Sometimes girls you're into just aren't into too. And you might not be interested in the girl who wants to continue a relationship with you. Placing high expectations on something so tenacious during the beginning makes yourself rather susceptible to greater heart break.

Outside that though, I don't believe in love at first sight. It's too effible and powerful of an emotion that can be uncovered after finding a pretty face or nice personality. Usually it's just lust or sheer attraction. Maybe it just never happened to me.

It's bullcrap.

Most of the time, . . . and then gradually decide that the person is an idiot.

Hahahahahaha. Story of my relationship life. Or in female talk, "lol sure" (jk to all the intelligent ladies out there in the forums)
Love at first sight is hindsight.
One can see someone and feel an attraction that as one becomes more familiar with the person rapidly becomes love, if you both like each other.
Then that initial attraction is rationalised as the spark of love when it wasn't.


And so, OP, what about those of us who sort of believe in love at first sight and are indifferent to whether or not it happens to us?
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