Moderator Reorganization


Oct 5, 2001
We are making a small but significant change to the forum moderator structure. A new moderator group has been created, called Super Moderators. The purpose of this new group is to actively review how the forums are being run, and make improvements.

You may have seen the Off Topic Poster Satisfaction Survey. This is actually an initiative run by this group (while the re-organization was in the planning process!), and is the type of thing that we are looking to do: Get input to make improvements.

The next step in this process is a focus on a few key areas, such as reviewing and updating the forum rules, reviewing the (internal to staff) moderator guidelines and also reviewing how the infraction system works (these are aimed at improving moderator consistency). Other (as yet not well-defined) goals including reviewing the forum structures etc.

Ultimately, we are attempting to make meaningful changes that will improve the forums for all.

It occurred to me in writing this that I should probably formally outline what the various moderator groups actually mean (for those that are not familiar)

Junior Moderators: New moderators are made "Junior Moderators". They have limited moderating powers, and are restricted to moderating their assigned fora. This is aimed at getting them to understand the moderator systems and processes, and typically lasts for around 6 months.

(regular) Moderators: Junior moderators get promoted to 'Moderators'. While 'moderators' have the functionality to moderate in all forums, they are generally expected to limit moderating in forums outside of their own to 'emergencies' or dealing with spambots etc.

Senior Moderators: After around 2-3 years, regular Moderators get promoted to Senior Moderators. These people are officially supported to moderate all forums when they see the requirement to do so.

Super Moderators: The new group. Same power as Senior Moderators, but also expected to do a bit extra on the forum management side, as noted above.
your implementing the super-moderator title just now? sorry, but i think thats kinda odd. you had no global mods to keep track of the forum, only admins and local mods?
Sounds good. Perhaps now we won't have the same threads posted in 5+ subforums at the same time. ;)
your implementing the super-moderator title just now? sorry, but i think thats kinda odd. you had no global mods to keep track of the forum, only admins and local mods?

Well, as I noted at the bottom of the post, "Senior Moderators" were (are) in effect, global moderators. In fact, regular moderators actually have 'global power' to moderate all forums, but they are requested to moderate their own areas (primarily).
Sounds like a good reorganisation. But I'm left a little confused as to the exact purpose of these new Super Moderators. From the point of view of the average poster going about their daily forum business, what's the significant difference between Super Moderators and the old Senior Moderator category? Is it more of an internal change that won't really effect regular users?

P.S.: New badges needed.
Is it more of an internal change that won't really effect regular users?
Well, it won't affect them directly (yet), but I really hope it will affect them positively, indirectly.

They are being asked to take the lead on groups to do things like review the forum rules, which should improve things for users. They will collate the various views, make recommendations, and present them to the admins to be adopted (rather than have the admins trying to wade through the various opinions, then get to align themselves). To be honest, I don't think that the staff internal decision making has been as effective as it should be (the admins have to take accountability for that), and part of this is aimed at making that decision making more streamlined and hence effective. Ultimately, other things like delegating more authority to the super moderators (eg. to deal with appeals on infractions) are being considered as well.
I recognized that e.g. Turner and DaveShack have no moderator additions under their names. Is that a mistake?
My understanding is that they'll have to make new posts, and eventually the badges will show up.

Or something.
Taking Birdjaguar away from us NESers is a sad thing. :*( He has responsibilities beyond moderating this place you know.
Nice! Is there a link to which moderators are Supermods now?
View Forum Leaders, which is hidden in the front forum page.
Taking Birdjaguar away from us NESers is a sad thing. :*( He has responsibilities beyond moderating this place you know.
He'll still be there. BJ has been a driving force in getting things changed around here. His jump from Moderator to Super Mod is well deserved.
That's nice but I don't really see what effect this will have at all. Perhaps it's just because they're new position hasn't been brilliantly defined but merely leading groups dedicated to improving the site sounds like something which should/was being done anyway. If it wasn't then this is obviously an improvement but, without meaning to sound to disparaging, the title/position itself seems a little redundant.

That's not to say I don't appreciate the effort to revamp the system and obviously as a new position there 'power' isn't quite developed yet so hopefully this leads on to better things.

Finally, if not echoed elsewhere, I personally appreciate the effort you guys are going to in an attempt to increase the enjoyment of the forums for all members and I do hope that the previous in my post isn't taken too badly!
I think the supermoderators are to make suggests on the rules and stuff that;ll be taken more seriously. Thats what I think although I dont know.
<sarcasm>Great idea. Forum Nazis. One of you guys has already deleted off topic posts in an off topic thread located in the Fall from Heaven forum. Brilliant.</sarcasm>

Seriously though, is there place where off topic subjects can be discussed that I'm not aware of? Thank you.
This forum already has the heaviest moderation i've seen. Seems very unnecessary, but then again I don't care.
Sounds fine to me.
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