Battlegrounds: Sign-Up Thread

Force Attacks work just like regular attacks they just add another degree of Character Customization, and there is a list of Soldiers Specialist.
Name: Lomi'il

Spoiler :

Gender: Male

Species: Twi'lek

Class: Soldier
Can I get a sound off from everyone who still intends to play this game?
Since it's taking such a long time to fill up the sign-ups I will start as soon as we have 16 people and everyone has sent me there Character Cards and chosen there factions. NOTE. Once one of the factions fills up to eight the rest of the players who have not chosen there faction will be automaticly assigned jedi. NOTE2. If you have not sent me a Character Card by the 14th I will choose for you.
NOTE3. If you have not responded to my Sound Off request withing 72 Hours I will remove you from the sign-up list, you will still be able to sign-back up and keep your Character but if the Faction you were in was filled up in your abscence you will be sent to the opposite faction.
If I get a double conformation that were still on with this game...

...I'll post my character stats later :). Don't chose for me.
Spoiler :

Name: Jill Valentine

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Class: Commando

Character Background: After a redemptive attempt by the Jedi. Jill decided to join the faction of the Jedi as well as a personal mission to return back home.
I'm still In.
In, although i feel that in my case this is kinda redundant
Since it's taking such a long time to fill up the sign-ups I will start as soon as we have 16 people and everyone has sent me there Character Cards and chosen there factions. NOTE. Once one of the factions fills up to eight the rest of the players who have not chosen there faction will be automaticly assigned jedi. NOTE2. If you have not sent me a Character Card by the 14th I will choose for you.
NOTE3. If you have not responded to my Sound Off request withing 72 Hours I will remove you from the sign-up list, you will still be able to sign-back up and keep your Character but if the Faction you were in was filled up in your abscence you will be sent to the opposite faction.

Spoiler :
Celine Terrilles

Character Background:
Born on Alderaan in Crevasse City, where she lived for most of her life. On the age of 19 she moved to Aldera to follow socio-politics at the University. Like the city she was born in, she was always deemed special. Being skilled with the blade and wrapping everyone around her finger. She never was afraid to use all means available to her to gain power and prestige. Making her hated by many of her (lesser) peers. Before the Empire she would have been quickly recognized as a Force sensitive. Now she discovered her gift while on a trip to Coruscant.

Yes thats a still in :p
Since many people have told me they are currently to busy to participate in a game like this and I don't have enough people to start I am putting this game on hold until sometime when more people will have enough time to play.
Sad :(
Me to, maybe i'll try changing the rules some to make it easier to understand and play.
Okay I have Bad News and Good News.

Bad News: I probably wont try and start this game back up in the future. (If anyone wants to use the ruleset for anything they are welcome to.)

Good News: The good news is actually the reason for the bad news, I have a idea for a new forum game stirring around in my head like a pack of angry bees, it is still in the conceptual stage but here is a brief preview, instead of just being Sith or Jedi you will be able to play as Bounty Hunters, Troopers, Smuglers in additon to Sith and Jedi. Exploration and Combat will be prevalent, i'm not sure what the exact objective as of yet stay tuned to this thread for updates and more news.
Okay I have Bad News and Good News.

Bad News: I probably wont try and start this game back up in the future. (If anyone wants to use the ruleset for anything they are welcome to.)

Good News: The good news is actually the reason for the bad news, I have a idea for a new forum game stirring around in my head like a pack of angry bees, it is still in the conceptual stage but here is a brief preview, instead of just being Sith or Jedi you will be able to play as Bounty Hunters, Troopers, Smuglers in additon to Sith and Jedi. Exploration and Combat will be prevalent, i'm not sure what the exact objective as of yet stay tuned to this thread for updates and more news.

May I Co-GM because I have some ideas? I'll PM you later or you can make a social group.
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