Recent content by AL_DA_GREAT


    Who will win in 2012? Post-Ryan edition.

    It feels like a coin toss right now. No one really likes Obama anymore and a lot of people hate him. On the other hand no one is overjoyed by Romney either. I expect low voter turnout and the winner will win with less than 2%

    The many questions-not-worth-their-own-thread question thread XIX

    Why don't Americans want to do jury duty? I would find it interesting to be on a jury.

    The Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies I found this very interesting text that explain tactics for infiltration of internet forums. This is a great read for anyone who wants to learn how to identify the infiltrators. How common is government infiltration of forums? Have...

    The many questions-not-worth-their-own-thread question thread XIX

    That we replaced them with electric over a time period. I am not looking for an exact number just a general feel for it. Is it 1%, 10%, 100% or a 1000% increase in electricity demand?

    The many questions-not-worth-their-own-thread question thread XIX

    If all the world's gasoline powered cars where converted into electric cars how much would the world's electric demand increase?

    Iran Majlis to codify plan to close Hormuz Strait

    If Iran was in Mexico, imposing sanctions left and right, sending computer viruses to American powerstations and assasinating Americans everyone would agree Iran should be bombed. When the opposite is true everyone thinks Iran should be bombed because they react to the things that are done to...

    Germany discriminating against Jews or protecting children ?

    I have suspected this. I have tried several times to see what it is like to be circumcised and I walked around with my foreskin pulled back. It was really painful and uncomfortable.

    Germany discriminating against Jews or protecting children ?

    That is clearly cultural. In Sweden uncircumcised is the fashion and is widely preferred by Swedish women. Circumcised would just be considered weird. Also wouldn't it hurt like hell to have direct contact mouth to head of penis? The foreskin protects.

    Germany discriminating against Jews or protecting children ?

    Many people are making a huge mistake. It is your religion, not the babies religion. The baby has not made a choice about religion yet. If you circumcise a baby you are imposing your religious views on someone else. A baby can't be born muslim, Buddhist or pastafarian. It is something they become.

    Germany discriminating against Jews or protecting children ?

    If you are an adult yes. Babies can't choose so they can't choose to have it.

    Germany discriminating against Jews or protecting children ?

    99% of those affected will be muslims. If it can't be justified medically than it should be illegal to preform on minors. It is in a sense plastic surgery since it is an unnecessary procedure done for cultural reasons. It isn't different from making a 14 year old's breasts larger.

    Going raw food

    So my friend has started eating a raw food diet and has spent the last month trying to convince me and my girlfriend to become raw food vegitarians. This is totally out of character for the meat loving me however I am interested in trying it. Since I left home a few months ago my diet has been...

    Jesse Jackson Now Protesting Ugly Shoes

    Typical Americans to think that they are the center of the universe. If someone in Europe makes shackels it must be a statement on American slavery. Guess what, most people in Europe don't know any American history and to be honest lack interest. American slavery is a very, very small part of...

    The many questions-not-worth-their-own-thread question thread XVIII

    I have noticed many times that after super long distance events I get thirsty for days. Last weekend i bicycled 300 km. I drank tonnes of water while cycling and had clear urine the entire time. When I finished I kept drinking like a Cammel. Yesterday (monday) I continued to drink rediculous...

    Why no Bashir 2012?

    Because kony was made for people who walk on all four, bleet and eat grass. Lets go kill all Kony's soldiers!! If we bomb them and fight them enough they will be so happy. The kony stuff was just propaganda, not a serious attempt to make the world better.
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