DLC will you buy them?

Will you buy the DLCs

  • No

    Votes: 238 88.5%
  • Only the missin one

    Votes: 10 3.7%
  • Yes I'll buy them all

    Votes: 21 7.8%

  • Total voters


Oct 2, 2006
Hey guys,

I'm really wondering if anyone will buy the 'DLC' that has been release on 1-12, yes I mean the map-packs!
Absolutely not. Nothing there will make the slightest dfference to my experience playing this game.
No, and if you want I can upload maps functionaly identical to those in half an hour. (You could even, once you follow the instructions on the Civ5 wiki and dl the SDK. Firaxis, telling us and encouraging us to get the equivalent of the DLC for free.)
I never liked maps based on continents or earth anyway. I wouldn't play them if they were free.

As a policy, I don't buy DLC. Nothing to do with Civ DLC to be specific. DLC's are just poor man's expansions... or maybe rich man's, because you will pay twice as much for only a fraction of content you would get from an expansion. Apparently it's a good business model as you just need a few people to buy it to make profit $$$? as it is usually content left out from the final release.
I only got one of them from my pre-order steam buy. (mesopotamia)
I refuse to buy a massive inflated price over maps which the community as a whole can make themselves faster and better.
Not to mention that in Civ it's about exploring unknown territory!
No fun know the lay of the land from start.

They just trying to squeeze out a few extra bucks from the poor payers.
Not a chance. Civ 5 was the most disapointing £30 I ever spent. No more of my money will that lot see, until they start making Civilization games again.
No.No.No...NO!Overpriced piece of dog poo.I'm 110% sure that they will release DLC civs and maps with a large expansion pack.Like Dragon age:ultimate edition.
Why would I pay for something I can build my self?

Hell, I'd probably have more fun building a map than playing the game in it's current state :p
Any good company would look at the crap reviews this game has been getting from it's FAN BASE and try to make it up to them by giving us things that would make the game actually playable for FREE.

It increases replayability... This game was NOT worth the original $49.99 it was to purchase... Now tack on $5 for Mesopotamia and $10 for 4 maps... I am NOT going to drop $65 on this stupid game.
Any good company would look at the crap reviews this game has been getting from it's FAN BASE and try to make it up to them by giving us things that would make the game actually playable for FREE.

It increases replayability... This game was NOT worth the original $49.99 it was to purchase... Now tack on $5 for Mesopotamia and $10 for 4 maps... I am NOT going to drop $65 on this stupid game.

Why do people still think Civ V has anything to do with any fan base. It doesn't. Firaxes made it, their publishers worked it and pushed it, to jump on a fair few financially interesting developments in this industry of the last year and a half and for the next few years. It's a cash cow. For every person here, there's a fair few more in the Steam and other distribution markets.
Not a chance. I get a free map every time I start a game. Why do I need to pay for a map?
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