Recent content by Bearmanjew

  1. Bearmanjew

    Barbarians are People too...

    Didn't read the posts leading to this so sorry if someone covered this already, but while if Civ insists on keeping barbarians then I would like these changes, but what I really want is for the elimination of barbarians altogether. The Romans called tribes "barbaric" but that didn't mean they...
  2. Bearmanjew

    [GS] Better Germany Idea

    Besides the horrific implications of including chemical warfare, what about mustard gas was unique to the German Empire? The Entente used every bit as much chemical weapons as Germany did. And why do you think they need three unique units anyway? They're already a pretty strong, I...
  3. Bearmanjew

    More Alternate Leaders?

    No. Not that the Anaconda Plan wasn't crucial, I'll admit that it was the single most consequential strategy in the war, but that's not what I'm talking about. Grant and Grant alone is to whom you can attribute the coordination of several armies over hundreds of miles for the first time, using...
  4. Bearmanjew

    More Alternate Leaders?

    I thought only Mohammed himself was barred? If it was any Caliph, then Al-Mansur from V would also be out, so, I would assume any caliph other than the man himself are valid options. TIL. That sucks. I thought that was such a good option. Grant's record was, I would say, no worse than...
  5. Bearmanjew

    More Alternate Leaders?

    Not reading through 17 pages of posts because I'm lazy, so forgive me if any of these are repeats or have already been discussed. I do wholeheartedly agree that more alternate leaders all around would be interesting...I miss the days of Civ IV when most of all the civs had duplicate leaders...
  6. Bearmanjew

    New ideas for Privateers post-Gathering Storm

    You should redo the vote with multiple options. Privateers that have hidden nationality and can raid at peace, but that generate grievances and CB I'd their nationality gets found out, is what I think would be cool. As it is, I have to say "some other way", but that doesn't feel that accurate...
  7. Bearmanjew

    Discussion: Strategic resource unit requirements are utterly inconsistent, ridiculous and unbalanced

    Because navies, irl, need fuel. If you want add a synthetic fuel building, I'm all down, and then you have just a little bit to play with depending on what you think is most important for your situation, ships, tanks, planes, whatever. (Seriously, that'd be a good building to add, synthetic...
  8. Bearmanjew

    Discussion: Strategic resource unit requirements are utterly inconsistent, ridiculous and unbalanced

    Lolwat?'re serious? No. Not unless you want it to sit motionless in the harbor all day, this is silly. If you don't try to secure resources, there should be a penalty to not having them. That's the point of a strategic decision. There have to be consequences to your choices or else...
  9. Bearmanjew

    I Think I Solved Italy

    The most fair way would be kind of like the Civ5 pathfinders - when you found a city state, you can pick what type it is, and the name is selected from a sublist at random. You can't pick multiple of the same type in a row though, it forces you to branch out at least a few times before...
  10. Bearmanjew

    What are your "unpopular" opinions about Civ6?

    I'm not 100% sold, since if you have the tech pre-requisites, then it doesn't make sense for a tech to be arbitrarily harder than all the stuff leading into it just because it's in an abstractly defined "new era". I know this is a balance thing, but I always strive for things that achieve both...
  11. Bearmanjew

    Battering ram and walls: some rebalancing needed??

    I like this except for the siege engine in between catapults and siege towers. I personally like the reduction in number of unit types, and it fits with the "new unit in every other era" pattern (catapults are classical, bombards are renaissance, one era skipped). I would rather just give...
  12. Bearmanjew

    What are your "unpopular" opinions about Civ6?

    This is unpopular? Is this not just common sense? And the same thing applies to naturalists as well. I play with mods on my own sometimes, but it can be a lot of hassle to find ones that aren't done by people who just want to make their home country OP and when my friends do multiplayer with...
  13. Bearmanjew

    What are your "unpopular" opinions about Civ6?

    Score may be the least exciting win condition, but because it's the most democratic win condition it is also the best. No nation receives direct bonuses to score, and it is far more representative of the how the world acts - there is no "winning" in real life just because you launched a...
  14. Bearmanjew

    [GS] List of things, big and small, I want to see done to Civ VI before it's finished

    I think Reformation is a good idea which also comes with the possibility of better fixing the one thing about religion I really dislike - as I mentioned, I hate the binary barrier to entry. Not every civ can get a religion, which is fine except that largely eliminates the ability of the...
  15. Bearmanjew

    [GS] List of things, big and small, I want to see done to Civ VI before it's finished

    Oh, and special promotions like Spear of Fionn and Alpine Training, as well as the experience gain boosts from retired leaders and military districts, should be handled better. The special promotions should not go away on upgrading the unit, and it should be easily possible to tell who has an...
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