Recent content by AmiralA

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    How do you extract the sounds from the fpk files?

    Thanks, bwilborn! I would never have dared touch regedit, but now I see the error of my ways.
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    How do you extract the sounds from the fpk files?

    OK, so here's what I did: I tried to find a Nexus ini file somewhere (anywhere), to hopefully edit the right path in it (I had entered a non-existent path called "assets\assets"). That went nowhere. So I turned the problem around: I created a NEW path on my hdd, corresponding to the wrong one...
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    How do you extract the sounds from the fpk files?

    Sorry if this has already been answered/explained, but I've looked everywhere in the forum for this answer... I'm not looking to mod anything, I just want to hear (and save) the sound files (especially the little music files that play for each city state). I believe these files are in the...
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    If you look at the folder tree (in the "assets" folder), you'll notice the music is actually continent-specific, and alternates between neutral, war and peace music. So yes, I believe France and Britain will share their music...
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    [Col] Colonization Soundtrack

    *ahem*.... sure, I knew that. :-) Well, for the original Colonization, try this link (it's in French): There's an archive file containing 20 mp3s taken from the original midi files. Hope this helps!
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    About the Soundtrack

    Look in the "assets/sounds/" folder (in your CivIV:Colonization main folder). In there you should find all the music files, in mp3 format. As for games using CD audio tracks, I don't think anyone does that anymore: with mp3 and ogg files, there is no need to.
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    [Col] Colonization Soundtrack

    Those who are searching for CivIV: Colonization's music files should simply look in the /assets/sound/soundtrack folder (the "diplomacy" folder has the... diplomacy music). They are in mp3 format (like they were in CivIV).
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