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  • How can anyone defend Civ 6's AI? It's so stupid that because Civ 5 released as crap means it's okay in general to release things as crap.
    AI is broadly terrible in strategy games, and it's not easy to pin down. How much more competent AI is part of design (mechanics easier for AI) vs legit good programming is variable. AI quality is often victimized by non-AI developers, making mechanic changes/implementations onto AI created for others too.
    Well, there's definitely a problem with getting an AI to work when all the variables change. Adding more of them doesn't help, but then again I guess we'd be ending up with a game with very little features as a result. It doesn't really help Firaxis has never really had an AI that actually plays the game, making it even harder to make it follow the game's rules.
    I'm all played-out with Civ 4 and 5 and I just can't get into 6. I was hoping you might have some advice for me. It doesn't seem like you have any LP videos for 6 so did you not like it either? What games are you playing now, anything you'd care to recommend?
    Civ 6 shares Civ 5's unfortunately lack of concern for end user experience, but its design supports tons of cities. I only play it sparingly. I currently play EU 4, Rimworld, Fortnite, Binding of Isaac, and FTL the most.
    Oh interesting. I haven't gotten into the EU games, it's a huge commitment and I'm not sure I'd like them. I was checking out FTL, though, it seemed interesting. I'll take a look at those others you mentioned, thanks. Sidenote - I've been playing some Northgard and Battletech. Both games are really rough right now but show potential. As indie titles one can't be sure they'll really meet that potential, though.
    I can only assume your reluctance to spread more videos comes from a lack of conviction! (Insert contradictory statement 5 minutes later)

    But in all seriousness, it's unfortunate that Firaxis has regressed even more since we talked about it years ago. It takes like 4 hours to finish a game now where the last hour is over the last 40 turns. This kinda makes the game boring to watch anyways.
    It could be done with cut editing, which I will likely do upon any return to YouTube to get more of a game shown in less time...but I'd likely do other games.
    As long as it's TMIT, play whatever.
    Are you going to be back on YT playing VI? Miss your LPs, man.
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    I only got windows going again last Friday, so I haven't even had a week to play with the game. Learning mechanics but I think I can win on deity.

    Can I make an LP of Civ 6 interesting? I have doubts. I've completely lost ALL of my HOMM stuff due to hard drive failure, leaving me in a rough spot. I do want to get back into YouTube, even if it's a bit rough keeping up with the videos after work I miss it.
    I think you can make it entertaining. Great game, but it has its bugs. You were never shy about pointing those out, made it fun too. Also learned a lot from you with IV.
    "There is no "I" in team. There is no "we" either. There is a me." I was like o.O "so what's in team then?" then saw your username :D Made my day sir :D

    Btw, if you are looking at the DCL timings on various details you mentioned and will be able to make a (even semi-) coherent conclusion out of them it'd be nice to see the numbers published regardless of how misleading or too small number of samples they're based on.
    Either way, good luck with the number crunching.
    Lol, you shouldn't reply in your own profile. We can't get notification from that. It could've slipped through if I was moving around like a ADD person lol.

    Oh yes, I understand ya. Myself, I have lost to RL. Only on week ends I can do stuff and even sometimes I'm stuck.

    I was just sayin' because it is always nice to see old generation S&Tippers when the present time CIV seems to decline. Hope Civ6 be a success so the community assembles again.
    Oh Tachy, I still exist. I still do polycast too! I've had problems with linux gaming + work pressure so haven't been doing as much as in the past, since HOMM V takes up much of my non-madden game time to record.

    I'll probably split time with civ IV/V when I do get them working again, however.
    Happy 30th Birthday TheMeInTeam :bday: :banana: :dance: :cheers: :band:!!! Thanks for all your years in CFC! Special thanks for making Civ IV Let's Play videos, I hope you keep up the good work. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY (again) TMIT! Have Happy Days in CFC!
    Hello! I just wanted to tell you that your youtube videos rock. I've watched Let's Play Civ IV Suleiman and Justinian. Awesome stuff!! When did you make them? Are you doing more of them? Thanks anyway for making those lets plays. :) And seems like you play minecraft too!
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